
I am planning this hike along the river, and another hike to 2 small lakes in the near, but I have to wait for better weather.

YEss hats a plan for nice weather i have done hikes in the rain, its a cool experience if its warm but not so much when its cool, so makes perfect sense to me to wait for better weather

I don't like do hike or walk in the rain. When it's warm, I don't mind, when it starts raining while I'm hiking, like you say, but I would not go, when it's raining already, unless I had to ;)

WellOf course in my army days on exercises i had no choice, but when I have a choice I would prefer clear days unless its real hot when I nice shower can be very refreshing

I fully agree with the refreshing shower when it's hot, and you are right, in the army I didn't have a choice either, but I was only for 8 months in the army - for this time we have to perform our statutory military service.

I did a little more than you 12 years almost in the army

12 years is a long time. When I joined the army, I thought I would like it and stay in the army, but I didn't like it - I am no military person.

I enjoyed the time with them did 3 years in Singapore and 8 Weeks in Hong KOng so that got my travel bug started ,I left it for a more settled life, and then joined the UN for one year to see some more of the world and been here for almost 3 years LOL

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