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RE: Part #3: Šunik Water Grove / Šunik-Wasserhain

in #photography5 years ago

Yes, there is much moss everywhere, and I do love this too, thank you JJ :)

Actually, the moss on the rocks was very important for me, because the wet rocks were very slick and slippery, and the moss acted like a carpet on which I could easily walk ;)


I had not thought of the benefit of most for traction but it makes sense

I had not thought of the benefit of most for traction but it makes sense

Yes, it really did help me going forward through the creek 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

I bet, creeks and rocks can be so slippery and dangerous

Yes, some are slippery like ice in Winter.
If I did fall and brake my leg, then I would have a problem, because at home I have not told exactly where I was going 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Thats always my concern is I as t have an accident in the city on my Morniing walks I don’t always say where I am going and wouldn’t have to explain but so far ( fingers crossed) haven’t had an issue like that of recent, but I did walk through an area this morning heading thatI was thinking f I am ever going to be mugge dit will be here so glad i got through it and on my way again al fine and dandy LOL

As long as you still are able to phone someone it should be ok, otherwise ... I don't even want to think about it.

Often you only get smarter after something has happened.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah thats true, when I dislocated my shoulder slipping down a bank in Milford that was a spot she who must be obeyed didnt think was safe in winter ( OK OK she was right), rather than calling from the bottom of the bank I struggled and managed to get back to the car, drove to a spot she thought i was going to, took some quick photos, then drove home, saying i was only at the second place and slipped on a bit of ice not he sidewalk LOL

... and you took some photos too? You are a tough guy JJ.

I mean, I have known this, because you have told me about the broken ankle, if I remember right, but driving to the other spot and taking some photos too, that's another level :)
Maybe I would have got back to the car too, but I think, I would have driven home and told the truth. She would have been happy that she was right again, but she would have been the best nurse you can wish too :)

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