Cameroon Photo Blog #54 - Sun on Ngaou Hora: Burning on the Mountain of FiresteemCreated with Sketch.

Hi Steemit,

Sun is burning hot on the Mountain of Fire. - At least, if you climb it during dry season.
If you climb Ngaou Hora during the rainy season it will probably be very rainy, as you can see on the pictures of my second trip in 2014.
As promised I now post the pictures of my first climb of this enchanted mountain, during my first visit in Cameroon in 2013.

Alim, Fadi and me started our trip in Ngaoundéré on a Moto, one of the local motorcycle taxis. I wrote about them in this post.

The mountain is about 15 miles outside the City of Ngaoundéré. We got off the moto at a little village and walked the last miles through the bushes, always in sight of the mountain.

The greens you can see on the following picture is celery. The field was somehow hidden at small creek and was properly gardened.

When Alim, Fadi and me arrived at the foot of the mountain, the sun was already up and we were already quite exhausted.

So we had a lunch pause and watched the cows cracking through the woods.

Then we started off for the steep hills of the mountain. Always burning under the hot sun, for there were no shady trees, only little bushes and termite hills.

I found a rock formation that looked like being washed out by the rain for centuries. Pretty dank!

It was so hot that I was sweating pretty much, but it was worth the effort.
The view down on the lands, that lay to our feet, was incredible!

We earned a long pause and a Siesta on top of that awesome mountain, so we had a great picknick and some rest afterwards. Everyone of us slept for a while, to refresh the system.

Before we left we spent a good deal walking around to explore the mystique place we've been in. I found some artifacts of some old pottery and we found those mystique stone circles or stone walls, perhaps from an ancient time, but who knows, I'm not an archeologist.

The trees were curious, anyway, as in always in the tropics. Some had leaves some had not, but you could see the new branches grow. As later came to my knowledge, there are trees that bloom during dry season without leaves and grow leaves only during the rainy season.

After a couple of hours we made it back downhill

and marched the whole way back to the city through the bushes.

The following were some of the most impressive pictures I shot during my stay in Cameroon!

I hope you enjoyed the trip!

Look out for some of my other Cameroon Photo Blog posts:

04 - He bought a bag full of crabs

06 - Rainbow at lac Tizon

08 - Mount Cameroon - Celebrating my Birthday in 3000 m altitude

18 - From Ngaoundéré to Boumnyebel: Traveling by bus

21 - Wine and Friendship: Don't miss your home and homies, bring home to you!

36 - Couscous, Tuwo or Boule, one of the most common dishes in West/Central Africa

Stay Steemed!

Love, Unity & Abundance


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