Cameroon Photo Blog #34 - Moto: Traveling by Local Motorbikes in Ngaoundéré

Yes Steemit,

it's time for another vehicle to be introduced in my blog series.
This time I'm talking about "le moto", a motorcycle, the most common way of travel aside from traveling by feet, taxi or bus. It's of course only used for shorter inner town destinations. There are people who can afford their own motorcycle, but it's more common to hire a local moto taxi driver.
No matter what things or persons you have to transport, it will fit on a moto. Helmets are only worn by foreigners, especially from the american peace corps. The locals don't know such security items.

You can transport for example buckets, as in the front picture.
Or you can transport rice, flour, corn or what ever can be transported in bags.

You can transport chipboards on it.

You can go on excursion into the beautiful wilderness with a canister on your back.

You can make great selfies on a moto!

Or you can carry the whole family with you.

That is an understatement! I saw 6 people on a moto: the driver with the baby in front, the mother with her oldest daughter in front, the daughter and mother holding a younger sibling in front of them as well. Crazy, I tell you!

It's a really awkward impression for us western 'securitized' Civilians. But you get used to it.
Here is another print, shot in the outskirts of Ngaoundéré.

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I have been to Zanzibar and I seen this "trend" too at that place ...I mean a lot of people in one car, or moto, or even bike...
PS: Cool photos, well done !

Wow, I can't believe it! That's awesome! Thank you for the 160 upvotes!

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