๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ€Spreading Luck Throughout the Steemit-verse! Supernatural Green Praying Manitis For @papa-pepper! ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ€

in #photography โ€ข 7 years ago

I grew up with the story that finding a mantis meant good luck. In fact, ancient civilizations believed the mantis had supernatural powers.

Let's see if he can bring me some luck today and by sharing him, spread some around to you all as well! ;)


I was strolling along, basking in the beautiful Bali sunshine, when this guy popped out at me! luckily I had my camera in hand!

Now, I am no professional photographer let me tell you! I ride the struggle bus when it comes to trying to take the right shot, with the perfect angle, zoomed in and focused correctly... I don't quite yet have what they call "the eye!"

However, I am learning every day and loving getting to know my Canon EOS 600D. It's taken a beating over the years of travel it's been on. It's seen dozens of countries but yet, mostly remained unused until Steemit sparked a new love inside of me!


See how his hands are bent as he sits upright? This is where the popularized name "praying mantis" comes from!

I heard that @papa-pepper initiated a contest asking for a plant and animal combo and so, I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to put my new training to the test!

Let me show you what I caught!

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While mantises are found all over the world and you might have seen one like this or similar before, this one was found in a flower bush in Bali, Indonesia.

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The "Praying Mantis" is from the largest family (Mantidae) of an order of insects called Mantodea. Mantodea contains over 2,400 species in about 430 genera in 15 families.

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The mantis has large forelegs which are used to capture their prey. See the grippers on it? I was truly scared to touch him at first...


However, the mantis is harmless to us humans and is a commonly held pet due to its believed luck/supernatural powers! As for the rest of the natural world, it is a sit and wait predator (meaning he waits for prey to come to him) and grips them in those preying hands of his!


Did you know that the mantis is more closely related to termites and cockroaches than the grasshopper as many would think?


(Don't think I had forgotten the proof!)
He did also end up crawling on me! It's a shame I didn't get any of those antics!


However, we did have this intimate moment while I struggled to put him back on his home and out of my dress...


May this little guy bring luck to you today as well! I hope to spread his mighty green powers all over Steemit!

Source: Wiki

Sending you love,

With much appreciation for @papa-pepper for inspiring me to get so up close and personal with the critters around!

PS, I'm aboard the steem-blazing ecotrain! Where quality content comes together with making the world a better place! Check out the tag for more! ๐Ÿ’š

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hey bug lover! great pics! i especially like it when we try to kiss things SO small that we will most likely squish them whilst trying to express our love for them!

So much intelligence, in just one little tiny bug,. it is ALIVE!! ;-)

I have a problem wanting to love everything! I felt like a giant to my little prince here, luckily he was A-OK with me trying to get in his face <3 I asked permission first ;)
I'm happy he could join onto ecotrain too! <3

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

bring it oN!
Hey, we could do a nice new combined ecoTrain and follower challenge.. instead of a Color Challenge we can do an ecoBug Challenge!
Everyone take a picture of the coolest bug they can find that day and posts it on a ecobug tag.. Then we can also make that a small contest and the best bug that one of our followers posts gets the prize (SBD)

What do you think!? I live in a jungle out here.. we got crazy bugs everywhere ;-)

Yes! I love it! I am so down to start that up this week =D Bring on the critters <3

Wow these shots are absolutely amazing!!! Brilliant photography of such a beautiful creature. Thanks for sharing the luck with us ;)

It was not me, trust me. This little guy did all the work himself, being as beautiful as he is =D
However, you are most welcome, I really hope he brings some luck to you! It must be the same thing seeing it in real life or coming across it here since there are so many posts, the chances of you seeing it are probably similar =D

Best of luck to you my friend, do let me know if anything extra exciting happens for you =D

very nice macro photography.....

Thank you :) I am hoping to get an even zoomier lens soon so I can capture more of these moments :) Have a great weekend!

very nice photos..

Thanks @rebelstar! It's really fun getting to interact with nature like this =D Enjoy your day! I wish you sunshine =D

The same type of mantis and the same type of plant, with these little blue flowers. Are you sure you not living next door. Love your post. Thanks.

We must be in the same climate for sure! I'd love to visit Cayman one day soon- I got asked to work there a few years back and am sad I never ended up going! Right now Bali has my heart. Tell me- what's your favorite part about the Islands? =D

Beautiful! We found one yesterday and it seemed to help bring loads of luck to the Ecotrain....you arrived in Slack, for a start :)

Wow! They are supposed to be pretty rare finds, if we both found them, then surely ecotrain must be loaded up with luck- this is so wonderful! =D Thank you so much, that's so sweet, I am happy to be on board! I can't wait to see what's in store <3

I love these guys! I used to read out on my parent's lawn and see how long the praying mantises would cling to my head or shirt. They look so fearsome but are so friendly. Nice photography - it's not easy getting those close-ups!

HI @therovingreader! Haha you're so right! They look a bit menacing which is weird because they look like they are praying which shouldn't be threatening to us! Have you ever seen these all green ones before? I hadn't until the other day! It kept blending into the background so it was challenging to get him! I appreciate your compliment so much since I am only learning my camera now after years of hauling it around haha =D

Great shots! Don't know if all Mantis would be so calm and not try to get their needle claws in you. I just stay away and maintain the order ๐Ÿ˜‚ You're so brave!

Haha generally my only fear in the insect world is the spider. Mantises are just a little bit scary-looking because of their 'claws' but they're so friendly and I think they love the human interaction, I mean this little guy had no problem getting close to me. In fact, he wanted to get closer than I wanted him to haha! I think you should give it a try =D Give one a kiss for me! XO

They seem to have personality. I can see why you would want to kiss it.
Very nice!

Haha it seemed like it was the right thing to do, he decided to get closer than I expected ;)
I think they do have personality though and this guy was a charmer! Have you ever seen a green one like this before?

Not that green or that big!

Haha that's how I felt too! I almost missed him hiding in the green all around him! Hope you're having a great weekend =D

Beautiful shots! Love the one where you are kissing. that would be me..lol Upvoted and resteemed.

With a name like that, I believe you :P I love getting close to nature, (except spiders because I can't get over my fear haha) I'm sure he sends a kiss back, and definitely some luck your way! Have you ever kissed a praying mantis before? :P

Nope never kissed but played with a lot..Lol. My nemisis is spiders and snakes. Lol

Haha I don't mind snakes as much as spiders... I think because I am too used to them living in the jungle. Spiders, I can't get friendly with :P I should show you the one I found in my garden... it scared me so bad I had to write a whole post about it ahaha

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