SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry 2 – Big World for a Little Snail - SPC 42

So many roses and daisies to eat. Where should a tiny snail even start? I often ask myself a similar question. What flowers shall I eat today? There are so many good ones blooming this time of year! I eat a lot of these white roses and the little English Daisy flowers.

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Camera: Sony DSC-RX-10
Lens: 9-73mm f/2.8 @ 9mm
Shutter Speed: 1/400 sec
Aperture: f/4
ISO: 125

Here's more about eating English Daisies, the little white flowers growing low to the ground in this photo. I'll post soon about eating these white roses. They are good ones!

Click on these images to see some of my other photos.

Existential Seagull // Waiting for the Sausalito Ferry // Ephemeral Arkansas Creek // Pennyroyal Wetlands // March of the Sweetgums - Landscape Change // Snake in the Grass

** Haphazard Homestead **

*** foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land ***

All content is 100% Haphazard Homestead - photos and all!



... and left behind a trail of flowerless landscape.

They can appreciate flowers, dont they? Probably too much??

I was more worried about @haphazard-hstead eating them all 8-).

hahaha -- that's more likely, no doubt!
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Looking for your following posts with flowers. Another thing I've never done (yet)!

Every variety of rose is different, but the more fragrant they are, I think the better they are. All unsprayed, of course. There are a lot of roses out there to try! :D

I bet eating at your place would never be boring!! :))

oh..i thought it's the snails lolsss

Haha -- I think that snail got to eat something. They are plenty active around here!

Awesome pic, @haphazard-hstead. Do you like snails or you think they are ugly? LOL

I like the way snails look. I don't like it when they eat too much of my garden plants!

He that despises the little is not worthy of the great. Beautiful pic!

Glad you enjoyed that little snail. There are a lot of plants in my yard that the snails like to eat. They do pretty well here, lol.

Those sneaky munchers always find something edible!

Really cute snail! Yes, it would probably be hard for the tiny snail to decide where to start among those beautiful flowers!
I look forward to seeing some more photos of the little white flowers growing low to the ground in this photo with much interest! ;)

Even I have a hard time knowing where to start picking those white roses, there are so many! Here's my post on those little white flowers: Bella Perennis. I also include small photos of them in several of my posts where I make a wild salad or the flourless crepe for the Culinary Challenge. They are a cute little daisy!

Yes, I absolutely agree with you, they are really cute little daisy! ;)

As a snail, he is quite photogenic. Some folks would probably make him a part of the meal as well lol

This little one was too cute - and too small - to eat. Some of the others get pretty large, though. They are the kind that people eat, and invasive here. So maybe I should consider them fair game! Hmmm....

How dare that snail pinch your lunch lol

They can be a problem here, that's for sure. This little one was too cute to get aggravated at it. So it's still out there, munching away!

Bless it its only a baby lol

Wow! That is a huge rose bush, and one cute, small snail 🐌. Great shot!

Thanks!That little snail was cooperative, more than most that usually draw into their shell. That rose is a "White Dawn". It's a spectacular, care-free climbing rose. The petals are good to eat, too!

They certain look like they would be beautiful on a patisserie. Thanks again!

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