Wow... Just... Wow... I took well over 1500 photos today!

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Well, hello everyone!

I just came back from Jyväskylä, where I went to see the Finnish Air-Force 100 Year celebration Air-Show with Leo. The show was pretty nice, and we couldn't even stay for the whole day as I had make my return back home. But did I take photos? Yes I did.

This is going to be a whole lot of images to go through. I'm hoping I can get one of them published before midnight, but it looks like the pre-processing software is taking its time with these. I need to run it in two batches, and the first one is 861 photos. (The camera shot count rolled over from 9999 back to 0000 again.)

(Btw. the pre-process software cr2hdr converts the interlaced Dual-ISO RAW files (.CR2) into High Dynamic Range (HDR) digital negative files (.DNG) that are easier for the editor to understand.)

That's a major load of photos. Over 38 Gigabytes of pictures!

There will be fighter-jets, world war I bi-planes, helicopters, and even some aerial shots from a helicopter ride Leo and I took to finish the trip...

I wonder if I ever get through all of them. :-/

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1500 photos ?? come on let us see them

Patience... my computer is still churning through the RAW files... :)

Okay here is another extreme fact:

In my whole life I have probably not taken a total of 1500 pictures.

Steemit is such a confluence of people ...................different people in best of ways. Love to be here :-)

Imagine if they were on film. No way you would get all of those developed! What are you hoping to do with all of those?

Hehe, good thing we don't use film these days. (Although doing a film shoot just for my steem audience wouldn't be a bad idea. I'll try to remember to do it one day.)

What are you hoping to do with all of those?

I'll keep them of course. :)

Wow! You are moving with lots of energy these days! 1500 photos in less than six hours!! Your camera needs a rest! Then is your computer that needs s holiday! Lastly your eyes will need you to get more sleep!!

What a fun day! Seeing all those airplanes! DIY they allow kids to climb up some planes and sit in the cockpits?


Yeah, I'll try to get some sleep soon...

Do they allow kids to climb up some planes and sit in the cockpits?

I'm not sure. The show area was huge, and while we did try walking through it all, I don't think we ever saw such a plane. There was a gigantic flight simulator though, but we didn't go there because the que was just too long. Leo and I managed to get on-board a helicopter flight though, and that was I think one of the top moments for Leo.

Oh! Yeah! I forgot to ask you if you had to pay for the helicopter ride!
The noises of those blades must have made it felt like being in a film!!

forgot to ask you if you had to pay for the helicopter ride

Yep, just don't ask how much. ;)

And yes, the noise was a little beyond bearable.

Sure these photos are very good, I'm impressed with the amount of shots you made, we'll wait to see them

There are too many photos, you must have a lot of storage to store so many photos

4 Terabytes, I'll need to upgrade soon I think.

for sure, yes, since you daily capture a lot of pictures

Well to be completely honest I don't usually capture that many photos.

But among those few there is a lot of quality! great photographer

It is amazing how many photos you captured, surely you will soon be able to show us these beauties, how do you choose the photograph if there are many?


Well, the first thing I'm going to see if there are over or under exposed ones and I'll scrap those, then from the remaining stack I'll probably choose ones that I think are the sharpest and most interesting. Then I'll just edit those and publish the ones that come out looking the best. That might be the right strategy here, since there are so many of them.

I was already wondering ... with so many photos, but it's really the best strategy to choose

amazing took shots over 1500 fantabulous sir ❤️❤️

Hi gamer. You have been really busy. I tend to stay away from airshows after the last one I was at had a major accident in Shoreham, England. I hope Leo enjoyed it.

Oh my god, You were there? Oh shit that must have been terrible!

I'm really glad nothing of that sort happened today.

Yes Leo had a great time!

that's a huge number, are your hands are fine?

Yea the camera is not that heavy. :)

when we will be able to see them?

Hmm... There's 500 to go on the first batch. I just moved the first ones to a separate directory so I can work there and publish one ahead of time. :)

I'll try to find a good one to process for the today's OPED shot.

ahaan can't wait to see then sir

Well, I posted the first one. :)

sorry :p I was sleeping, just got up :p going to see it ;)

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