Maldives Trip Day 5 - The Kudimah Wreck

in #photography7 years ago


On the morning of the fifth day we did a wreck dive. I love wreck dives. Its like visiting a ghost town. I dunno. I've always wanted to explore inside a wreck but the opportunity has never come up, most wrecks I've encountered were mostly broken apart, no insides to speak of.


This one was pretty intact and sat at a dept of 20 - 36 meters. The propeller was at its deepest point and deeper than I could go. Not physically but my dive computer is an older model and only goes to 30 meters. Going beyond that would just screw up the computer's calculations and leave me in an awkward decompression situation.


So no propellor for me! Instead I investigated the top of the ship (a cargo vessel) where the main point of interest was the wheelhouse. I've always wanted to go in one.


So that is what I set out to do. I swam around and up to the wheelhouse checking out the ship and all the wildlife that has made the wreck their home. The place is awesome but I can't help but feel the sheer number of divers on the site kind of takes away the mystery a bit.


No here is the kicker. I go into the wheelhouse and line myself up in the center of the room and switch on my camera and get a nice panning shot. Then I switched it off. Only I didn't switch it off. The camera was one as I swam into the wheelhouse, then I switched it off and did the panning shot thinking it was on.. anyway.. long story short, I have a lot of footage of my leg and fin and no footage of the wheelhouse from inside. It took a while to realise this mistake and by that time i didn't know if I had gotten the wheelhouse shot or not and I didn't have the air to go back..

160. IMG_1457.JPG

On the bright side, one of the other divers in my group took this photo of me (with my dad in the background) and sent it to me the other day.

Check out the video of the wreck:

Check out the previous posts in this series:
1.Maldives Trip - Day 1: The Epic Journey Begins!
2.Maldives Trip - Day 1: The Boat
3.Maldives Trip Day 2 - Looking for Manta Rays
4.Maldives Trip - Day 2 - Shark Encounter
5.Maldives Trip Day 3 - Reef Exploration
6.Maldives Trip Day 3 - Things don't go to plan
7.Maldives Trip Day 4 - Sea Turtle Sighting!
8.Maldives Trip Day 4 - The Jellyfish Monster

!steemitworldmap 3.593710 lat 72.876513 long Maldives Trip Day 5 - The Kudimah Wreck D3SCR

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Man, hate it when tech doesn't go to plan! Thanks so much for sharing... As I don't dive this is a good way to experience it from the safety of my chair lol!

Thanks! I'm glad you are enjoying the series :D

Argh!!! I'm glad you got a photo at least. Technology fails suck.

Yeah it can be really frustrating when that happens!

Fantastic!! I wish i was there.

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Check The Daily spotlights of 13 October 2017! You missed one? ----> #dailyspotlights

Love the dive pics. Followed and will check out your other posts too.
Maldives are on my travel bucket list.

Thanks! the Maldives is definitely worth doing. It was on my bucket list for 20 years!

What a pain with the camera, but great your friend send that shot, WOW that dive must have been so cool

Yeah it was a total pain, but i still got some good useable footage. It was a pretty cool dive, wrecks are always my favourite :)

I can imagine why they would be the favorite, must be such an adventure

absolutely, it really sparks the imagination I think :)

OHh yes I would be off in my mind imagining its some sort of treasure hunt

Nice shot of you and your Dad! If you hadn't had that beer at the bbq you might have been able to:

  1. Do the dive math calculations in your head.

  2. Remember where the on-off switch is on your camera.

I think all this really can be traced back to the beer. Too funny. Great post once again!

Doing the math in my head on a multi-level dive? no way! You can't do that in your head, you'd need something to write on and quite possibly a slide rule! lol
It wasn't so much forgetting to switch the camera on but forgetting it was already on! :) Its possible this can be traced back to the beer but I will not admit that ;)

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