Would You Mind Answering a Couple of Questions?

in #photography7 years ago



"Come on in, let's have a little chat, just between the two of us."



You have been uncovering me for quite a while now, and I think it's high time that I discover some things about YOU. So if you'd be so kind to answer some of these burning question.

  1. What is the last book you finished reading?

  2. Who is your celebrity crush?

  3. What did you do last night at 10pm?

  4. When did you last hug someone and who was it?

  5. What is your biggest pet peeve?

  6. When were you last disappointed in yourself, and why?

  7. Do you pee in the shower?

  8. What will you remember from this day?


"Remember, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, it's your choice."



"Are you sure there isn't any way for me to get you to tell me more?"


"Is there anything else you'd like to tell me? Are you sure?"


"Very well, you may go now, but don't leave town."

If you behave nicely and answer all my questions truthfully, I will in turn answer these too, along with some "after hours" photos of this set.

Photography, modeling, set design, styling, hair and makeup by yours truly @eveuncovered.


some of these burning question.

The last book was The Phantom Tollbooth

Jennifer Love Hewitt

I was in bed last night at 10 p.m.

I last hug someone about 20 minutes ago and it was both of my kids

My biggest pet peeve is people who jump in to things without knowing

The last time I was disappointed with myself was about a week ago when I did something that should have baby happy but it didn't

Hell yes I pee in the shower

It was a glorious day and I survived it

Upvoted comment because you are very efficient!

I'm late, after taking some time away, but I will give it a go.

  1. Wow, it's been a while. No, that's not the name of the book. Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee.
  2. Julia Roberts. Ever since Pretty Woman, I haven't been able to move on past some of her outfits in the movie.
  3. At 10 p.m. I was dead asleep, as i am a morning person and needed my rest.
  4. My last hug was yesterday and it was my niece as I had visited family for my Grandpa's 99th birthday.
  5. People driving under the speed limit in the fast lane.
  6. At a hot wing eating contest recently, could not down the 25 wings placed in front of me.
  7. Absolutely, YES.
  8. It's my birthday
  9. Nudity, tassles on nipples and edible underwear. Wait, there wasn't a #9, was there?

Happy birthday! :)

Hmm, I wonder what the question was.. Turn offs perhaps?

Close. It was actually "Name 3 things that can get sticky", but at least your mind is in the right place :)

Naturally, this is one of my favorite posts you’ve ever done @eveuncovered! I have. Soft spot for film noir and pulp genres, be it ficton, film or photography. I’ll get to the questions when I have a little more availability. In the meantime, 100% upvote and resteem! Thank you for cultivating such a high standard here on Steemit!

Thank you Lars!❤️ You know I am a huge fan of yours so your praise is always extra special☺️☺️


Great monochromes. Love her outfit.

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What is the last book you finished reading?
Nikola Tesla: Imagination and the Man That Invented the 20th Century

Who is your celebrity crush?
Well as a little kid it was always Jennifer Aniston... and I suppose she's still pretty hot... but I also love Scarlett Johansson. It's impossible to pick just one, beautiful women are my weakness.

What did you do last night at 10 pm?
Ripped a dab in anticipation of the new South Park episode at 10:30.

When did you last hug someone and who was it?
My mom before she went in for surgery on Friday.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
The sound when people aggressively scrape their fork on a plate when picking up food lol. Maybe not my biggest but it's what came to mind haha

When were you last disappointed in yourself, and why?
The second I woke up today. I recently fucked up and hurt the feelings of someone close to me. Waking up without being able to speak to them is a constant reminder of how much of a disappointment I am lately.

Do you pee in the shower?
Does a bear shit in the woods?

What will you remember from this day?
I guess I won't know until I remember it

  1. The last book I finished reading. Too long ago, but probably a fiction novel, a whodunit.
  2. I don't have crushes anymore. However, I do like things about Jennifer Aniston.
  3. Last night at 10pm I was on my computer.
  4. Hugged my wife last night.
  5. My biggest pet peeve would probably be someone driving in the fast lane slow. However the main thing would be selfish people.
  6. I don't remember being disappointed in myself. But if pushed for an answer, I would say,,,,,,Being too cynical. I work on that everyday.
  7. I pee in the shower.
  8. I don't remember what happened last week, so I doubt I remember much about today. Of course, as I am writing this, I have 5 hours left in the day. So who knows?

So, did anything worth remembering happen in the last five hours of the day?

Funny, I don't remember. My money would be on No.

That is some skill, photography, and subject, composition and voice. So for me, you have me right where you want me - I ain't goin a lie. The last book I finished reading was Paula by Isabelle Allende. I'm reading Aphrodite right now. My celebrity crush is Alex Woytkiw. Last night at 10 pm I was probably watching old episodes of jimmy kimmel. I last hugged my dog ruby. Ooh biggest pet peeve? Probably being looked at as a piece of meat. I was disappointed at myself most recently when recalling my grandfather's passing on a day ( Black Friday) I had to work, I was at risk of losing my job, and I have always regretted this, this morning especially. You know, I don't make a habit of pissing in the shower, but, yes, it's happened. This is a good one. I will remember from this day, I went to get two ham and Swiss sandwiches and the lady at the counter and I began talking about mushroom season and she gifted me two big chicken of the woods mushrooms! It was a classic clatsop moment I won't prob. Ever forget. Thanks for the classy work. True story, you've set the bar very high.

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