Not All Frozen

in #photography7 years ago


More frigid pictures from my morning walk along the little creek that runs through our small town.

It was such a beautiful morning, sun shining and -15 degrees Celsius. I love how peaceful it was on Saturday morning, when usually this is a pretty popular destination for dog walkers and jogging.

Taken with Nikon D7200 and Nikkor 55-200mm 4-5.6G.





Sidenote: The response I got to yesterday's post was nothing sort of heartwarming, supportive and genuine. I'm amazed that somehow all the spammy comments where missing this time too, could we keep it that way?

Thank you.

Ps. I just arrived to Helsinki and tomorrow we leave for Thailand! Someone is pretty excited over here..


I also went for a walk today with my dog, it was -12 Celcius! my face was freezing, and I took similar pictures of our river!
Thank you for sharing your experience and keep up the great pictures!

Have a blast in Thailand!

Lighting on the creek looks so nice

Its about to go down eve

I wish you have a nice trip! It will be a huge change from minus 15 degrees Celsius to I don't know how many, I guess +30 :D

I had to wait for the bus to go to work this morning at around -15 degrees Celsius and it was horrible :))

Hyvää matkaa, pitäkää huoli ittestänne.

very good snow square. the best part of winter.

I love #5, it's like looking through a window, or like something out of a fantasy story. It feels like something secret is on the other side, inviting the viewer to lean a little further, peer a little closer. Thanks again for sharing this with us, as always. :)

Amazing pictures! I like the first one the most.

Safe travels Eevee! Can’t wait to see your photos!
And just in case you change your mind and decide to show us some Thai cuisine.... I’ll leave this here ;)

Beautiful pictures you have and hey, couple of days ago i said its gonna be cold in Estonia. So i throw in a little calculation of current situation here. -18C + 17m/s wind = -45C actually felt cold with wind factor. I really didn't expected this strong wind today haha. Im waiting for ice roads to be opened on the sea.

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