

"Help! Help!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs but you seem not to hear. I've been there for minutes and I was sure glad when you came out of that brown door knowing I could finally get freed from all the stickiness that somehow kept me stuck on the bud I was sniffing.

For a sec I was sure you heard me because you turned your head to where I was, took off your gloves and put down the shovel and looked back at me. My heart sank when you actually got back in that door and for some seconds I thought those two eyes that has been glaring at me would finally dare crawl towards me and sink those two giant fangs he has on me. I wanted to cry but I know it would be of no use because you don't seem to hear me anyway.

I was glad when you came back out that door and headed towards me but my heart beat the fastest when you aimed that humongous one eyed thing with pupil that seem to grow like a huge hole at me.


While you seem to have been turning something on it, aiming it on my head and then on my side, I wonder whether that black hole that keeps growing would eventually spit fire on me. What is that thing? Would it suck me up?

Eventually, you must have noticed the web that was preventing my wings to fly or is it because I kept brushing my foreleg on my antenna? Anyhow, I was relieved that you finally stopped aiming that monstrous looking one eyed black thing you wore on your neck, at me. I was more relieved when you carefully brushed each web stuck on both my wings and feet to free me.


True, I didn't give you the chance to take all those web off my wings, legs and face but a certain feeling of unknown fear seeped through my whole tiny body, I had to fly away. Had it not been to all that struggling I went through to get those web off me and set myself free from the staring tiny creature with fangs bigger than its eyes, not to mention all the useless screaming for help I've done for quite a while ... I would have really immediately flown away.


Instead, I had to fly towards the nearest sunlight on that plum's leaf close to where you were standing to warm my wings and recharge my energy. I would have really stayed and kissed all the flowers your garden has but you pointed that one eyed black thing on me again, it freaked me out I had to fly away.

- 0 -

Calling all masters of inventions, would it be possible to craft a machine that translate insects' thoughts? Do they even have any? Do they even talk or have I watched too much cartoons back then?

Anyhow, wouldn't it be nice to hear what those insect think? What ya' say Steemian? Wouldn't it be nice if animals could also be understood? Lending help for one in danger would be a lot easier I think but ... I could also not imagine the fear it may bring along if such an invention ever get to materialized.

BTW... something's wrong with my camera, I thought it was the lens but that dot of a smudge seems to appear on almost each pic. Any idea what's causing that ? Truth is~~, the pics on my last post had that, too I was just able to fix it but this time I let it be so I could ask you. I'm thinking it must be some fiber but where could it be? How do I get it off? Tip? Thanks already. ^ ^

This content's 100% mine . I took the pics with my D Eye .. Right click on the pic to open it on a new tab.

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Thank you for posting these thoughts dear @englishtchrivy.

What lovely photographs......this is a beautiful creature....appreciate you capturing its beauty and bringing it to Steemit.

As for the smudge....I am afraid I had one as well not long ago.....and now it is not there.....yet there was nothing to do. ^__^

Insects are conscious but not self conscious.

Here's hoping you are having a lovely weekend.

Cheers mon ami.....xox

thank you mon ami
yes its cute ^ ^

it's weird.. that smudge is sometimes on the pic and sometimes its not

as for insect being self-conscious .. I'd never know .. I was just making things up :)

weekend's okay on this side
I hope yours, too!
and that its stress free

TC xox!

This is such a cute creature. I wish i could understand animals. I have 2 cats and somethimes it seems like they understand my language and every word i'm saying. When i say " we are going to visit my mom" so Yan (my male cat) at the same time running to hide under the bed because he knows that we will ride in the car for 2 hours (and he doesn't really like it). When he's dripping and I'm wrocking at him, sometimes he gets sniffed at me 😁😂😂 and it seems like we have a real conversation.
I think if we could understand animals, we would be closer to them and we would be able to overcome the problem of the disappearance of entire species.

finally, someone who really read
thank you!

you bet that!
I'm also worried we might as well hate them
imagine there's a machine that could hear human thoughts ..
can you also imagine the trouble and misunderstanding it would cause us if we hear their hate thoughts? I sort of thought about that, too
but it must be me .. I tend to think too much

that translation machine would be great though
specially if we could attach it to our pets ^ ^
your cats sound really smart :D
and they must give you much pleasure ^ ^

I like to read your posts 😁😁, especially when you are talking on behalf of the animal, that's really fun:) I still remember your story about a duck that didn't want to pose for you without getting some food 😁😂😂😂. That was very funny.

I love my cats and i'm having a pleasure to watch them. They are very funny and each has its own character. Same as people!

thank you ^ ^

the coot .. the coot photoshoot ^ ^

yes, I used to live next to a woman with 23 cats, they are very smart and though they were a lot her daughter has managed to discipline them, they all eat at the same time, on their own plates, they all just watch while she pour them their kitty meal ... it was always fun to watch ^ ^ so I can imagine how much you love yours
they're pretty warm, too and soft when they rub themselves on your legs aren't they ? ^ ^

Ohhh yeahhh they love to sleep on my knees 😀😁😂. The male cat ( 6 years old ) still think that i'm his mother 😂😂 and the female cat ( 1 year old) was very wild when we took her to our home. I was waiting few months till she will get used to us😬😬😬.

That's a cute story! It might be interesting to listen to the thoughts of insects, though cicadas would still be annoying!

It looks like you've got some dust on your camera's sensor:
In as dust free space you can find:
set the mirror "up" its usual position is hanging in front of the sensor,
take off the lens, you should be able to see the sensor and a little speck of dust on it,
use one of those bulb like hand blowers if you have one, and blow the dust off, do not touch the sensor!
If that doesn't work, take it to a camera shop and have a professional clean it.
Then go out and take more pictures! :)

thank you for posting a reply on my query

so its just dust then
I don't think I would dare touch that mirror
or anything in it ... so I'd just ask an expert if it still is there two weeks later

as for cicadas, I love their meh meh meh cries
they sound like a huge kite in the sky
they must be in a chorus complaining about having to stay only for a week above the ground after many years of being under the ground :)

Fair enough, you don't have to touch the mirror to move it to the 'up' position, there should just be a setting in the menu for it; but if your not comfortable doing that, taking it to a shop is the safest option.

The cicadas do have a very short life on the surface, they're not complaining about it though. Everyone that you hear is a male trying to appeal to female cicada, the louder the better! I'd be more supportive if they didn't reach airplane engine volumes! :P

thank you!

all fixed! and you saved me much money :)

as for cicadas of course you are right .. it's a booty call and boy the male are too loud but they're cute I actually like the sound I just can't imagine hearing it all day long or do they also get quiet at night?

You're very welcome, I'm glad I could help!

Sometimes cicadas do stop singing at night, but if the temperature is just right they can continue well into the evening, singing for booty. I'm fortunate to not live too close to places where they congregate, it can be louder than a jet-engine!

I see .. we don't have them here
I only hear them on Korean dramas and films shot in the country side
they do make much noises

Yeah, they put them on the sound track for Japanese dramas and movies that take place in the summer too. If they didn't, it wouldn't feel or sound like summer, it's that ubiquitous!

Waha.... i came back to see the solution though i don't have a camera. Busybody. If i get one it will be mirrorless

You are quite an expert with stringing words, not everyone can as you write in this post, post that has artistic value @enlishtchrivy

Beautiful butterflies are almost the same color as the soldiers' military armor..

what an association :)

love to see this beauty. that's awesome

really natural is always beauty
its too beautiful dear

Wow what a technique of photographs! Really you have a talent of photographs ,for this we got some awesome photographs, thanks to share and have a nice weekend.

This is such a cute creature. I have 2 cats and somethimes it seems like they understand my language and every word i'm saying. When i say " we are going to visit my mom" so Yan (my male cat) at the same time running to hide under the bed because he knows that we will ride in the car for 2 hours (and he doesn't really like it). When he's dripping and I'm wrocking at him, sometimes he gets sniffed at me 😁😂😂 and it seems like we have a real conversation.
I think if we could understand animals, we would be closer to them and we would be able to overcome the problem of the disappearance of entire species.

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