7500 miles in Three Weeks- From the East Coast to the West

in #photography6 years ago

Not long ago I wrote a post about the heat frying my brain. Well, it has been a persistent problem. Can't be sure it's the entire reason I'm so foggy lately, why words are not coming easily to me, but I'm choosing to blame it on that.

In the meantime I went on a cross country road trip, as many of you know, and have barely posted about it- mostly because I am determined to do it justice and this struggle for words is making it very annoyingly difficult.

So I've decided to frame it in a way that is conducive to my current mushy mind problems-- pictures, lots and lots of pictures, with a theme. And today's theme is Across The States With Ethan (translation: my darling son was an excellent poser for me, shots of just him will give you an excellent idea of what we did in three weeks!)

2018-06-03 21.58.18.jpg

2018-06-04 03.48.40.jpg

2018-06-04 22.58.40.jpg

2018-06-04 23.02.45.jpg

2018-06-04 23.06.12.jpg

2018-06-08 20.16.00.jpg

2018-06-08 22.57.39.jpg

2018-06-08 23.05.22.jpg

2018-06-09 00.57.39.jpg

2018-06-09 05.09.09.jpg

2018-06-09 21.59.21.jpg

2018-06-09 23.38.23.jpg

2018-06-09 23.39.31.jpg

2018-06-09 23.55.55.jpg

2018-06-09 23.56.05.jpg

2018-06-09 23.56.42.jpg

2018-06-09 23.58.46.jpg

2018-06-10 22.13.43.jpg

2018-06-12 19.04.06.jpg

2018-06-13 22.47.09.jpg

2018-06-14 02.13.28.jpg

2018-06-14 02.38.46.jpg

2018-06-14 02.40.43.jpg

2018-06-15 02.25.19.jpg

2018-06-15 02.36.13.jpg

2018-06-15 02.36.48.jpg

2018-06-15 02.37.31.jpg

2018-06-15 02.38.21.jpg





2018-06-15 19.53.31.jpg

2018-06-17 04.18.22.jpg

2018-06-17 05.40.35.jpg

2018-06-18 00.26.51.jpg

2018-06-18 00.27.01.jpg


2018-06-18 00.38.26.jpg

2018-06-17 19.50.59.jpg

2018-06-18 21.38.10.jpg

2018-06-19 01.06.39.jpg

2018-06-19 01.07.29.jpg

2018-06-18 21.53.40.jpg


If your curious about the location of particular pictures, feel free to ask in the comment section :0) And stay tuned for more on our Epic Cross Country Trip


Nice! Just the photos of Ethan inside of things would make a whole album! It's great that you got so many shots out there, my dad always took lots of vacation pics, and I'm glad he did, I might have forgotten some of those places we stopped so long ago without the photos as reminders.

Hah, you are so right! And I missed a few because they were on Howie's phone- I tried to send them to my email but for some reason they never came through.

I love knowing that when you talk about Ethan, you have your own very clear image of who you're talking about! He just started a job with an old friend of ours, weeding his vineyard for ten bucks an hour :)

I know what you're saying, it's like I got to know the brightness of face that goes with the name and photo, more than a photo can do. I know everything's just fine when he's in the picture!

And it turns out I missed a few of his pictures of being inside things, hahaha, I will be sure to drop them in another post :)

Wowsers, every single one a cracker. That really does bring the trip to life. The sunset is obvs a beaut as is the squirrel!!

Why thank ye kindly, haha, it was epic, truly. And squirrels were a bit of a theme on this trip, did you see the pictures on facebook of the grand canyon?

I did! They were very impressive. I showed them to the good lady!


Hey, have you heard about byteballs? anomadsoul got a hold of me on discord about them, there's a post by acidyo that explains it:


And I think, if I did it right, that if you use this link to dowload: https://steem-byteball.org/#BWULGGUG4HHGJ6NL7SVJOROQLWZBKLCW

I will get me a sweet referral, haha. If you've done it already, disregard- if not, check it out and you'll get a new link that you can give to others (like Jed) for a referral, lol.

I am clueless as to what they are other than some kind of crypo and wallet!

Lol, I already did it! Hehe, it seems too good to be true!

Haha, probably, but I figure what's the harm right? You should have given me your link for the referral then ;)

Ha, bugger, I should have!!!

Man, Ethan's growing up so quickly! Look at me talking as if I've witness his growth from a wee tot! Regardless, he is growing up to be a fine young man. Gird your hearts, ladies!

You know you have witnessed some serious growth, I mean more than a year and a half, he's shot up considerably- in fact you and I became soul siblings at just the right time for you to watch him do most of his growing into a man ;)

And I am proud to be a soul uncle to that giant-in-the-making! Stay cuddly, Ethan!

I had so much fun looking at Ethan, with a big smile on my face, that half the time I forgot to look at the background. What great selection! Off to look at the Zoe collection now. x

You would adore him, he has a knack for charming my female friends with neck rubs and humor :) I forgot to take some of the pictures off my phone, haha, I'll have to find somewhere else to insert them, like this for instance:


Project 6_21-01.jpeg

Love it! Your pics definitely rule! :)

Look at those people wearing jeans at the beach!

Ha, I know it, what wussy pants, it wasn't hot but it definitely wasn't cold by my northern standards!

He looks like he had a ball posing for photos as well (even though he also looks like he's trying to pretend he's actually much to cool for this and he's just obliging you ;D).

So true! Funny, but I thought I had less solo pics of my daughter who is generally more cranky about posing for me, lol, and turns out I was wrong- she's up to bat next :)

Wow. What an amazing trip.
Loved it. All the pictures are so awesome.
I love trips like this.

It was!! A bucket list item of mine for sure :)

I'm glad, and thank you!

@dreemit you will be feeling lazy but you should feel proud of your work..

to judge by the images this was an incredible ride and very funny dear friend @dreemit, how many beautiful pictures you have captured. Congratulations.
I wish you a beautiful afternoon

Thank you my darling @jlufer, so nice to hear from you! :) xo

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