Photography: How to Really Become Great - Part 1

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

How can I become great at photography? I have no idea about cameras, where to start or what to even take pictures of?

Too Much Information - The Enemy

Starting anything is the worst feeling in the world. Frustrated in trying to be good at something from the word go. I stumbled, current professionals stumbled, we all stumbled at the starting line. There's far to much photography 101 tips and helpful offers shining at you from every direction. People shove technical information down your throat that you don't need to know. Give you templated assignments that you aren't even interested in. The mass of information becomes blinding and you forget what you came in for.

We're at a critical point in life where everyone from you to your neighbours fridge has a camera. They're not going anywhere. In fact they're getting ever so closer into contact lenses, coming soon. With such easy access to cameras now is the time to master them.

Instead of me spoon feeding photography tips (for now) you're going to have to learn yourself.

The solution?

Forget photography for a little while. Stop looking at other people's photos. Switch off.

We are being bashed in a wave pool of visual media that stops us from learning to swim.

First stop and think, What do you really like to do in life?

You need a reason to actually start taking photos. That reason should come from personal fulfillments. Those personal fulfillments should come from what you love to do in life. Thus, what you love to do in life becomes what you take photos of.

Ultimately photography should be a natural feeling.

What's the best and easiest thing that will make you a better photographer today?

Your passion + Instagram. It's the simplest way to start uploading, gaining feedback and analyzing your style. Plus it will become addictive.

But you'll have to start from scratch. A new profile. New you.
(If you must, continue your current gallery but you must stick to some tracks)

Fear no obstacles

Problem 1 - I need a good camera, right?

No, the best camera is the one you currently have. The jump to a good camera comes when you learn how to use your current camera to the point at which it doesn't do what you want it to do.

Problem 2 - I don't know if my photos are good or not?

Instagram will help you determine if you photos are good. It's community feedback at your finger tips. People will engage with great photos and tell you they're awesome. Otherwise bad photos won't get any attention.

Problem 3 - I don't know what to take photos of?

This is your homework for today, the next section. Do It.

Homework: Figure out your topic of photography.

First things first. Find out what you truly love to do. The moments that urge you to take out your camera and snap a photo. Narrow down those photos enough to define your topic of interest.

To begin you can even grab a pen and start writing down things you like to take photos of. Or even scroll back over your phone photo gallery, what stands out to you?

E.g. Nature, food, architecture, people, street, wildlife. Usually the more unique and obscure your photography topic is the more attention you'll get, because you're different.

Once you know what you really want to photograph you've got global potential.

We'll dive a little deeper next time.

Follow along for part 2 on style and fundamentals.


This is good advice - I'm a novice photographer , I just know I love taking photo's of anything and everything - mainly people at the moment. I'm not brill but that like you said comes with time. Good post

Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to do that!Keep up the good work.

that is cast down to the last photo =)

Оn the picture backpacks Suissewin?
What do you think of quality?

What if I like everything?

Now I'm much more relaxed, no worries :) I can start my amateur photographer carrier :) Great article!

Thank you for this post! I'm an aspiring photojournalist and I'm always wondering on how to improve, build and progress through my art and my work. This helps a great lot!

I love to take pictures, but not always it turns out well. Thank you for your post!

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