UK ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHY - What the Heck is this?!! - HELP!!!

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Can any of my Science/Homestead friends on here help me out with this one? I found it growing in the woods at Sherwood Pines, England. Obviously it is a fungus of some sort, but is it a mushroom? A Toadstool? An alien spaceship ready to release a band of mini aliens? lol

It freaked me out so much that I haven't been able to stop looking on the web to see if I can figure out what it is! HELP!




Thank you for looking, and I appreciate any knowledge you may be able to impart so I can put my mind at rest that we are not being invaded by little aliens :) ( I read far too much Koontz and King & @suesa...)

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Much love, @beautifulbullies xx

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It's a puffball. At some point, it explodes and the spores are released into the air to continue the life cycle

Wow! really?! It does look like it is about to explode! I thought it looked dangerous because of the jagged surface...
You are right, thank you so much, I can now sleep at night!

Quite soon, this is going to happen. Post the results when you see it

oh my goodness, I would love to capture that happening! Unfortunately it is a 40 minute drive away... I guess I could camp out next to it until it happens lol

Sounds like too much work. Fine if it were in your back garden

Just so my final guess is in, for future reference, i say its Lycoperdon excipuliforme

haha OK! Well, I am eagerly waiting for the forestry commission to come back to me now, I will confirm once I know the answer! :D (I should have done a competition with this lol)

yes i am reading your post permanently ,i like your job

Definitely fungus and I am sure it may be poisonous based on it's edges. Not sure though some shrooms like this in my region are poisonous. So this one could be as well. :)

I knew it was dangerous! It just looks menacing doesn't it? lol Thank you! :)

Wow looks a bit different. Before opening the post I thought it was a Golf ball lol. Nice shots. We are still discovering mushrooms :)

I didn't disturb it just in case it released a toxic gas of some sort lol Very weird looking thing, I have never seen anything like it before! Thank you for your comment :)

It might be just a wild mushroom. Try to find a list of mushroom types and you might find it among them in case nobody can recognize it :)

Maybe @dber has an idea what it might be. Aside from that, @mountainwashere has a nature identification thread!

Great, Thank you! :) Your stories have got my imagination running wild! lol xD

@nikv has the answer! :D Apparently you can actually eat these things when they are young...hmmm don't think I will try that though...

@suesa is correct - one of those guys should be able to id it! You do have to be careful before eating any mushroom but very few are so toxic that touching them would be a problem. This does look very like a puffball that I have eaten but I don't recall seeing it with such a stalk so it could be different. The ones I have had can be roasted on sticks just like a marshmallow but taste much better!

oooo see now I am tempted, I love marshmallows... lol

It's a kind of a mushroom for sure :)

but are you sure...! I am concerned lol

Yes @beautifulbullies . I'm from Nepal and these things (not exactly but look-alike) pretty much spring up anywhere in moist places in our forests :)

ok, well I will sleep with one eye open just in case ;)

keep writing and posting interesting content! Much love from Nepal...

Never seen something like this. But it really looks interesting.

Me neither! I have learnt something new today!

I think you got it right about the alien thing. In fact, it could be the first wave of an alien invasion. Any day now it is go to explode and millions of tiny alien babies are going to float around and cover hundreds of miles. A few months later there will me thousands of these aliens, bent on world domination. We will spend millions of hours trying to eradicate them, but our efforts will be hampered by the fact that if the baby aliens are breathed in my a human, they become a breeding ground also. It takes over their mind. They become alien infested zombies and their ability to do work is used by the aliens to hasten the spread. You are in the unique position to squash that sucker now and save the entire planet! LOL

Yes, I read too much Koontz and King too, lol

Absolutely brilliant response xD You had me in stitches haha But now, I am paranoid again... HIDE! EVERYONE HIDE! ;D

I am glad you enjoyed it, lol

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