Exposing The Mind Of The Average Voter + Discussion On The Harmful Consequences Of Mindless Decentralization

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

The idea of decentralization is greatly revered in the cryptosphere. and it is because of several important reasons. Decentralization is important. But it isn't something to be had for the sake of having it. We need to dissect, test and figure out why it is good. Eating is good. but too much eating leads obesity and that leads to sickness.

But Firs Take A look At Democracy

Compared to tyranny and totalitarianism or communism, democracy is a very good thing. Moving to a more democratic system of power has resulted in some undeniable prosperity. But are they really because the society moved towards democracy? My answer is actually a "No". I'll explain at the bottom of the page. For now I'd like you to take a look at some forum discussions involving our average voters.

These samples are an accurate representation of what was going on in the forum. You can check the full thread here. But don't waste your precious time on these toxic things. Just take some time to understand that these are the people who ultimately decide which people are allowed to pass laws. these are the people that are guiding the civilization. this is the face of humanity under democracy.

The Target

To form an accurate opinion of the scale of this madness, here are some things about this so called disgusting Nazi Whore.

I didn't knew her before i accidentally stumbled upon the above forum thread and i have a feeling that i'd have many disagreements with her due to her being Conservative/ Right while me being Libertarian/Anarcho-Capitalist.

“Libertarianism is neither of the left nor of the right. It is unique. It is sui generis. It is apart from left and right. The left right political spectrum simply has no room for libertarianism. Think of an equilateral triangle, with libertarianism at one corner, the left at a second corner and the right at the third corner. We are equally distant from both of those misbegotten political economic philosophies. No, better yet, think in terms of an isosceles triangle, with us at the top and the two of them at the bottom, indicating they have more in common with each other than with us.”
- Walter Block

But this is a matter of freedom and expression. this is also a matter of taking right decisions. good decisions come from good understanding and discussion is only a means to a better understanding.

The Society Didn't Get better Due To Democracy

It is time I explain my "No" in top of the post. What actually contributed to make the world better was the move towards freedom and self-ownership. It was the movement towards Non Aggression Principle and Anarchy/Libertarianism. Democracy only happened to be on the same path to a certain extent.

I'm not suggesting mixing two opposing ideas by making compromises on both sides. That's not good way to approach problems. What we need to understand is the true utility of decentralization/centralization. These approaches are used to make decisions and solve problems. The currently revered democracy has made the world into a Tragedy of the commons. The term was popularized by Garrett Hardin and this is Ludwig von Mises talking about it.

If land is not owned by anybody, although legal formalism may call it public property, it is utilized without any regard to the disadvantages resulting. Those who are in a position to appropriate to themselves the returns — lumber and game of the forests, fish of the water areas, and mineral deposits of the subsoil — do not bother about the later effects of their mode of exploitation. For them the erosion of the soil, the depletion of the exhaustible resources and other impairments of the future utilization are external costs not entering into their calculation of input and output. They cut down the trees without any regard for fresh shoots or reforestation. In hunting and fishing they do not shrink from methods preventing the repopulation of the hunting and fishing grounds.

The above quote should explain most of the current political landscape. This Tragedy of the commons is actually the ultimate form/end of the S curve of decentralization/centralization. The other end is the tyranny of an individual or a mob.

Bitcoin Vs Dash Vs DPoS

Out of these BTC is the most decentralized and DPoS is the least decentralized. But wich one is giving better performance and making better decisions?

One of the biggest misconceptions about an unstructured system is that the free market will make everything work out just fine. Correction: the free market will sort itself out, as well as its net output, however it will care little to preserve a single specific creation in its realm. In other words, if you fashion a completely decentralized system without properly aligned incentives, the free market will use or discard said system in whichever way it deems most useful, like vultures on a carcass, without a care to preserving its long-term integrity or founding principles. Only with carefully aligned incentives can a system count on the market to keep it moving in the right direction.
- Joël Valenzuela

Projects like Dash and other masternode coins and DPoS projects are doing well because they have enough decentralization to be resistant to attacks and they have enough centralization to be more efficient at making decisions. STEEM for an example is on its way to Hard Fork 20 and even the STEEM fork GOLOS is doing exceptionally well.

We are living in a mad world where majority of the people even believe United States is a Democracy where as it was meant to be a Republic driven not by vote but by principles. in fact the term "Democracy" doesn't eve appear in the US Constitution.

Truth Is Not Something To Be voted On And Principles Do Not Gain Their Merits Through Popularity


I think I give a vote to every post you make... you do have a few typos at the start of the post however...

It's incredible how many people fail to realize this, I have a draft that shares ground with this post, except this one has quotes and it's more informative than mine... I live in Cuba, third world country, communist country, etc... etc... decentralization is something common around here, and it's POISON, just like you said. In the beginning it was good, but as time passed it devolved and devolved... today it resembles anarchy in many places. There aren't people responsible for things, there is centralization within the decentralization as well, there is a lot of danger in such a system. No system is perfect, just like you said, a fully centralized system has a top, and it depends on the individuals in power. True democracy requires of skilled individuals very different from those you cited above. The government of the USA, a representative government is probably one of the bests, since the people who reach the top are those who can manipulate the minds of those below and make them vote for them. I agree with you, I'm neither right nor left and modern brainwashing have reached dangerous levels. In the end the world is just a huge meritocracy where people decide the value of other people and give or take power from them...
However, with our limited power and influence, there is only so much we can do, let's us see where this path takes us.

The good/bad news is that the bad systems eventually fall apart. Even just having the ability to manipulate people isn't enough. that's just one skill and it has misaligned incentives. It's better than what's going on in many countries across the globe. But it is going to crumble because the incentives aren't there for long term development.

One advantage on the Chinese one party rule is that despite all the bad stuff they are stuck for the long term. So the government plans ahead. it can start projects that's going to take decades to finish while US politicians only think about getting the vote on the next election.

Places like Dubai has (economically) prospered because those who had the power and money worked in their own self-interest. Here is a good article: https://nextcity.org/daily/entry/how-dubai-became-dubai

When the people making decisions have something to gain/loose the system tends to be better. Founding fathers were disgusted of one head one vote systems. they only wanted the land owners to vote. this would have made sure the voters vote for constructive policies and the non-voters had the incentive to keep the government powers in check. It's not perfect but there was a good equilibrium.

Yeah, you do have a good point... when you have only a few years to work the magic it's hard to make some big scale projects come to fruition. In the USA it's true that the politicians only think on the next vote, this leads to many great promises in elections, but after they get elected things change drastically until the next election circle. I don't know about the chinese government, but from what I'm reading it's a party government that lasts for a few decades at least?, or until they're replaced?, I'm going to check it out after replying to comments.

I would agree about not giving votes to everyone either... do you watch anime by any chance? I remember one particular series that touched social interaction and how many people just follow the flow even for incredibly important things like elections. I had to scourge the internet to find it again since I couldn´t remember the name, it's Gatchaman Crowds. In the anime there was a moment during elections where people could vote from their cellphones with one of three options: yes, no and leave it to the CROWDS, who supposedly would choose the accepted answer by society in general... Of course, since it's anime they exaggerated things a bit and added superpowers and the good guys win in the end but they do touch some delicate subjects on the theme.

In the end I suppose there isn't a perfect system yet, but at least we do know what doesn't work. Tyranny government or anarchy aren't good, as you said, there needs to be some balance between centralization and decentralization. The idea of the founding fathers weren't perfect of course, but it was a good base, I have to admit it.

Yeah, I tend to write thoughts just as they come to mind, but from your avatar and the Makishima Shugo nickname it should have been obvious that you've seen your share of anime too.

Glad to see you like ufotable and madhouse too; I loved aldnoah zero too. One of these days once I've gotten some more free time I'd like to make some reviews of my own... This season has been a really funny one though, haven't laughed this hard since Detroit Metal City.

I had some amazing time with Angel Beats. Didn't think much of it and watched because a friend gave it to me. It was a top notch comedy with beautiful production quality and it had so much great drama. Basically it's about afterlife and growing up and graduating and people die all the time one after the other.

And I finished reading the article about Dubai now, yeah, definitely a good article, I never would have believe this if someone else had told me... Definitely one of the best articles I've read about authocracies in general...

The problem with democracy and decentralization are always people. For as the government or the centralized entity has less power, people will have more, and if people are not ready or don't want to have that power, then the system simply will not work.

Democracy, true democracy, not the modern representative system, is only suitable for the wisest people, and even Athens suffered hardships with such a fragile system, because it requires that people have a broad knowledge of politics and governance that obviously all don't have.

In the same way, if I have a decentralized governance system, whether in a country or a company, it will only be successful if people are wise enough to dialogue or to take into account the objectives that are sought in the administration, but while this is not so, then it will not succeed.

As the population increases, and worse still, becoming more radical, the existence of a true democracy and even the maintenance of modern representative governments becomes more difficult, because there is no democracy without conciliation, and the more people there are with their particular opinions, and the more radical these opinions are, the harder it becomes to reach a conciliation.

The problem with democracy and decentralization are always people.

Hence the aphorism "There can be perfect individuals but not perfect systems". On an old post of mine @windrockswater said: "Most freedom from the idea of giving them all enough rope to hang themselves. It takes courage to do nothing." Tat is very true.

Democracy simply allows more people to take part in a decision making process. this is a great way to get specialists on board. A video game producer can get some artists, programmers, composers and writers to create something great. Hideo Kojima didn't make his games on his own and he is not making Death Stranding alone. But it's not design by committee. It is design by specialty.

Democracy allow a small group to specialize and combine their knowledge and abilities. Up until that point democracy is a bliss. but after that it is just poison. At best you'll achieve some mediocrity like MCU. but most of the time things end up in an eventual disaster.

Make sure to check out the PDF shared by @iw-curator

I agree with what you say, except only the aphorism.

"There can be perfect individuals but not perfect systems".

I would say the opposite, there can be perfect systems, but never perfect individuals. Ideas such as systems may be perfect, but at the moment they try to put them into practice they will find a total disaster, because people are never perfect enough to fulfill the role that needs to be fulfilled in almost any type of society, that is why in systems where people have less power, such as monarchies, there is a greater harmony between theory and practice.

I thought you might like the following quote and the PDF that has it in it. It is a great read and a wonderful PDF for writing post about liberty and freedom.

"A democracy is a volcano which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption and carry desolation in their way. The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty." Further, he stated that, "Liberty has never lasted long in a democracy, nor has it ever ended in anything better than despotism." In fact he believed that it was "democracy that pollutes the morals of the people before it swallows up their freedoms."- Fisher Ames 9"

Source : National Liberty Alliance

PDF reformation

Awesome post.

Downloaded and read few pages and it was really good. Then I got into the APPENDIX F
FAMOUS QUOTES BY OUR FOUNDERS part and it was one of the best collections of quotes I've seen. thanks a lot for sharing.

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