Do Moral and Ethical values really matter?

in #philosophy6 years ago

I have always considered strength as one of the main components of a person, and I don't speak of physical strength, but I speak of strength as a concept, that is, the ability of a man to adhere to his own moral and ethical values, without flanking by any conditions to their beliefs.

A person is strong when he can stick to his values in the face of temptations and external obstacles, when he can remain stuck to them in the face of adversity, and when he can even remain stuck to his values when it is harmful to do so.

It is the strength that gives validity to our values, because it has no meaning to claim to have values that, due to our own weakness, we can't fulfill.

Without strength to remain attached to our values we are only immoral, people who possess qualities in their heads and who are unable to manifest, or people who simply reject morality as an impediment.

At present there are many proud of being immoral, this is a being who believes himself intelligent because he does not possess values, because he sees them as impediments, poor, does not know that values only prevent us from vices while giving us strength and discipline to meet our goals.

But strength is something curious, because we can claim to possess it, we can even truly believe it, but still not have it. Because strength can only be demonstrated in times of weakness, a man who is not strong in times of weakness, that is, those moments when strength is most required, then he is not a strong man, he is just a man who appears to be strong

In the same way that it is meaningless to be brave when there is no danger, but to be cowed when facing fears; it does not mean to be strong when conditions are favorable but to succumb when the tide begins to change.

If you think that stealing is bad, but you give up this belief when you are hungry to take your neighbor's bread, then your strength is non-existent.

If when you meet the first obstacle you abandon all your beliefs, then you never really believed them, you just pretended to do it.

It is like the novice soldier who starts in the army, in peacetime he dreams of being a war hero, but when the war begins he is the first to timidly wish for it to end.

Simón Bolívar, the hero of Spanish American wars of independence, was a rich landowner and aristocrat from the city of Caracas (Venezuela), which was part of the Spanish Empire. Of all the inhabitants of Spanish America, Bolívar was of the most favored class and had the least need for independence. He was a free man and lived with constant privileges that gave him his upper class status. Nevertheless, he carried out the actions more definitive to eliminate the Spanish settlers, of which he was a part.

Bolívar led the liberating army and his victories ended with the possession of America by Spain, leading to the independence of the current Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and Venezuela.

Bolívar possessed everything in the Spanish Empire, and after finishing the war of independence, and failing in his goal of uniting all the Spanish-American states in a kind of the United States of the South (Gran Colombia), he lost everything. Bolívar was betrayed by his companions, Venezuela was divided from Colombia before his death and against his desire, and also lost the great majority of his fortune, his frustration was such that he said he had plowed at sea during the revolutionary era.

However, despite everything, Bolívar decided to participate and command South American independence because he believed it was the right thing to do, although he had everything to live a comfortable life together with the Spanish Empire, with riches and fortunes, and being part of the Hispano-American aristocracy, Bolívar decided to fight for the ideas that he believed were the right ones, sacrificing everything he possessed, to carry out his ideas.

Bolívar is a magnificent example of the strength of which I speak, because even though his beliefs changed throughout his life, he always fought for what he believed was right, even though he may be wrong, he fought for his beliefs.

With this publication I do not seek to point fingers at people and describe them as strong or weak, that matters little to me and I am not a judge to decide what is right above all. But if I want to create awareness about the coherence between what we profess and what we do, I believe that a man must always respect his values and beliefs in the face of adversity, this does not mean being inflexible, but rather being able to face the lower moments always with the highest spirit.

It is a matter of personal honor, a man can change his beliefs and values, but he must always defend them.

Image Source: 1


Yes, I nodded to almost everything you pointed out. Thank you for taking me here.
Strength is only strength if it is taken on in a weak moment or a time of threat or uncertainty. Yes, again.

Though I am not in too much sympathy for having wars for independence gaining. I'd rather have a diplomatic solution. I know, not always diplomatic lead to success but then again we don't talk much about those cases where high diplomacy was victorious. We love stories of war and heroism. That produces figures who often enough mistake their narcissistic tendencies as seeing themselves as liberators of the poor and disadvantaged. I myself put most grand scale solutions under suspicion. I am in favor of small-scale solutions which people can handle themselves and not have always to rely on those who were sent to fix problems.

In regards to values, I think all humans carry the same. Not to steal, to kill, to betray, to gossip, but to be of service and not a nuisance to others and so on. These virtues nobody wants to be hurt when it comes to the personal experience. As many people are brainwashed by media and take on too much "information" (mostly negative crap) they pick bad role models as if it is state of the art to be proud of having betrayed the state (like tax fraud or other forms of abusing the system). Which in itself is a stupid thing because there is no entity which is a "state".

We all are the state and should seek for good practice and good examples who teach us and who serve as an orientation. I cannot blame politicians to be corrupt when I take on their attitudes and give them assurance that their behavior is right. Everyone learns from everyone but it depends where I look and put my focus on.

People look very closely to see if someone is suitable as a role model. If there is even one mistake or moral misconduct in this person, he is no longer suitable as an ideal leader. That is why religious faith exists in my view because ideal models were created in the form of Jesus, Buddha or Mohammed, which were considered to be of integrity and we urgently need them in order to recognize the yardstick by which we orient ourselves. Since all people are flawed, we need the symbols and the power of those who are not.

I do not know Bolivar but if he serves you well and guides you through your life with his example I shell be fine with it.

Sending my best wishes to you.

I'm pretty much in agreement with everything you said.

I don't believe that there is anyone who has a particular affection for war, and I am also a supporter of solutions that involve two people shaking hands, although the latter don't have as much prominence when going down in history. My allusive message to wars is that, even at the moment of facing death, of the greatest dangers and adversities, people must cling to their values. If a person changes his way of being simply not to die, then he will no longer be the same, because his body will be intact but his soul will be executed.

"We are all the State" It's a statement with which I disagree, although that could be another completely different topic.

Bolívar is not my guide and he is not a saint either, although I like to mention it because people outside of South America know little about its history, so it can be a good example in many aspects that people don't know about.

I know that you have the best wishes, thanks for passing, and I wish you the same.

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This is a courtesy of @fingersik

Something like this?


Yes, I will try to make one white and one of the background color of the night mode, and use both at the same time, that way only one will be visible at a time.

Use this image in my last post, it looks pretty good. I don't want to be annoying or anything, but I was wondering if you could do the same thing that you did in the image, but for the version that I use in my publications in Spanish.


Whether you do it or not, thank you very much anyway.

Like this?


By the way that should work on white or black backgrounds. The glow will only be visible in night mode.

So you shouldn't have to use two. Just this one:

Here it is in non-nightmode:

Here is what it looks like in nightmode.

Nice post.

I wanted to give you this screenshot:

Your image may not be what you had in mind for night mode.

You could drop an outer glow on that and it's likely look good in night mode and out of night mode.

Oh, thank you, I had not noticed. I will try to accommodate it for future publications.

A very good post, Sir.

I know I am strong willed individual. (as well as weak, paradoxically. )
I know me.

Having lived a hedonistic lifestyle for quite a while in my earlier years, I can say I know myself with some certainty.

Many have never faced real adversity to challenge their own belief system.
Hypothetical beliefs and principals without being tested are dreams.

I am fortunate (or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it,) to have faces the extremes of my personal beliefs.
To face challenges for real.

I can still look at myself in the mirror after all these years - and after the all the adversity.
And I am very happy with the reflection.
(apart from being butt ugly of course. lol)

An excellent, thought provoking post..

Well, we can only learn that something was a mistake after having committed it, or have seen someone else commit it, so yes, it is a fortune to have faced adversity, it is the only way to grow.

I would say absolutely, once I started to align with truth a fefinitely think this is interlinked with karma, what you put out comes back.

Thank you for the interesting post. Morals and ethics are something that have interest me for quite a while now. As morals and ethics are determined by the society that you live in, would you consider someone morally strong if they stand up for their morals even though it goes against yours?

Well, I'm talking about morality and ethics in a personal sense, that is, the values that each person considers to be the correct ones; the good.

If Bolívar were to do what was socially correct at that time, then he would not be involved in pro-independence causes.

A person is strong, when he can stick to his values, his own, not those of society, nor the politically correct, but what he really believes is good, that is what makes him strong and what gives him meaning to their values.

Thank you for your answer, appreciate it ^^

Integrity of conviction is encapsulated in Martin Luther's statement: "Here I stand, I can do no other."

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It is certain

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