When Concerning Steemit, I've Come To Realize ... I'm Too Old For This

in #philosophy8 years ago

I'm Too Old For This

You youngin's holding onto your new age Eckhart Tolle "live in the now" Aleister Crowley regurgitated belief systems and rah rah sycophant always positive philosophies (so long as the handouts are still being raked in), all while rewarding, if not exalting, people with a complete disregard for human decency amaze me and give me pause to think ... what in the $@#! happened to this world?!

Back In My Day

During my heyday, people were able to speak their mind, so long as they did so with respect and allowed others to voice their opinion as well. Everyone was different, and that's what made each individual interesting. Nowadays, it seems most people just want to be like everyone else and fit in. Don't rock the boat, else you won't get your reward! It's like being in a Kindergarten class full of 20-30 somethings.

This younger generation seems to worry more about figuring out how to make themselves into a Gawd, while at the same time arguing over which psychopathic authoritarian they are going to vote for as their supreme leader. They do more thinking about who to vote for to control their lives than they do how they are going to survive on their own for the next 40 years or more.

Which one of these "leaders" (and I must quote that) is going to do more for me, seems to be the biggest question of younger generations. While at the same time they hold onto the belief that everything was created just for them and everyone else is merely a part of them; their own personal sock puppets of pleasure who must reward them when they do something they consider to be worthwhile.

Vaporware Is Skeery

One of my biggest disappointments in this community came when @stellabelle, the person with the highest reputation on the site, made a post about an announced feature she liked in another decentralized blogging platform that doesn't even exist.

The horror!

Many were quick to point out that the other platform was "vaporware", yet felt so threatened by her post about this "vaporware" that they created fictional stories to apparently discredit her. Others jumped on the bandwagon at every chance in the comments section. For what? For pointing out an announced feature in "vaporware"? Some even called this apparent "vaporware" a "competitor"!?

Faith No More

This says a lot about the faith these people actually have in Steemit. The fact that a piece of "vaporware" can be considered a "competitor" to Steemit, along with the fact that these people feel threatened by this "vaporware" would make Leon Festinger roll over in his grave; because he's dead ... just like this generations ability to debate on a topic without their favorite psychology book in front of them to fashion a response from someone else's thoughts.

We even have one of the largest whales on Steemit flagging comments that dare mention a non-existent "competitor" or anyone saying anything that, in their mind, is considered "divisive" to the community. A flag from this person will all but hide a comment from anyone's view without seeking it out at the bottom of the page.

In Muh Safe Space

So much for being a place to discuss anything openly. And yet, people here complain about Facebook and Reddit, yet I can mention Facebook all day on Reddit, and vice versa, and never have to worry that my comment will be hidden by a single individual. Even worse, Facebook and Reddit are some of the most censored platforms in existence.

Put that in your hash pipe and smoke it!

Some here are taking it upon themselves to create a safe space for everyone else, because apparently the competition from these non-existent platforms is so strong we must hide their non-existent features very mention from the fragile masses. Back in my day, there was a saying ... "competition is good", but apparently that's no longer the case.

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Here on Steemit, it's hard to find anyone that appreciates sports, guns, hunting, cars or anything that my generation considers to be laced with testosterone. Sure I find computer/programming talk interesting, but it's rare these days to find people online that can talk the 4 basic man groups as well. I've found a few, but for the most part they are hiding within the Steemit caves of obscurity.

Steemit advertises that "original content" is rewarded, yet anyone that can speak in great detail on any of those 4 basic man groups will rarely, if ever, be rewarded for doing so. There are a few of these well written articles on these topics here on Steemit, but you will be hard pressed to find one earning more than $5. Why Is that?

I'll tell you why ... because Steemit, for the most part, is lacking testosterone.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

What Grinds My Gears

You know what really grinds my gears? Steemit. Steemit really grinds my gears. Why? Because I'm too old for this shit! And for that reason, this will be my last post on Steemit. I will be relinquishing my posting key access for this account and leave it to the younger generation of Tuck Fheman's, so they can post happy thoughts about all things Steemit and be rewarded untold fortunes for doing so. I am just holding them back.

I did my best to be a part of this generations next big thing, but generation Steemit is just too namby-pamby for this old codger.


I truly agree with what you are saying and please, please don't leave! I am a chick and I have a she shed and get dirty and build cars and swear! I make nothing on here so I just post and laugh that it gets ignored. People argue that they want change but cant be f!cked getting off their arses to do anything for themselves. Don't let them beat you. And you have a big rating that you have earned, that has to account for some credit to your interests, well I hope so, or I am wasting my time also. And I dont want to think that because if you sort through the crap on here, there are some amazing people that are doing it for themselves and are inspiring! Your post made me feel better. And if you want a real beef, try being a chick who has 'man' hobbies and see the crap you get from society, but secretly they wish they had some balls on their chest too! Charming hey!

I don 't have man hobbies, but I absolutely understand the shit you get for yours. My dad was a builder, plumber, electrition and later a computer engineer.
He taught us girls all the basics we would need as adults, from wiring a plug to fitting a sink. the shit my sisters and I get when we head into a DIY store is simultaneously hysterical and infuriating.
I'm going to follow you, heck I might even give carpentry a try, I've been wanting to build my own units for years.

Thats an awesome attitude and your dad sounds cool! Most of what I have learned is from being stubborn, stupid or desperate! But the wisdom that comes from that is what counts hey.

I don't know how to make smoothies :)


How abour morbid and dirty humour? The internet is a good outlet for that for women, in a world full of finger-waggers.

"she said fuck! she does things with her vagina! A witch! A Witch! Burn her!" lol

Be careful for what you wish for! For most of us its that sense of humour that gets us by! And the finger waggers have called me plenty of names, a witch being one of the more flattering judgments. As for vaginas, well maybe a story or two might make its way out.... !

There's nothin' like a big, black joke!

"The Joys of Havin' a Vagina"...maybe will write it.

Oh you don't need 'man' hobbies to get the crap, just have no interest in kitchen, kids, clothes or gossip.. how dare a woman be a free thinker. But we're out there, strong, independent and don't give a crap about the wusses :)

Anyone out of the general mold of society cops crap. Over the years I figured that if you are getting flack its because you must be doing something right! So keep up the good work!

I usually find that most of my detractors couldn't keep up with me on one of my bad days. So, have fun trying LOL

The Best comment on this post !!!!!

I totally get where you are coming from but if people like you quit then it will make the situation worse.

So much for being a place to discuss anything openly. And yet, people here complain about Facebook and Reddit, yet I can mention Facebook all day on Reddit, and vice versa, and never have to worry that my comment will be hidden by a single individual.

Which is silly really. Those who talk about freedom from the state and so forth start acting like that very state when someone says something that "hurts" their feelings or disagrees with their point of view.

sports, guns, hunting, cars or anything that my generation considers to be laced with testosterone

Yes I'm surprised. I think I remember one car post. I don't remember very much mention at all of the olympics or any other sport. Gaming is probably the most surprising thing that is in very short supply. Also despite people's attempts to add some discussion I haven't seen very much about weight training or martial arts. Ditto for film and cinema.

I will be relinquishing my posting key access for this account and leave it to the younger generation of Tuck Fheman's,

I do hope you will reconsider. The place would not be the same without you. Also what will happen to the satirical comics? Please don't leave.

I checked hundreds of posts to make another edition of 'little baby dolphin'
(and your photo is in it, by the way)

I found 2 posts worth mentioning about sports, not 1 single car article, not 1 single hunting article, 1 gun related article and if there's something 'training' related it's yoga ...

@luminousvisions, I love what you're doing with little baby dolphin. You're rocking it. I would like to propose a section on "the 4 basic man groups hiding within the Steemit caves of obscurity" dedicated to @tuck-fheman. Please don't leave, @tuck-fheman. Keep calling us on our garbage and drawing comics and stuff. You would be missed.

well, I would if there were enough of them ...

I didn't mean to put it on you to seek out stuff that isn't here. The idea is that I think little dolphin will do well and that people will want to be featured. If people see a category where there is little competition or even nothing, they might start to generate it. I remove any pressure explicitly, though. You're doing a great job.

Thanks. Sorry I missed your post earlier but to rectify it I've given it a little boost.

thanks! that's fine ... there's so much being posted, I missed your post at first as well, it's only because I was looking for stunning photo's that I found it ;-)

I am also trying to be positive. Sincerely, I just don't know how long to do that for... I can keep playing along and hope. Or I can make my objections known and be vocal about them and act in a way that reflects them.

Do you think there's an interest in these "manly"posts, @luminousvisions? I hope so. People have to learn how to do basic things - no one is teaching them.

well, right now it seems there's not much demand for it, but that will change, right now it's mostly anarchists and artists ... not the general public, which is fine as they are the creators, but in order for steemit to be viable it will have to appeal to the broader audience and for that ... yes, I do think we need some more manly posts ...

There is a guy that made several posts about his self made knives, I hope you consider a knife a gun darling

There's definitely a growing sports movement here that a number of us are trying to help develop, but so far its primarily centered on daily fantasy sports. And I think as tuck said, people are likely worried about spending time writting for an audience that, may not exist (particularly amongst whales). That's obviously the big issue with the current steemit situation where people could feel limited to writing only about what they perceive as whale-friendly content. But I think with all the good work the curation groups are doing (and perhaps with some collective effort from members of the whale community to foster this side of steemit, if thats not happening already), things will likely improve in regards to the "man topics". Speaking of which, what does it mean if I only care about 1 of them?? *googles testosterone injections *

I actually wrote a post about anarchy and sports. If you want to know why it isn't really discussed on a platform like this, then you should read it and the comments. You'll get a good idea why.

How does staying help? It doesn't matter that he gets the support of the community. The support of the whales wins and no change has been talked about.... Period.

I've made suggestions.... And some have gained a lot of comments from regular folks. You can only really stay in so long...... I tried. Best people just start leaving.... Maybe THAT'S the message that is heard.

Edit: I will miss your presence as well Tuck..... Just agree with the reasons

Hopefully with more time it will improve.

Ugh..... I know. How long do we hang onto hope though? It's been a growing sense of frustration for awhile, and the next thing that comes us as a hard fork proposal.... Change in voting power.

Can't...... I just can't.

I think part of the problem is that things appear to move much more quickly in the crypto world so it gives the impression that things are progressing very slowly. Facebook took years to become decent and then a few more years to become complete crap. The point is Steemit is only 3 months old.

Well for starters we could wait until it is officially out of Beta!...


Reponse to last response:
I know it is three months old. What is wrong though are things that every other site would have placed as a priority. Seeing an account like @msgivings..... Amongst MANY others..... Drivel constantly upvoted based on author and not content.

These are balances that can be addressed fairly easily, but what is being focused on.... Are changes to nothing that matters to a new user.

Give them time.... They HAVE time. It's the only game in town. What happens when they are not, and they're still tweaking voting?

Hey, I'm around if they get it together. i am just saying I am skeptical it will happen. I don't care how votes work, that could have never changed and people would be exactly as happy as they are today.

I'm not disagreeing with you I'm just trying to be positive.

We need safe spaces, period :)

Tuck-fheman rants are cool. I hope you are just taking a break. I'd like to see more Tuck Comics. More opposing views. Some more Yang. Peace.

Not sure why you care so much about what other people think, but okay.

sports, guns, hunting, cars

I was a college level pole vaulter and have since lost interest in sports. They wreck your body and, in many ways, are just a hold-over from more primitive times. That's my opinion and why I've had a steady decrease in interest in anything related to sports.

Guns are an interesting one. I like blowing stuff up as much as the next guy, but I also rationally consider how nuanced the topic is. Homes with guns have higher rates of accidental shootings. Stats on guns are manipulated every which way imaginable and the NRA seems to be one of the worst offenders, even lobbying to prevent useful studies on guns. I'd personally love to see more people talk about this stuff intelligently.

Hunting: haven't done it myself, but I have friends who have and wouldn't mind seeing more how to's on the subject. That said, it wouldn't surprise me if in the future when we can grow our own meat in a test-tube to consider harming other conscious beings as immoral and barbaric.

Cars are great, but the muscle cars of old are becoming status symbols for pollution and destroying the environment. Testla's are pretty bad ass, but few talk about the impact of their batteries on the environment. I've got no problem with cars, but it wouldn't surprise me if in the not-to-distant future we don't even own cars anymore, we just ride share autonomous vehicles.

What you might consider "kids these days" others might consider growing up and becoming more connected with the actual reality of the world around us. Some things which mattered before may not matter now. Other new things might really be important.

I'm not a fan of the rage quit because it seems... weak. Like someone got the best of you and now you can't hang. I'd rather it be about you and not about others. What expectations do you have of Steemit which aren't being met anymore? Either way, if you ever contributed something of value to Steemit (which I think you did, though not agreeing with all of it), the opportunity for that to happen again in the future is now lost. And that, to me, is a damn shame.

I came to the "hidden" section because of my moral certainty that you would be here in full on van driessen mode. I was not disappointed.

Upvoted for "college level pole vaulting". I literally shot soda out my nose when i read that.


Homes with guns have higher rates of accidental shootings.

Yeah - it's hard to accidentally shoot something/someone when there's no gun around. In other news: Water is wet.

in many ways, are just a hold-over from more primitive times.

What times would those be? When you're a child and you say to a friend or sibling, "I'll race you to that tree!" That kind of "primitive?" What is it about baseball or golf that makes it primitive? The competition? All of the various rules, techniques, and equipment? Just curious. I see this argument made a lot and have yet to see any rational explanation.

That said, it wouldn't surprise me if in the future when we can grow our own meat in a test-tube to consider harming other conscious beings as immoral and barbaric.

Yeah, but how would we shame people for not being vegan animal rights activists once that happens?

Looking forward to an awesome conversation! We're all awesome. You're awesome, I'm awesome - everybody is awesome! (Just ask @lifeisawesome. You can find his sock puppet über positivity on the trending page!)

In other news: Water is wet.

Calculate the statistics where you live of violent home invasion and the percentage of times a gun owner reacts fast enough to prevent a crime. Compare that percentage to those of accidental injury. Which is higher? What you seem to be making fun of is a pretty rational approach to keeping your family safe. How many people actually bother to run these calculations?

What times would those be

I was referring mostly to the olympic games which related to tribalism/nationalism and warrior training. I have no problems with competition or sports. I also have a 37 year old body which feels much older and has experienced a broken ankle, sprained ankles, dislocated shoulder, slipped disk, torn ab muscle, and broken pedicle bone in my back (all from pole vaulting... I also have two plates and eleven screws in my left arm from a different sport). Few people do sports at a collegiate or professional level to understand the damage it does to the human body. Celebrating that is, to me, a bit primitive and also contributes to the mindlessness of the mass. It's the modern version of bread and circuses. I'm not knocking anyone who enjoys sports. I'm explaining why I no longer do as much as I used to.

shame people for not being vegan animal rights

I tire of false dichotomies. Unless you're a Janist sweeping at your feet to avoid killing a bug, we all mostly recognize how differences in consciousness impact our moral thinking in terms of causing harm to other living beings. Most kill bugs but won't beat a dog. It's not a simplistic black or white issue. The level of consciousness a living being has and their ability to feel pain should influence our actions toward them. You don't have to be a vegan activist to understand morality at this level. BTW, I love me a good steak and eat them often. I would also prefer to enjoy that same meal without harming other conscious beings in order to be more consistent with my ethical philosophy.

You can find his sock puppet über positivity on the trending page!

Sock puppet accounts being rewarded are certainly a problem. The @msgivings account was exposed here. Maybe this one will be also. This is a problem, for sure, but if people are voting for those posts (beyond just the whales), then it means they value the content. I don't feel the need to waste to much energy complaining about what others are getting away with. As people exploit weaknesses in the system, the system can evolve and improve. Right now, Steemit has little actual competition. That will change in the future and it will be forced to evolve and adapt or it will be passed up by other blockchain solutions.

Wow, didn't see that coming. A level head is helpful around here among those who don't know a hair-pin trigger from a PC trigger, or an injector from a syringe. Reminder - we're in beta. A lot can happen over the next few months/years.

I agree

I remember games that friends and i wanted to play that didnt release on time, then had longer betas "than necessary" (from a users perspective of course). Sometimes it takes years...yes years...to get something like steem streamlined.


They do more thinking about who to vote for to control their lives than they do how they are going to survive on their own for the next 40 years or more. Which one of these "leaders" (and I must quote that) is going to do more for me, seems to be the biggest question of younger generations.

Oh. hello again. Aren't you going to mention how "leadership" is only "natutal"? sigh...

Sarcasm? There are more productive means of communication.

One of them is having the balls not to be a hypocrite depending on who's wall you are commenting ...

i don't even know why I bother. You are exactly what this post is describing.

The "leaders" to which Tuck refers are rulers (they impose their will on others by force). The natural leaders to which Joe refers only set an example and are followed by others voluntarily.

Illogical accusation... not sure why you bothered either.


I like hunting with guns... and I like @tuck-fheman!

I will be sad to see you go.

Though it may not have actually involved cars, sports, guns, or "actual" hunting, grabbing a Snapping Turtle by the throat might have something to do with testosterone!

mangina number 2

There's a whole "rest of the whole fucking internet" for those 4 groups. Oh, and I can talk e'm.... except sports cause fuck that. Shit, I'm gonna write me a post on why guns are a blast.......

But I'm gonna bitch about boomers while doing it.

good riddance, I remember you flagged my post about planting sunflowers, don't ever come back, and I know you wont because I said so, and what I say goes :)

You've obviously confused me with some imaginary person in your imaginary world.

I've never flagged some silly sunflower post of yours. If I ever flagged anything of yours it would of been the video where you slandered two Witnesses, but I went back and looked and I don't see any flags. I, like most people, stopped paying attention to you long ago.

But just to refresh your memory ...

  • I'm the guy you stole images from and got you to delete the videos you were using them in.
  • I'm the guy that called you out for slandering two Witnesses.
  • I'm the guy that got you to admit that you were not speaking facts.
  • I'm the guy that you and your gfriend are "drinking the blood of through your monitors", remember?
  • I'm the guy that got you to admit some very incriminating stuff on an immutable blockchain.
what I say goes

You'd be surprised where it goes too!

Remember that conversation I lured you into on this immutable blockchain?

Well that reporter, Davin R., who's been after you and your gfriend since 2012 is using what you said in his next report on you two. I know, it's hard to believe that he's still publishing material about your (alleged) scams after all of these years, so be sure to tune in when it's finished!

I hope you get what's coming to you ... errrrrrr ... well soon Craig! :)

HA.. I knew you would post a reply to me, because you have NOT relinquished your posting key.. HA!!! :)

You do realize everyone can still see your original comment right? Changing it now only makes you look even more foolish.

the edit link is there for a reason, and the reason is to make me look foolish :)

@tuck-fheman ...
Will it help if I tell you that today I drove a sports car, hunting gun runners, while loaded up with testosterone?

If I had known you were interested in those topics I would have talked those topics with you. Because you're my friend and that shit interests me too!

Don't go! Just take a break for a day or two and come back and make a post on whatever you want to talk about. I'm here anyways.

Shit dude, even @earnest is asking you to stay, now that's saying something!

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