Fictional truths and non-fictional lies

in #philosophy6 years ago

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.

We live in a strange world these days, a world where lying is not only commonplace, it is encouraged and supported by the masses. Perhaps it has been a long time coming where society has become so accustomed to being lied to it has accepted it as the general practice. So much so, that one of the most powerful leaders in the world was elected on a whole range of lies and half truths. But, that is politics, what else can one expect, may be the position held.

But, it is not just politicians that tell tall tales, corporations lie also. they misrepresent their data, make up figures, and cover-up known defects to make and protect profits. Sports stars are also not immune to lying about their performance or use of performance enhancing products. Anything to have an advantage, anything to win.

Let every eye negotiate for itself and trust no agent.

Now imagine, if none of these lies are caught. No one fact checks well enough to uncover the deception. What happens? They become fact and facts can be used in all sorts of ways to manipulate and convince. Lance Armstrong remains a seven time Tour de France winner, Volkswagon diesels are very efficient and all of those politicians are above board members of society that are only doing what is best for us.

This is obviously hard to swallow that we would accept such lies as fact but, there must be some percentage of lies that have never been discovered. If these points are no longer verifiable, they will remain as accepted historical fact and dictate current actions and future plans.

Lawless are they that make their wills their law.

But, this is bigger than that of course as policy itself gets created based upon lies that are designed to mislead the audience, the voters. Statements are cherry picked, statistical data skewed by design, presented lacking crucial context that changes the macro view.

And we buy into the system and when the falsehood is uncovered, we explain it away as fluff or hyperbole. But by then, enough people can be committed that the person does not lose support and in many cases, support increases. After all, they are just doing what it takes to win.

This above all; to yourself be true.

Winning is an interesting concept here and one that is often closely tied to lying. People generally lie in order to win or avoid some personal cost and often, we accept this as 'what needed to be done in order to win'. Supporters and detractors alike take this view. Supports see it as savvy or shrewd, detractors as cunning and unfair.

Perhaps this idea of success and winning is why we are so ready to accept the behaviour, overlook and ignore it when it is uncovered. Perhaps it is because in the same situation, we may do the same thing, although we may not be forthcoming enough to verbalize it. That makes it real.

How does it feel to win through lying though, how does it feel to have such a conflict between one's results, and the process to get there. Does it feel like success or is there regret or guilt, maybe self loathing to achieve what one cannot actually perform? How does one feel to be rewarded and celebrated for bravery and heroisms that were not their own, to be thanked for kindness and generosity that they did not perform, and accept the gratitude? How does it feel to build a life upon such falsehoods knowing the lie? Like winning?

I say there is no darkness but ignorance.

I wonder if there is the constant fear of discovery and the fear that all that has now been gained will be lost. And the reputation held, that is a loss that many cannot fear. What will people think of me?

So the lie goes on, grows, gets strengthened. Once on the path, turning back is no longer an option. The commitment gets taken to make the lie so strong, people regard it as fact. Write it down, quote it, commit it to memory. The loss is too great to admit it, as is the gain. Who is ignorant, the liar or the audience that buys in?

This has happened over and over through history. Stories created, turned into fact and often, by the time the due diligence and discovery takes place it is too late, acceptance is the only option and maybe course correction. Tobacco, pharmaceuticals, alcohol, oil, sugar, military, governments, politicians, stars, athletes, religions, banking and many more have all been caught in various lies. The game rolls on though, not much changes, they are still here to spin another day.

There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.

Perhaps this is just the way of the world, lying for personal gain, even if in a position of trust with other's lives in the hands. Maybe this is how best to get the world to function or else no one would move at all unless convinced with falsity. I do not know, but wonder whether there is a limit to what we as a society will accept.

Perhaps we question all information presented as fact, take it all with a grain of salt to see what lies within. To see if there is truth for us. If a lie leads to action, that action becomes a part of reality and can make what was false, true.

A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.

A truth can also be hidden behind a facade of humor and mockery, presented as no more than entertainment to while away the day and make a little coin. But, these narratives, these stories, like the legends of old, tell truths that we could consider living by, yet there is not a fact within.

For me, one of the most entertaining philosophers, the wittiest of truth-seekers was Shakespeare, as within the pages of his works is some of the most incisive views of human nature and greater truths ever collected. And none of it was ever presented as fact.

The bold text titles are his words from a range of plays and I think hold a great deal of truth. They are practical and memorable, yet contain no fact. I wonder if in reality, he was wise or a fool?

[ a Steemit original ]


How do you know when a politician is lying? When his lips move. One has to have an understanding of what is being said to work out what is true and what is made up. I am a bad liar. I think it comes easier to some than others. Either I can read people better now or there is a lot more lying going on these days. I think a bit of both.

more liars as perhaps people are more individual so don't care about others, more gullible people in general too. Some are waking up to it all though.

I subscribe to your every word, @tarazkp. We live in a world where lies are justified and even applauded. We find that they even have size and color ("little lie" or "white lie"). In addition, we find that our level of credulity has also decreased or increased. On the one hand, there are the networks bombarding us daily with false news, and the common one irresponsibly transmitting this news, as you say, we let these behaviors pass us by, because in the end we justify them. This is a very interesting subject and one in which we see ourselves in a mirror. Blessed Saturday, @tarazkp

First question I asked myself deeply was this,

How does it feel to win through lying though, how does it feel to have such a conflict between one's results, and the process to get there

Lieing is a ‘system’ it develops as the lier grows. There are so many unimaginable practices that started up from a mere lie that seems too heavy to correct. I am speaking from the religious perspective now, some belief system that started on a falacy.

You've asked some important and thought-provoking questions....

Does it feel like success or is there regret or guilt, maybe self loathing to achieve what one cannot actually perform? How does one feel to be rewarded and celebrated for bravery and heroisms that were not their own, to be thanked for kindness and generosity that they did not perform, and accept the gratitude? How does it feel to build a life upon such falsehoods knowing the lie? Like winning?

In response to the above, I would say that it will only leave the person empty, if he/she is appealed to conscience.

If a lie leads to action, that action becomes a part of reality and can make what was false, true.

Although, it's hard to separate truth from falsehood after an action has been taken and reality created, it should be known that one we will still face the perils of some realities.

A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.

I guess the above is one of the premises people build on when they try to prove that morality is subjective or relative. However, I still believe that there's something called conscience which is above morality.

Well done @tarazkp for this amazing piece, I learnt a lot.

Perhaps this is just the way of the world, lying for personal gain, even if in a position of trust with other's lives in the hands. Maybe this is how best to get the world to function or else no one would move at all unless convinced with falsity. I do not know, but wonder whether there is a limit to what we as a society will accept.

As long as personal gain is involved, there wont be a limit, i think its natural that everyone is always after their personal interest first.

The bold text titles are his words from a range of plays and I think hold a great deal of truth. They are practical and memorable, yet contain no fact. I wonder if in reality, he was wise or a fool?

Lol i wonder too...

Have a nice weekend

Very well said @tarazkp

A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.

A truth can also be hidden behind a facade of humor and mockery, presented as no more than entertainment to while away the day and make a little coin. But, these narratives, these stories, like the legends of old, tell truths that we could consider living by, yet there is not a fact within.

Truth is there it's just hidden you need to find it out. What is truth you never know, unless you know it. It can be expressed in many ways.
Be wise enough to analyze the truth and lie of the life.

Thanks a lot for sharing this post with us and inspiring us.
You change the way of thinking of many, and this idea has helped me a lot today thanks a lot sir.

That's quite a debatable topic. Lie if repeated 100 times doesn't become truth. What we really need to evaluate is the reason behind a lie and if it's worth moving yourself to the category - lier.

We generally lie to show ourselves superior or right. Better alternative would be able to evaluate and explain your side and accepting it

Agree with your exposure, dear @tarazkp ....
Just want to add a little bit:
Often the repeated falsehoods are accepted as truth. Man can trust anything. They can believe in falsehood. They can be deceived very easily ... They can trust anything that is repeated constantly!... The most vivid example is advertisements in our TV...

Thanks for sharing....❤

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