The False Appearance of 'Good' Prevents Action to Change for the Better

in #philosophy7 years ago

"Everything is good for me, nothing to worry about in society. I have my job. I have my house. I have my family. I have stability. It's great! Everything is so good! Life is great!"

"Issues in society? Not my problem!"

"Injustice there? It doesn't affect me, so what do I care?"

"Everything looks GOOD. Everything looks RIGHT."

"All I see is how things are going well for me, for 'my freedom', 'my survival' and 'my truth'."

If everything "looks" and "appears" good, is it really?

Wrongs often hides behind a veil of appearing "right".

Even when something was wrong before, a slight change can improve the situation, but not necessarily resolve the problem. Yet, instead of recognizing the problem still exists, many will be caught up in the joy of "change", that something "improved" by some half-step or half-measure, and they consider it a "win".

The appearance of a "good" being created masks and hides the persistence of the wrongs still present.

A band-aid of duct-tape gets applied, and most people think something was done to "fix" the issue, to heal the wound, to repair the broken thing, but in reality only the appearance of a fix, correction or solution was applied, not a real solution.

Then people are lulled into complacency with how things are again, because something was "done", and things are "better", so they can just go back to doing what they were doing. "Triumphant" we stand, "winning", satisfied that something "changed". Meanwhile, the duct-tape didn't fix the problem, it only masked and plugged up the visible problem.

We go along with the "change" and go back to "sleep" in our attempt to resolve the problem, but it isn't resolved.

This sets us up for a see-saw game, the pendulum going back and forth in circles. Back and forth we go, 2 steps forwards, 1 step back, as we continue to ignore resolving the root causal factors. The wrongs get compounded with the right and amalgamate into a "way" or "structure" for living in society. Until we take the time, energy, effort, dedication, determination and persistence to care for truth and learn how and why things are the way they are, we will keep repeating things, keep going around in a circle, keep engaging in revolutions, rotating back onto the same things again and again. This makes for a very slow progression towards betterment.

Each time, people become complacent in thinking they have achieved a "victorious win" as they go back and settle into their routines, until the next time the issue raises it's ugly head, and they can keep trying to apply band-aids and duct-tape to a situation they don't have fundamental understanding of how to resolve. So it never actually gets resolved (a real 2 steps forward without any steps back), just more half-steps and half-measures on the road to gradual and incremental changes, in the right or wrong direction. This isn't simply a matter of trial and errors happening as part of life. A proper understanding can be had if rational thought is applied through foundational principles. Society doesn't go far enough because we jump on the solutions presented, or accept whatever measures the authorities decide to take on our behalf.

Gradual changes can work, as long as the end-goal is recognized and worked towards bit by bit. Sometimes gradual changes are needed, but often a proper solution can be applied just as much as a half-measure improper solution can be.

Gradualism or incrementalism is how the globalist elite have been incrementally shifting human consciousness for a long time. Small slow changes aren't easily perceived by people over time, just like a boiled frog doesn't notice the temperature change that leads to it's death.

People in societies don't understand what is even happening to them, and has been happening for generations. Their historical lens if very shortsighted. Even to things that happened in their own lifetime they don't even truly understand the implications of.

There are "cancers" of corrupt ways of living that spread into many aspects of our lives, and we don't see them for what they are as we are conditioned into accepting them as the "good" and "ordered" way of life we lead.

Do we want to be content with taking cancers/problems down in size, letting it grow, taking it down more, targeting multi-faceted aspects of the problem, and never getting anywhere because there is always something new that comes up due to not understanding the root causal factors of the situation to begin with?

Or do we want to be taking the problem on at its root and get it done right so that it doesn’t come back?

We all have cleaning to do in our own houses (inner-work) before we can feasibly clean up the outside world. We need to understand situations and improve our thinking and analytical skills before we understand what the root causal factors are and how to resolve them. Until we do this, until we try to change for the better in our thinking (with better quality thinking) the external world will not change, as it is a direct reflection of our collective inner-worlds (thoughts, feelings, etc) which are the cause of the resulting manifestations we co-create into the outer world (actions, behaviors, habits, etc).

We aren’t going into our cracks of the foundation of self and facing our shadow, negative, demons, or darkness that prevents us from seeing things clearly and improving our individual and collective lives. The problems will continue to reemerge so long as we do not face and deal with it as a society/community. No one person can do everything for everyone. When people try that, you get dictators and totalitarian authority to control the lives of others.

Letting some people manipulate the direction we lead ourselves as individuals, or as a community, to determine what happens in society all on their own, is more power and control that other individuals have been exposing for centuries. People think these "leaders" rulers are "good", so they accept their decisions and actions.

Good ol' grandma, shes "good", she can't possibly be doing "evil"... if she is we'll just ignore it...

Decentralization towards equal direct representation of ourselves, our own voices, is required in all societies and communities if freedom, prosperity and peace is truly desired. So long as some people have imaginary powers of authority to mess with others unjustly, no true freedom will come about. All that will be, is an illusory image and appearance of "freedom", "peace", "justice", or "truth". Ignorant gradualism of abdicating our responsibility to learn and understand the root causal factors for issues in a society, will just have us thinking we "changed", that we "won", and then we can go back to our daily lives, content with our recent "victory".

Gradualism appears to work, but it only gives temporary alleviation. The core rotten root foundational lies and bullshit is still there, festering, waiting to emerge once again. These are aspects of our lives that we have not resolved at their core depth in our minds and hearts as a united people (because we aren't really united), so they will creep back in our lives.

Gradualism wipes clean some parts of the surface, plastering some small "good" over the cracks that eventually start multiplying again. This is especially true if a society/community decides to change things, but not everyone complies, then you sure as hell don't have "unity" as some actively oppose changing towards what is right by still doing what is wrong. As long as only a few are affected by acts of injustice, the rest of people usually ignore what is happening because it doesn't "personally" affect them directly. The overall state of a community/society is reflected by all the individuals that make it up, but this overall construct doesn't seem to be understood as individuals allow wrongs and injustices to perpetuate.

Common-unity happens when there is unity of behavior towards common goals and rules/standards. Allowing the rich and powerful to rule our lives, or work against the betterment of a community, is not good for everyone together, it's bad for everyone together. Self-appointed masters don't represent me,w hat about you?

Achieving common-unity through common rulesets to live by, is how individualism and collective cooperation fuse to drive people to become leaders by example of their actions and correct the errors around them. Letting wrongs continue will affect the overall community, even if one doesn't see it affecting them directly.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2017-03-27, 12:25pm


Isn't gradualism like putting a frog in a pot of water and slowly turning up the heat? Before the frog can figure out what's going on, he is soup!

I went to codependency 12 step group work, cogantive therapy to learn new habits, and meditation work to get the roots of trauma based conditioning called ptsd. One thing I clearly saw even before this work, I stayed in dysfunction because it was a known, the unknown was way scarier. Plus I was conditioned to feel I couldn't change or help my environment or myself, I was stupid. This was a system I was born into and didn't know anything better or different.

My reaction to dysfunction was doubling up my misery, but I stayed a victim because there was profit in that position, being, I didn't have to take responsibility for my choices. My miserable life was always someone else's fault. I see this dynamic played out throughout our society.

Great comment! Thanks for providing it! Many people can learn from that :)

I think this is the way out of personal and societal dysfunction. Thank you @krnel.

I can very much relate to this "touching me deeply" comment. @reddust That is the cancer spreading in our mostly dysfunctional society. How long did it take me to open my shut eyes with the help of my wounded heart, left over strength to change drastically, to fix myself first. I focus on the so called INNER work. I wrote an article asking if "ALL IS WELL"? IS IT ? It is if you approach those vicious diseased cells from another angle.......
What appears wrong is simply your own false imagination.

This is why I'm so afraid of a 'basic/guaranteed income' about duct tape! Omg...if we give them the power to feed us, we give them the power to starve us, and no one can see, because they just want their problems of today fixed. Very frustrating. Thanks for writing, and publishing your contemplations, you always give me something to rant about haha!

Please keep in mind that in the foreseeable future we have much less jobs, but more people on this planet; all created by robotisation (inevitable, ie a given), and more intelligent AI (inevitable, ie a given). Whether we will start applying basic income, or any other method to allow people without a job to get at least the basics required for a decent living (roof, food, eduction, healthcare) is debatable. But please, don't close the eyes on what is inevitable; for sure technology evolution is inevitable and technology is now testing our economic models, and soon will disrupt our economic models.

Economic new models will be implemented step by step, it's actually already happening but people need to be "trained" to be able to handle such new models. Does this make sense? You can't change to aprupt because it would cause massive chaos. A small part of mankind and our society is waking up....... I have hopes!

That is the only way we can change without super disruption. We need to act fast though, since only a few see the tremendous disruption as being very close by in time. Many of us do not see that, and therefore will not even change, hence we may end up in chaos anyway when not creating and playing the cards of change in a good, and faster way than we do now.

Instead of giving people free fiat money, why not connect people with the land? Give the land back to the people. Give people windmills, and solar panels, ways to live sustainably. Give people seeds, and all the knowledge needed to provide our needs ourselves. The giving of Money, is just more slavery.


Pol Pot wanted that and used his extreme methods to get the city people back to become farmers again.

Robots will do all the work, sometime in the future, unless we can jump from one system to another, we need a transition system, that is what basic income is all about in my view. In the future when AI reached singularity and hours later are much more intelligent than humans, we humans do not have to do any work anymore, we can enjoy 24x7 time spend on ourselves, on our loved ones, on doing whatever we want. In my book, when we didn't destroy ourself in whatever way, we will reach the point we do not have to work anymore, nobody, never. But to road to that vision is rocky and we need to find and implement solutions for that.

Note, to some singularity will already be reached in 15years (Ray Kurzwell), most scientist say it'll take this century, a few of that community think AI will never reach singularity. I do think we will reach it, sooner or later, but lets assume sooner than later to be prepared.

Yes, and I'll be preparing my own way, by working growing food, raising animals, trading and bartering with neighbours and trying our best to live as one with the Earth, and our neighbours. Community building is very important.

Absolutely agree community building is very important! :)

Interesting, good point about the UBI hehe. Same with digital currency they are trying to bring, more control over life hehe...

WOW, your post reflects (to me) one of the main issues we are facing, and need to find solutions to.

From capitalism, we went to individualisme into egoism. The later causes us to look for self interests mainly or even only. And yes, there are people who try (sometimes) to think of the best interest for the society, but many do not think things through, listens to others who do (or pretend they do) and just agree with the next measure implemented, and mostly indeed short term focussed.

We practise fire fighting, instead of defining a vision, create solid proposals and discuss them to execute to bring us closer to the vision, take the appropriate steps to actually implement the whole thing and while doing so, always be critical if whatever we dreamed up, defined and executed are still in line with the original thoughts and vision.

I even believe that the majority in a society can already be ok with whatever is done to create a 'better' world is by informing them, be transparent. But it needs to start with a vision the large majority, not 51% but lets say 90% can agree to, then be very transparent on what needs to be done to reach that goal. This will give many people enough, to leave whatever needs to be done, to others. Trust is the name of the game! And trust is build by transparency and good decisions.

Thanks for the feedback. Great points!

I actually had the feeling I was kind of repeating what you already put forward, but in different terms :) But even with that feeling, I wanted to contribute to your post and this can only be done with comments like this, so that it can be an inspiration to others. This topic is so important, it deserves a lot of attention! Whether this is for our cultures and societies we are part of outside Steemit, or this is for the culture and society we do have within Steemit (or try to create, change and ensure we have a ling future ahead of us).

I agree, it is important for people to learn about. But those who are low consciousness and ignorant of these matters, the power abusers, won't care. This post will get flagged by the abusive malicious whale who targets all my posts.

And we as the community shall create measures against the abusers. Anusers are generally only a very small minority of the whole society/community. In the land of all freedom, those abusers can do whatever they want to do, but in the end that creates such bad energy into the society/community at large, we shall find ways to reduce the effects of the abusers. Therefore rules are required, therefore enforcement of rules is required as well, this can be done by law and law enforcement, or by technology as here on Steemit, or even by social control as we had that in the past when communities were local, not global. Whatever method of enforcement is practical, enforcement is required.

Enforcement can be done by all members of a community, if they care to be involved (which is usually not the case). No central body is required to have powers others don't. Everyone needs to take up responsibility of the power to maximize freedom for all.

No central body is required to have powers others don't. Everyone needs to take up responsibility of the power to maximize freedom for all.

And that is just it, the issue, not that many want to help enforcing, hence the enforcement is not in balance, since the ones that do not help will start complaining at one point, or the people that are enforcing are starting to complain to the toher not helping out, being lazy and such. I do believe in a supported more or less centralised enforcement force (not perse all in 1 hand, can be somehow a cross between distributed and centralised), who needs to be 100% transparent (use blockchains for that with all the information).

Yeah, because you just re-write others content trying to make a living. Get used to it!

Low consciousness? LOL, what a pretentious douchebag...

Yes you are, and you're the douchebag (an obnoxious or contemptible person), not I. I wrote this, and everything else. You support doitvoluntarily, vote for them, and they get stories from elsewhere as well. You're a power hungry authoritarian asshole. Grow up child.

Well, I don't think honestly that there is a way to change what you described. It' would be a radical change, and radical changes happen only if there's no other choice. It's human nature.
There's a name, anyway, to describe the (natural) lack of interest on problems far from us, but I don't remember it now :)

it takes learning how the problems do affect you, as a representation of the community you live in, that it is "your" community that you are a part of and reflects upon you, even if the problem doesn't "directly" impact you in a highly visible way.

I totally agree with you @krnel. Since I joined steemit, I observed things around and the people, their ways. And I kind of found something that's not fair for the community but just tolerated and even appreciated. There is politics here just like the outside world. I didn't mean to hurt anyone I'm just telling you what I have observed.

Radical changes are required (ref to my other comments to this post). I agree with you that radical changes are generally only possible when we are at the point of no-return, and this is generally when we are too late, and everything falls apart. How to change this, and try and push through big changes we have to make, is a question we MUST find an answer to before it is indeed to late. Keep in mind that when we do not find that answer, we get to chaos at one stage and when in chaos leaders may step up who have the answer the majority is ok with, but they may turn out to be the bad guys. History showed this over and over again.

Society doesn't go far enough because we jump on the solutions presented, or accept whatever measures the authorities decide to take on our behalf.

Society doesn't have right tools (education, time, mindset) to understand problems in their complexity.

Gradualism appears to work, but it only gives temporary alleviation. The core rotten root foundational lies and bullshit is still there, festering, waiting to emerge once again. These are aspects of our lives that we have not resolved at their core depth in our minds and hearts as a united people (because we aren't really united), so they will creep back in our lives.

And it would be even more difficult to be "unite" without leaders / rulers.

I don't like rulers but centralization of powers brings efficency (that could be good or bad depending how you use this power).

Nah, you can have centralization of information, then it's up the individual personal responsibility to access it and learn. Centralized power silences the individual voices and alienates, disenfranchises and disempowers people.

Centralization of information is the same centralization of power, information can be a source of power just like money of physical force.
I'm not saying centralization is good, I'm saying that is efficient.

Information could be found but you also need time to read and education to understand what you read. So it's not easy especially without leader / rulers.

LOL, erroneous reasoning. There is 1 database called Steemit, and it is centralized information, yet not centralized power to control that information.

That's why I said you can have central info, people still need to learn... Efficiency doesn't trump what is more right as respecting individual rights of people. The efficiency excuse is what have been used by authoritarians for ages.

LOL, erroneous reasoning. There is 1 database called Steemit, and it is centralized information, yet not centralized power to control that information.

Ahhh you're talking about Steemit... ok, now I understand what you mean with "centralized information". I was thinking about 1 big source of information, not 1 big channel with lots of sources.

Efficiency doesn't trump what is more right as respecting individual rights of people. The efficiency excuse is what have been used by authoritarians for ages.

Sure. It's an excuse but it's also true. That's why business have a CEO. That's why Steem have a delegated proof of stake (right?).

Yup 1 person can make decisions faster than 2, 10 or 100.

I do agree on peoples own responsibility. But so many people do not take that responsibility, while they need to be part of the vision and execution. Please refer to all my other comments and the previous on in this side threat as well.

I do agree! There must be centralisation of power, to many people do not want to think thing through. But the centralised power needs to be good power! They need to be deserving that they are good. They need to lead the creation of visions, implementation plans etc, and have the community involved in all steps, from discussion to implementation. Be always transparent and such. Also, leaders should have time to implement, in our current democratic system those leaders have usually 4 years, too short to implement plans required for changes required to leed us into the next generation in a way we all are be able to live together in a better way, gain more happiness as a community/society and so on.

I think that (as many issues in life) we should have a compromise.
There are pros and cons for both centralized power and decentralized consensus.
I also think we have too much "centralized" in our western democracies...

I indeed am also of the opinion that we must find the balance between centralised and decentralised. What and how that exactly is, we need to find a common answer to. I for instance don't believe in referenda. I do not believe in the majority vote of 50% + 1 is what will be next. I do believe in transparency, which our current society is not about at all. Interestingly, some people here on Steemit want to stay absolutely anonymous; I find that very strange, since this does not build trust, but does the opposite.

I do believe in referenda in the abstract, but you cannot have good decisions based on poor knowledge. Knowledge for political matters is very subjective, and for technical matters is difficult to obtain.

I also like being anonymous, gives me freedom to talk about what I want : )
That could also be used for malicious acts, but the voting mechanism can / could be the answer to this.

Loving your philosophy posts when they appear under the philosophy tag @krnel! I'm gonna jump straight back into that tag first thing tomorrow morning!! :)

My friend ... But we do not live alone in this life ...

nice story, I like it

Wow krnel, good read. I find the first part especially inspiring. Why you write this??

Because of this problem in society at large, but moreso with Steemit not forming a real "community" that works and can deal with issues. Real world society at least has rules and measures to deal with violators, but not Steemit. Steemit proves anarchistic living is not possible without people understanding how to live this way by evolving consciousness first. No rules established in consensus, or not following rules that authoritarian power players make up among themselves, concentration of power making up their own unjust rules, abuse of power.

I get your point now! I agree with you that it works like that. I think it is part of the mix, stirrs up desire blablabla... In the end, I believe, there is not much we can do. That you make a statement here is freedom. Yes!

There are things we can do, change habitual reactions and don't participate in dysfunction, educate self on the system and it's function, speak out about dysfunction, avoid fallacies and provide support and ideas on how to resolve root problems.

Great blog .Especially loved: 'Until we take the time, energy, effort, dedication, determination and persistence to care for truth and learn how and why things are the way they are, we will keep repeating things, keep going around in a circle, keep engaging in revolutions, rotating back onto the same things again and again. This makes for a very slow progression towards betterment." So true .

I also agree with the principle of self-change, and muse at how the process is the same as and reflected within societal change. I think agreeing to a set of principles, such as 'doing what's best for all', and 'one man, one vote' are cool examples of the rules we can all follow, or should I say lead by example in incorporating these rules into who and how we are at a base level.

I know it is possible to change, and I think that changing self first proves this and sets the stage for change at a larger level. That is why it is important to share th eprocess and the insights along the way.

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