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RE: The False Appearance of 'Good' Prevents Action to Change for the Better

in #philosophy7 years ago

Isn't gradualism like putting a frog in a pot of water and slowly turning up the heat? Before the frog can figure out what's going on, he is soup!

I went to codependency 12 step group work, cogantive therapy to learn new habits, and meditation work to get the roots of trauma based conditioning called ptsd. One thing I clearly saw even before this work, I stayed in dysfunction because it was a known, the unknown was way scarier. Plus I was conditioned to feel I couldn't change or help my environment or myself, I was stupid. This was a system I was born into and didn't know anything better or different.

My reaction to dysfunction was doubling up my misery, but I stayed a victim because there was profit in that position, being, I didn't have to take responsibility for my choices. My miserable life was always someone else's fault. I see this dynamic played out throughout our society.


Great comment! Thanks for providing it! Many people can learn from that :)

I think this is the way out of personal and societal dysfunction. Thank you @krnel.

I can very much relate to this "touching me deeply" comment. @reddust That is the cancer spreading in our mostly dysfunctional society. How long did it take me to open my shut eyes with the help of my wounded heart, left over strength to change drastically, to fix myself first. I focus on the so called INNER work. I wrote an article asking if "ALL IS WELL"? IS IT ? It is if you approach those vicious diseased cells from another angle.......
What appears wrong is simply your own false imagination.

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