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RE: The False Appearance of 'Good' Prevents Action to Change for the Better

in #philosophy7 years ago

Society doesn't go far enough because we jump on the solutions presented, or accept whatever measures the authorities decide to take on our behalf.

Society doesn't have right tools (education, time, mindset) to understand problems in their complexity.

Gradualism appears to work, but it only gives temporary alleviation. The core rotten root foundational lies and bullshit is still there, festering, waiting to emerge once again. These are aspects of our lives that we have not resolved at their core depth in our minds and hearts as a united people (because we aren't really united), so they will creep back in our lives.

And it would be even more difficult to be "unite" without leaders / rulers.

I don't like rulers but centralization of powers brings efficency (that could be good or bad depending how you use this power).


Nah, you can have centralization of information, then it's up the individual personal responsibility to access it and learn. Centralized power silences the individual voices and alienates, disenfranchises and disempowers people.

Centralization of information is the same centralization of power, information can be a source of power just like money of physical force.
I'm not saying centralization is good, I'm saying that is efficient.

Information could be found but you also need time to read and education to understand what you read. So it's not easy especially without leader / rulers.

LOL, erroneous reasoning. There is 1 database called Steemit, and it is centralized information, yet not centralized power to control that information.

That's why I said you can have central info, people still need to learn... Efficiency doesn't trump what is more right as respecting individual rights of people. The efficiency excuse is what have been used by authoritarians for ages.

LOL, erroneous reasoning. There is 1 database called Steemit, and it is centralized information, yet not centralized power to control that information.

Ahhh you're talking about Steemit... ok, now I understand what you mean with "centralized information". I was thinking about 1 big source of information, not 1 big channel with lots of sources.

Efficiency doesn't trump what is more right as respecting individual rights of people. The efficiency excuse is what have been used by authoritarians for ages.

Sure. It's an excuse but it's also true. That's why business have a CEO. That's why Steem have a delegated proof of stake (right?).

Yup 1 person can make decisions faster than 2, 10 or 100.

I do agree on peoples own responsibility. But so many people do not take that responsibility, while they need to be part of the vision and execution. Please refer to all my other comments and the previous on in this side threat as well.

I do agree! There must be centralisation of power, to many people do not want to think thing through. But the centralised power needs to be good power! They need to be deserving that they are good. They need to lead the creation of visions, implementation plans etc, and have the community involved in all steps, from discussion to implementation. Be always transparent and such. Also, leaders should have time to implement, in our current democratic system those leaders have usually 4 years, too short to implement plans required for changes required to leed us into the next generation in a way we all are be able to live together in a better way, gain more happiness as a community/society and so on.

I think that (as many issues in life) we should have a compromise.
There are pros and cons for both centralized power and decentralized consensus.
I also think we have too much "centralized" in our western democracies...

I indeed am also of the opinion that we must find the balance between centralised and decentralised. What and how that exactly is, we need to find a common answer to. I for instance don't believe in referenda. I do not believe in the majority vote of 50% + 1 is what will be next. I do believe in transparency, which our current society is not about at all. Interestingly, some people here on Steemit want to stay absolutely anonymous; I find that very strange, since this does not build trust, but does the opposite.

I do believe in referenda in the abstract, but you cannot have good decisions based on poor knowledge. Knowledge for political matters is very subjective, and for technical matters is difficult to obtain.

I also like being anonymous, gives me freedom to talk about what I want : )
That could also be used for malicious acts, but the voting mechanism can / could be the answer to this.

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