Empowering Change by Creating a Market For Truth [DTube/Text]

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
- 1984, by George Orwell

Is knowledge power? Yes, in at least two ways.

  1. power to you: knowledge gained can empower you to understand something and act in accordance with that understanding
  2. power from you: knowledge restricted can disempower you by keeping you ignorant of how to change things

If someone can control the information you are getting, and/or feeding you titillating distractions for your attention, then your ability to function in reality (according to more information) is being restricted by others.

Made by @krnel

There is a power differential from hiding, occulting and encrypting knowledge. Intelligentsia specialize in that, and so too do secret societies that have been around for who knows how long.

Made by @krnel

The foundation for everything is based on truth. The more truth we have in common, the stronger the bond, because it it based in reality, what ‘is’, and not on a semblance of reality based on ignoring or denying the truth we don't want to face.

Not convinced of how important truth is? Think about someone lying to you, being dishonest, or betraying you. How important is that in your life? Truth is the foundation for everything.

If truth didn't matter, trust in others and loyalty towards others wouldn't be broken by betrayal, dishonesty, lying, etc. These are subconscious axiomatic intuitive non-reflective understandings we operate by in life, but it can be consciously recognized and seen. Truth is at the foundation of everything. Truth is a synonym for reality or existence.

Truth is the most important thing in all our lives, and we ignore its importance. We don't seek it out to learn more, but are just passively stumbling into it through life and not actively engaging in seeking it out.

Why speak truth? It's important to get on the same page of understanding with others. Also, speaking truth and being recognized as someone who does speak truth, who is honest, establishes confidence in your character and in your word. This will create a reputation of an honest person, that you're not a deceiver or liar.

This is important in life for our social and cooperative living together. If you lie to someone, they will recognize that you're not representing reality honestly to them. This does not engender trust, faith, loyalty or belief in another person.

If you were to keep lying to someone, they would likely stop interacting with you if they were sane and cared about reality more than their attachment to a bullshitter who lies to them all the time.

People don't like being lied to. That simple fact demonstrates the supreme importance of truth that most people don't even consciously recognize with their awareness. We go through life in a subconscious recognition of stumbling around trying to find truth, but few actively care and seek out truth to a higher degree.

If people are lied to, they will go elsewhere to get away from the liar.

Think of the mainstream media and how they are fooling people low quality, unimportant, insignificant information. Many people want to know what is really happening, and they know they are being kept from more important information, and some people know they are being outright lied to by the mainstream media. This is even being shown with Trump denying the fake mainstream media news stories about Russia and hacking.

People want to know the truth deep down inside, because it is the foundation for reality and for our understanding of reality. Truth is reality and existence.

People will go get the truth somewhere else if they're not getting it from the mainstream media. The media gets caught lying, yet they keep treating people like fools to be manipulated.

Eventually some people get tired of the lies and deception, and find the alternative media and alternative press. The free press and media are now under attack through the fake mainstream media's claims that fake news is a problem outside of the mainstream media, when in actuality the mainstream media invented fake news.

There is a real market for truth once you realize this deep and real need for truth in people's lives, even if they don't realize it at a conscious level themselves.

Many people are not very self-actualized and self-realized individuals with self-knowledge. This is why it's important for them to understand the importance of truth and the need to learn, because they lack self-knowledge to be able to empower themselves in their lives more fully.

Once more people realize the foundational root causal importance of truth in our lives, then truth will become the most valuable content in the world.

This is how I have valued truth in my life since I have made the shift to recognizing its importance many years ago.

Truth, and more specifically moral truth, is the real capital in our lives.

The real capital, the real most important and chief value to give something that determines the quality and condition of our lives, is based on truth and morality.

The deeper, higher quality, more hard hitting, more meaningful, more life changing, more empowering psychological and philosophical truth will be the top knowledge in our lives once we get to that point of self-realization and self-actualization towards a care for truth and morality.

Making TRUTH into a memetic mind-virus by getting people to care for and seek truth, and to understand the supreme importance of truth in our lives, will empower people to empower themselves and that will change the whole world!!!

Who is with me? Let's revamp TRUTH and make it popular in everyone's consciousness!

Post information that will help people learn about the problems around us, so that they can then understand they need to learn more to be able to find and apply a solution with everyone else working on the same goal.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Absolutely, way t' be. This is the work. Besides message boards, Steemit is my first attempt to spread this knowledge in a meaningful way. I just got here about a week ago, so not many people see my posts, but I'm hoping people who come along later will go back and view the earlier articles, because I'm trying to lay things out in a progressive way. My intent is to provide a foundation for those who are new to this information so they will be able to accurately discern the validity of what comes later.

I'm really excited about some of the writers that I've encountered here, such as yourself. I only know two people in my personal life who understand these concepts, so you guys are like unicorns to me Hahaha. It's a welcome sight, to be sure. Thank you on behalf of humanity.

That might be hard to expect from people here, as it's sort of like a memory hole :P The length of attention to posts is in day or a few more, and rarely are people interested in going back longer. But at least it will be there. It's a good idea. After a few hundred posts you can't keep going back in someone's blog... so after a while people won't be able to keep seeing what you wrote earlier :/ Yes, understanding things more deeply is not common...

Yeah, I'm starting to notice that memory hole. I've begun linking relevant older articles at the bottom of my new stuff, so maybe I can keep the information alive that way. People can't shortcut their way to freedom. A comprehensive understanding is required; but good God, amidst a Twitter culture, this is becoming a tall order. I've gotten "TL;DR" on forum posts that were 3 short paragraphs long. The whole thing could fit on your monitor screen at the same time. If people can't bear reading for 1-2 minutes, you'd better practice your stretches, because it won't be long before we're kissing our ass goodbye.

Lying is so deep rooted in society mate. In fact, there isnt a single organisation or person in power that doesnt try to mislead us and fulfil their hidden agenda. Seeking truth is very important but how to seek it, what to seek and how to control your biases are important things to be considered.

Most true things that i think you are alluding to arent absolute. For example, govt saying something or passing a law that has both positives and negatives. Govt will focus solely on the positives because they have an agenda. Critics will focus mostly on negatives because they have an agenda. How do decide whether pros putweigh the cons on an absolute basis. The outcome of that will depend on whether youre pro govt or anti and truth is subjective.

Absolute truth is easy to seek. Maybe even in cases that i consider subjective, there is some element of absolute honesty and may be its ok for everyone to seek their own truth.

But it is important to seek it and share it.

I guess even when mainstream or alternative media creates misleading posts, or when govt takes decision with hidden agendas, their honesty about taking a decision that society considers immoral or unjust would be appreciated but i guess they will never do that.

Sure there are positives and negatives, not all things government does is wrong at face value, but the authority they have is gained through false means. A belief in the need for authority in order to live, as if we can't live without it, and to pay for it's survival through coercive taxation in order to fund things ppl wouldn't or don't want to.

I think most people need some form of authority to live, in a sense that it gives them direction. A close proxy for that % of population that is voting at elections. People do want to elect a govt. May be they are scared of the unknown - what a no govt situation would be like. It also happens in workplaces. Most people need direction of some authority to establish a code to live people. Religion falls in the same bucket for some.

I think laziness and life priorities will continue to prevent majority of people from seeking the truth, but no matter what making people aware of this big issue will attract more people to search the truth. Additionally to making people aware of this problem, people have to be educated on how to deal with truth and on how to filter it from bs, it's not an easy skill

Yup, it takes a certain level of devotion to figure things out, and people are so busy with their personal lives and don't understand what they don't understand, as along as they are happy, enjoying life, they will just keep going along... Critical thinking is lacking indeed.

The older I get, the more convinced I am that much of what has been given to me is a lie. I believe that many things we consider supernatural are actually natural, the only thing super about them is the fact we have been trained to look away from them.

I do question how many want the truth though, as violent as people get when truth challenges what they want (their feelings or constructs they have invested heavily into). At this point it feels like we have entered the beginning stages of the end game and I can only hope to uncover enough truth to maybe protect myself and some of those I love when the shtf.

End game... maybe... I'm prepared in some ways too. But people have been preparing for decades, and still waiting :P

Yes, I get that. I am unsure of your age, as you have a lot of wisdom plus like older school movies like myself. But I have noticed the noose tightening, the pretenses dropping as they invade every last corner of privacy. Forcing poisons on us in our foods and medicines, and on the list goes. We are not very far from all pretenses of us being cattle are dropped, and I see no signs of them slowing down despite how obvious they have become. They trot out their "experts" and laugh that for much of it there isn't shit we can do to directly stop them. They infect many with their mental dis-ease and prove that the majority are incapable of any type of reflection.

Sorry for ranting. It is nice to find others who see it, like you do. Most people don't want to hear this stuff and would consider one deranged for questioning any of this. Surely Uncle Sam and the other countries leaders want the best for us. Right? I think I threw up in my mouth simply typing that, lol.

I never lie, not because i think its immoral but because i wont remember the lie if i have to do it again.

LOL :P That's a good way to prevent you from lying ...

And i was thinking that the title from George Orwell, is actualy from Rage against the machine - Testify :). Now that is a band and a song! Absolutly agree abouth the truth. It is my number one rule. It takes courage the face the truth as well, but this is the way forward.

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