Information Overload, Complexity, Distraction and Manipulation

in #philosophy6 years ago

Simply by speaking we influence others, and can even manipulate them. Tell others what they want to hear, true or false, and you will be able to influence them more. Confirmation bias is strong. Tell others things they don't want to hear but are true, and they will likely reject your influence and maybe you.


With words alone, people can get you to do what they want you to do. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) involves this predetermined directing of responses through open and closed questions, as well as tendencies in human behavior and what choices are made given certain options.

Influence others involves knowing the rhetoric to get a particular message accepted. Divergence from speaking truth as it is is a negative form of influence because it deviates from the truth in order to get someone to accept something. Going away form truth is a slippery slope to get people to accept half-truths or falsity.

This can be done to influence others according to your will, for your gains alone, and not the "higher will" that is aligned with what is right, good and true for all, objectively. Negative influence is done by someone who seeks to influence others to do what they want them to do regardless if it's also of benefit for all concerned or all affected.


It may take successive message repetitions or reconfigurations for a message to be accepted and the desired behavior to manifest. This is the effect of gradualism or incrementalism, with the slow rising temperature that we don't realize we are being cooked and conned by someone. This applies not only in individual influences, but also on a wide scale through the influence of the media.


If you can't influence and control what people think with your information that is directed at them, then there are other ways to control them indirectly:

  1. Restrict information: Control what they have available to think about. Don't talk about core fundamentals of life that can empower people (morality, psychology, philosophy). Make the information hidden (occulted) or hard to access.
  2. Distractions: Give them other things to think about that are less important but more fun, more comforting, more convenient, more pleasurable -- bread and circus, entertainment, gratification, intoxication, etc. The "feel-good" pleasure trap.
  3. Information overload: Flood the market with so much information, misinformation, and disinformation, that they don't know up from down and only want to be left alone to do their own thing, to be happy in their lives free from the mental stress of figuring out what is happening in the world. "I don't need to know this.", "Don't hassle me, leave me alone!"


The more complex things get, the more difficult it is for people to see what is actually occurring, and the more difficult it is to understand how things can be changed away from the madness it currently is. The complexity of the information impact, and the general unwillingness to learn that is developed from learned helplessness of an apparent hopeless situation, will result in a perpetuation of the negatives or madness in our systemic way of living and being.

Cycles and bubbles will repeat and be re-inflated, until the system collapses from its own falsity that can no longer be managed nor recycled anymore. At some point it collapses for good and cannot be resuscitated or resurrected. Something else evolves to take it's place, some new way.


Too much information can be also be a distraction and cause confusion as well. Some people see the amount of information as a reason to not bother looking into it at all. They are distracted and detracted from looking into what is going on in reality, in the world, because of how daunting the task is.

If they do start to look into things, then information overload is an actual problem. People will turn off input because it's too much for them to process, since they have been trained to not think, to not process information well, they don't do well when going up against so much information to discern the accuracy and truth it holds. It's easier to not bother and just go back to "living" your life, repeating cycles and loops like a programmed robot.

There are distractions in alternative information (alternative media) sources as well. The quality knowledge about philosophy, psychology, consciousness and morality, that allows us to find ourselves at our core being, is not in high quantity or high demand in the information people are sharing and talking about. Most of it is mind-numbing entertainment and drivel.


People are mostly into pleasure, gratification, enjoyment, amusement or other distraction from reality and truth that matters more to help us to raise ourselves and evolve together. Distractions work as a winding road to finding truth and inhibit finding it, preventing access to the destination, by diverting our attention from learning quality knowledge, by feeding us mostly garbage or easily digestible information stimulation.


Garbage in, garbage out. Or, quality in, quality out. It works with everything we input, both physically in our body and "metaphysically" in consciousness. If nothing new is going in, then nothing new is likely to come out. Don't fear the information, just realize truth takes time and you won't understand any of it if you ignore all of it. It can be a maze to find and figure out what's important, but eventually you can grasp it.

Thank you for your time and attention. I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Peace.

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Indeed we have too many distractions to prevent us from embracing the truth. News has turned into mind manipulation propaganda. And we have become lazy and apathetic to seek the truth. We allow garbage in but not allow it to go out.I have always loved the frog socialism cartoon as it speaks volumes. Thanks @krnel.

Greetings @krnel it is very interesting to notice the way people engage in dialogue, show advertising or in our case, make known ideas, articles or trends to gradually expand on this platform. The search to influence others is a double-edged sword, of course it depends on the morality and the intention of the person, from the macro point of view when we talk about television channels, each one of these manage their information according to certain guidelines that are generally linked to the economic character. In addition to this, a thousand times repeated lie ends up becoming the truth, especially when the audience does not bother to verify the above. @renny-krieger

The Media has made it easy for people to get informed of the events taking place around the world but it has also made it very difficult to judge which inflow points to the correct direction.

The path to truth is even more difficult than any would expect.
When everything you were taught in govern-cement school is wrong you have no basis to work from.

Thanks for sharing a great post sir. @krnel. Keep going sir . Best of luck.

amazing post...have a nice day

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