* Hidden Symptoms of sadness that you should Know *

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

manifest often in the form of anger, moodiness, apathy, fatigue, etc. It is a presence that overlaps everything and that invades everything: our mind, our body, our motivation ...

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It is often said that there are people with the most beautiful smiles, but they would be able to tell us the saddest stories. Is a reality. Because few emotions pass us so unnoticed and are, in turn, so difficult to carry, understand and, of course, manage.

"I hesitate to call with the beautiful and serious name of sadness this unknown feeling whose sweetness and pain have me obsessed. It is a feeling so complete and selfish that I get to feel ashamed, while sadness has always seemed honorable. "
                                      -Françoise Sagan-

The sadness could resemble that flashing light that appears in our car, warning us that we have no fuel left. We see it, but often we ignore that alarm signal and choose security forward, as if nothing. It is then when everything begins to fail, when there are no forces left and the world seems to go faster than normal, while we are left behind, out of tune and stuck in a strange gutter with an inexplicable sense of unreality.

Understanding these hidden symptoms of sadness will help us to react much sooner. Identifying it, being more receptive to its clues can allow us to better manage those states. It is essential to look at the center of this complex emotion to know what you want to tell us. Understanding it will help us adapt much better to our day to day.

The sadness, that great misunderstood

There is a very interesting book entitled "The Positive Power of Negative Emotions" by psychologists Allan Horwitz and Jerome Wakefield. It teaches us that people, on average, see sadness as something wrong, as something pathological of what is best not to talk. It is what one chooses to gobble up, that uncomfortable presence to disguise and let when he wants it to go away.

Thus, and in reference to this same, it is important to point out that the field of positive psychology is experiencing a very remarkable advance. It is what has come to be known as "the second wave". This new approach comes in an attempt to make us understand something essential. There are emotional phenomena so complex that it is impossible to label them as positive or negative. It is a type of covalence that can occur, for example, in love.

When we love someone, it is common to experience the most incredible happiness and, at the same time, the most absolute desolation. Emotions, just like life itself, can go from luminosity to darkness in the same minute, they have very rich nuances,. With sadness the same thing happens. We are used to labeling it "negative". However, we forget everything that this sensation can propitiate us, inspire us. Well understood and managed can promote in us significant (and very positive) changes.

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Hidden symptoms of sadness

As we can already guess, the hidden symptoms of sadness are very broad and heterogeneous. In turn, each person can experience them in a particular way. However, there are common axes, habitual realities that can be recurrent. Let's see them below.

Frequent anger, bad mood, anger

Fury is very often the disguise of sadness. It is your escape valve, your channel of expression. It is that emotional radiance that emerges in the least appropriate way.

When we are not able to look at the trigger of that sadness or refuse to accept a reality, anger arises. Frustration appears and, in the worst case, anger.

Fatigue, psychomotor slowness, muscle pain

Emotions are wise, and the wisest of all is sadness. Thus, when there is some important point that we try to ignore, to which we do not pay attention, our brain reduces our energy to force us to "go more slowly". What he is looking for is that we dedicate time to introspection, to undo that emotional knot.

Therefore, it is common to experience fatigue, insomnia and even muscle pain. It's a warning for us to do it, so we can stop.

A scattered mind, unable to focus attention

It is often said that there is no emotion more inspiring than sadness. It is an obvious reality, one of those hidden symptoms of sadness that we should have in mind.

  • That scattered mind that seeks to escape from reality, longs for a new stage where you can express yourself, where you can be in solitude. That is why we avoid social contact, which is why the world seems strange to us. We need privacy and a channel of expression.
  • Writing, drawing, composing ... These are all very appropriate practices to let our mind find a refuge to transmit. We need therefore a practice where to dump their emotions and bring to light the true form of our sadness.

Greater sensitivity

Another of the hidden symptoms of sadness is sensitivity. This emotion makes us much more empathetic to the emotions of others. It connects us more to matters of the heart than of the mind. It is she who sets our sights on nuances that previously went unnoticed ...

We can spend hours watching the raindrops fall on a glass. We can also let time pass while we see how the wind moves the leaves of the trees ... They are details that at a given moment, can even induce tears and with it the emotional relief.

In conclusion, we are sure that more than one will feel identified with many of these characteristics. Now, beyond recognizing ourselves in these symptoms, there is an even more important fact. Let's look at sadness in another way. This emotion is intended to promote our psychological development.

He encourages us to gather in the shell of our introspection to connect with our self. He wants us to navigate our needs, to treat ourselves with compassion, to wake up. Sadness wants reflection and craves changes. Let's listen to it more often, sadness is an emotion that speaks.

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             All the images were taken from the public domain

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