Beethoven on music and life

in #philosophy6 years ago

Beethoven has been one of the most important composers in the history of music. His works continue today being studied in schools and conservatories as a clear example of what music was in the era of Romanticism. However, although we know many of them for their musical creation, there are Beethoven phrases worth knowing and remembering.

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Many of Beethoven's phrases unite music and life, as if the one and the other were part of the same whole. Something that allows us to get closer to how Beethoven saw and felt life. Many of these phrases will surprise us, others will urge us to reflect on how we are experiencing our existence and, many others, will bring us closer to that musical universe in which Beethoven became a genius.

Virtue brings happiness

"Recommend to your children that they be virtuous, only virtue can bring happiness, not money."

This first of Beethoven's phrases allows us to reflect on the importance we give to money. At present, we continue telling our children "that career has no way out", "how are you going to make a living drawing pictures". This not only reduces motivation, but also slows young people who transpire creativity, innovation and genius.

This phrase should make us consider whether having a fixed and guaranteed salary per month - if you have one - brings us happiness. If getting a regular job makes us happy or if, on the contrary, we would be more satisfied building a path of our own. Let us not lock virtue under the guise of beliefs and fears that we believe will put us to the test.

Passion is the key

"Playing a wrong note is insignificant. Touching without passion is unforgivable. "

Another one of Beethoven's phrases can be applied today so that we overcome, once and for all, the great fear that we have to make mistakes. To fail, to make mistakes, seems unforgivable. Just think about this, shame invades us and we want to hide from everyone.

However, what happens with passion? It does not help to play a perfect piece of music if there is no passion in it. Passion overcomes any stumble and any error. It is what really gives meaning to life, it is the push of it and what one does. Therefore, something as important as music was for Beethoven, to do it without passion was something unforgivable.

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All obstacles can be overcome

"It may be a consolation to the unfortunate to know that one like them, despite all the obstacles of nature, did everything in their power to be accepted among artists and men of value."

How many times have we turned back because we have encountered an obstacle? How many times have we felt inferior to other people? Sometimes, we believe that we will never be able to become astronauts, models or other types of objectives that people around us see as unrealizable. We become infected with their lack of faith and do not even try or make a real attempt.

However, we forget that those people we now admire were in our place or in a much worse place. Many of them had to fight hard to materialize what they imagined one day, changing and adding value to society. To achieve our goals we have to work hard, because if there is one thing that is certain, one's own inertia is not enough to achieve most of them.

Genius does not have everything done

"The genius is composed of two percent talent and ninety-eight percent perseverant application."

Perhaps we could link this other of Beethoven's phrases with the reflection we have done previously. A person with a great capacity and talent does not have everything done. Because of this we could think that everything will come as a gift (what we talked about in the previous sentence). However, this is not so.

A person with great abilities has to work just as hard. Because it is in perseverance where all success will be. What happens to those students who read the syllabus hours before they are able to get a great note? That, many times, they do not study, procrastinate and do nothing. The result is that they end up suspending. Well with genius, the same. If you do not work, there will be no results.

The limits of access to art

"There should be a large art warehouse in the world to which the artist could bring his works and from which the world could take what he needed."

This last of the phrases of Beethoven, the composer shows his desire to help people without receiving anything in return. An altruistic attitude when offering his talent to those who may need it the most. However, the money, the interests and the fear that the people who take what they need will damage it, causes that this does not happen. We become selfish. We limit ourselves in every way.

We have all known Beethoven for being a genius of music, but few knew that he had left us such beautiful and full of wisdom phrases. Which of these Beethoven phrases has caught your attention? Are there any that you could apply in your life? The truth is that music has made notes to some of the most beautiful stories of life.

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             All the images were taken from the public domain

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Amazing analysis, as always!

"Recommend to your children that they be virtuous, only virtue can bring happiness, not money."

This quote especially resonates with me. It always seemed to me that when my parents tried to drag me towards medicine or law, they were thinking of the financial side as well as the status those occupations would bring.
Too bad that I ran away to be something they never really appreciated but what makes me appreciate myself and other people, even though I am the poorest person in our family. Still better than being miserable at my work.

Thanks for sharing! Your posts are always spot on!

always the children follow the example of the father, depends on how their teaching is since they are small, although some of them in their adolencencia choose their own way but always guided by the advice of their father ...
In your case it is better to do something that you really like to do, and not do something that makes you miserable and work for your father's obligation, as I said before in adolescence, everyone chooses his destiny.

Really? I am not sure if it is always connected to the father if the mother is the more successful one.
I am glad I ended up doing what I do, my folks already accepted my grim fate...

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