A World Of Evil: Or An Evil World

in #pedogate6 years ago

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A couple of days ago I called a friend, a guy I first met in Vietnam. I did it because I was angry- not because people questioned me- I'm a nobody and I don't care what people think... I did it because they questioned Liz Crokin, a dedicated journalist that I have an immense amount of respect for. I wanted conformation and he made me aware of things I shouldn't know and wish now that I didn't... That's all I'm willing to say about that- except that I'm a broken man and I'm sorry. When I wrote the Night Gods I wanted to use fiction to expose evil that I know is real, and now I'm sorry for that too- even the most graphic parts made light of the evil that is real.

I've been writing for over a year about human trafficking, child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, pedophilia, etc., all a part of government corruption. This has been going on for decades if not longer. I became aware during the Bosnian Conflict. We live in an evil world run by monsters- individuals with no souls, no ability to empathize with other human beings. These wars we keep fighting have nothing to do with freedom or democracy- they're about profit... for the Military Industrial Complex, organ harvesters, sex traffickers- where do you think the children being trafficked worldwide come from? Wars, natural disasters like the Haiti earthquake, tsunamis in the Pacific, all bring the vultures... these people revel in depravity. I wrote over a year ago, when it comes to these wars and disasters, nothing goes to waste! These "humanitarian" organizations are seldom what you think... if you don't believe me, Google child organ harvesting and hit Images- it will make you sick!

This includes Planned Parenthood and the entire abortion/organ harvesting industry- they're inseparable. I wrote a post the other day about a young woman who died in a botched abortion- her organs were stripped against her family's wishes. What kind of monsters do these things- this isn't medicine or "reproductive health." There are only two sides in this fight against evil. If you support abortion and call yourself a good person- you better take a long hard look in the mirror... this isn't about "choice" it's about murder.

I thought I was a lot stronger than I am. Evil is real- the SGT Report did a video disclosing the evil that's been going on for decades, healthy people, children included, stripped of their organs. There's a separate video at the end and I promise it will shake you to the core. I hope you're a lot stronger than I am. The "Hillary sex video" is only the tip of a gigantic, filthy, disgusting iceberg- that I can tell you. I've dedicated myself to fighting evil and corruption... right now I feel beaten, weak and ineffective. I spent most of yesterday in prayer and after seeing Sean's video this morning I got knocked back to where I was. I feel dirty and broken for being a part of this evil world. Like it says in the Matrix, once you take the red pill, you can't go back into the matrix... I guess that means I have to keep fighting... Please pray for me, I need it badly right now.

Be warned- this is NOT a nice video!!!



Wow this is some eye opening and controversial material. I agree some of it has validity. We live in a world where people can't empathize with others. Yes wars are made for profit. Most people are monsters. Most people have their heads stuck in the sand. It's time for people to wake up.

Watch the video and google what I said... some of it has validity??? I didn't just start doing this research today!

Hopefully you can help by shedding light on evil. I have heard Trump has been making some arrests.

Dear @richq11, prayers up for you my friend. It sounds like you could use a break from this highly charged politicized evil. It is your job to not only warn us of the dangers of the world, but also to stay strong in order to convey the messages that you have received.
I have experienced evil on more than one occasion, and the first thing that happens is doubting myself. Please fill your heart and soul with goodness and know you are being thought of. Blessings! 🐓🐓

Thank you!!! I spent a good part of my life immersed in the evil- now I've dedicated my life to fighting it. I rarely pray for myself, but I said a Rosary asking God for the strength to go on in His name!

oh dead, Rich, I'm sorry you feel this way. You are not to blame for this evil world, and I don't think you should feel this way. I think you're too kind,really, and that you care an awful lot and that's what is making you so sad...
DOn't be so hard on yourself <3

Did you watch the video, or Google what I said. I don't want to live here anymore! Know of any good planets for sale- cheap???

Sadly, no...sorry :/

honedue you can upvote me for .01 and I should be able to make it count but your .01 upvote on richq11 will go to 0 after 7 days unless it hits 2.0 or more.
There is a lot of evil in the world but we can fight to make less of it and add more good. Humans have brains and I think we are capable of using them a lot more for important stuff like stopping child abuse instead of watching your favorite group of men play a game.
Sorry for the double post. I was done at my first one but then I saw the .01 cent wasted upvote. I've done at least 1000 wasted upvotes. :( I'm glad I finally learned about the earnings threshold recently.

I understand exactly what you feel. I've been investigating war for the purposes of a series I am writing on the subject and what I have found breaks me, crushes me. I am sorry I can't view your video. I don't have the strength today. What gives me the most pain, the greatest burden of soul, is that evil is amongst us and due to the nature of humanity we lack something that would allow us to fight back, or to even be interested, unless it comes to our very homes. Oh my, I too must seek a source of love for my own soul today and then I can hope to do what I can to change things. My power, by itself, is not enough. Many blessings.

I pray the Rosary for strength... and if you're not feeling strong DO NOT watch!!! It's absolutely heartbreaking!

Days like this I go out into nature and try to get grounded. I repeat my personal mantra: In times of Darkness, I will be the light. Blessings. I've been a foster dad to 4 boys, and the horrors I saw through them changed me. But, at least for them, it ended well. I taught them all a trade and now, they all work for my son. The oldest boy, now 28, has become a life long part of my soul... well they all have. So for them, at least, I was the LIght.

I've always had a problem... I try to save the world and I get spread a little thin. Mostly because the world doesn't want to be saved and I'm just not up to the job.

Very evil world indeed, keep strong mate, praying for you!

Thank you Brother!

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Hang in there, I know how you feel. Turn to Jesus, cherish your loved ones.

upvote and resteem.

Like a true magician.

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