Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 1

in #payitforward6 years ago (edited)

Last week I ran a contest for ideas and there were some great entries. Then a couple days ago I wrote a post about Paying It Forward and the response was amazing from everyone who read the post.

With the feedback that happened from the Paying It Forward post it took the top 3 entries and narrowed it down to the winner. So the contest will be based around a submission by @satanclaus123

As steembasicincome is all about sharing I think your contest should be about people featuring someone else, everyone picks one steemer and talks about why they think this person should deserve a bigger audience or more attention. You could call the contest: Who Inspires You

For winning @satanclaus123 has gotten a sponsorship to @steembasicincome program (just paid for it). Plus I will give a full 100% upvote on your next post, please tag me in it. That means lifetime votes on future posts from steembasicincome!

I am putting a little twist on the idea, or lets call it flushing it out a little. As I was reading the entries the ideas were so diverse that I realized making a contest that highlighted one type of skill set would greatly limited who had a chance to enter and win.

Wanted to try and benefit as many members as possible! Feel that featuring the works of others who aren't getting the rewards you feel they deserve that we can Pay It Forward to many smaller steemians and help get them some deserved votes.

Pay It Forward(1).png

The Contest Overview

This contest will run for 7 days (and change) and will end on Tues April 10th at midnight Central Standard Time US.

There will be 2 Winners each week and it's based on how long you have been on Steemit. Below in "How to Win" will explain this further.

This contest is truly here to help gain exposure for posts that deserve more of the reward pool then they are currently getting. Lets help reward bloggers who clearly put effort into their posts, but just aren't seeing the rewards that you think are deserved.

Your Entry will be a single Curation Post that needs to highlight 3 other bloggers and link to at least 1 of their posts. This is your opportunity to share why we should visit these bloggers and what drew your attention to them.

Each Blogger Featured must be the same or smaller rank then you. That is I am currently level 54 so I could feature anyone that is level 54 or below.

Of the 3 bloggers you feature at least 1 of them must be someone you DO NOT currently follow. That is you need to go out and find new content from bloggers you don't know. Feel free to add them to your follow list once you find one you like, just mention that you started following them after reading their post and this can be verified via the blockchain.

You must Upvoted and Comment on all 3 of the posts you feature in your curation entry.

Any type of content is acceptable to be curated. If you love Photo's then curate Photo posts, if you love Drawings curate drawing...just curate what you love and explain to us why you selected these bloggers for your list. This is an opportunity to share with others what YOU feel is QUALITY content and WHY.

You will be writing 1 post in which you talk about the 3 bloggers and one of their most recent posts. Below is what is required to be in the post.

  • Write a review of the blogger and 1 of their most recent posts, link to the post

  • Explain why this blogger was chosen and a summary of their post

  • Make sure you have upvoted and commented on the post you link to for each of these bloggers

  • Your post should also link to this post showing you are part of this weeks contest.

Requirements for a valid entry

Honestly I'm going to keep this simple, as long as you use the tag #payitforward and comment below with a link to your entry you are entered. Your comment will allow us to assign you a entry number. Make sure to follow the rules above and you will be entered.

What would be great is if you could help us spread the word and help me continue this past the 3 weeks I am committing to. How can you help? Simple give an upvote to this post, resteem this post, and let others know about the contest.

Optional, but I could use your Help!

Help me spread the word about this contest and help me make this contest last longer then 3 weeks.

To help Spread the Word Please:

  • Tag 3-5 people you know at the end of your post
  • Check the #payitforward tag each day and actually look at those who are featured and give them an upvote. Instead of voting on posts with huge rewards already please help out some of the small members who are putting in a serious effort here and need your vote to encourage them to keep going.
  • Resteem This Post!

To help Keep this Contest Going for longer then 3 weeks please upvote this post. If rewards allow for it I will continue this contest for more then 3 weeks. I am not a big fish here and this contest is being paid for with my personal money, there are no sponsors. If anyone wants to contribute with a sponsorship or to be a Judge please contact me on Discord, same name as here and I'm # 6765

How to Win

First things first, @lynncoyle1 is the second Judge this week. She is a firm believer in helping smaller members and belongs to groups like @asapers who feature smaller members posts who aren't being seen. Take a look at todays post by asapers and it will help you some ideas on how you could structure your entry.

There are 2 winners each week. 1 person that has been here for less then 60 days and 1 person who has been here for 61+ days will be chosen each week. I will look based on how many days you have been active starting Today April 3rd CST US to decide which category you fall in.

All those who comment below are given an entry number. From there all Valid Entries will be added split into their over/under 60 days groups and then a random number generator will be used to select the winner.

The Prizes

Each week for at least 3 weeks 2 winners are going to get a sponsorship for @steembasicincome which means a lifetime of votes on future posts from @steembasicincome. I will also autovote 1x per day for 14 days at 50% power.

*** Fair Warning: If your content is low quality I will let you know my issues with it, you can either choose to fix this or I will pull the autovote part of the prize. Sorry not voting on spam or stolen content

Next week I will post the winners of this week's contest on Wednesday April 11th CST US.

Next Week's Contest will start with a post on Tuesday April 10th CST US around the same time as this post. It will also run 7 days and change.

If anything isn't clear please ask for clarification. This will help me make the rules a little more clear for next week. Any suggestions are appreciated.


This is the community spirit. Am glad there are those who wants to see every little person grow. I would love to participate but as my hands are kinda full right now, I'll give this a resteem and hope others get to see it and participate. Keep doing the good work.

This contest will run again for at least 2 more weeks. Each time everyone can enter so you will have another couple chances to get involved.

Hi @lordjames, thank you for pitching in where you can ;)

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.035 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.035 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.000 SBD from the community!

I love the contest idea and fully support it. Here is my entry.
I volunteer to help judge future contests if needed and just sent 2 SBD to help with costs.

Entry #1 - Over 60 Days Group

Your support is greatly appreciated and I'll take you up on your offer. Next week I will add you as a Judge! Will see if we go with 3 judges or if @lynncoyle1 wants a break. Her efforts have been amazing and blown me away. She has been promoting the contest in places I didn't realize were available. The added SBD will make putting the bounty on next week's contest guaranteed. The bounty will be paying everyone that enters which I really like.

If you have spare voting power at any point take a look at some entries each day and let's get some of these posts the added votes they deserve. Let them know you found the post from this contest and maybe it will get them involved too. More of us helping each other out the better. Just maybe we can get all the small fish working towards one common goal of supporting each other.

I certainly will. I will put out a series of upvotes and comments each morning with my coffee. Send me any info or details I might need as well.

Are you on discord? If so find me there...I'm still learning it, another thing @lynncoyle1 has been helping me with. I'm thedarkhorse # 6765

Wow! I'm away for less than 24 hours and look at what's happening! As you know, I think this is such a great contests, so I'm more than happy to help in anyway that I can. My VP will be back in prime form later this evening, so I'll come back and upvote all of the entries ;)

What an awesome contribution @energyaddict22! Thank you ;) I too believe in the power of what @thedarkhorse is doing and am so happy to see you in support of it all. I say three judges can't be bad thing ;)

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.284 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.083 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.201 SBD from the community!

What a great contest which I am happily applying for (link tbd).

Beside that I got several ideas which made me think (live time income, contest structure etc.) - maybe that is something for @knircky project and my project on steemit.

When you enter just comment again so I don't miss it. I look at my replies feed to try and make sure I catch all new entries and if you only edit your comment I might miss it.

Thanks for your interest! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.225 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.022 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.203 SBD from the community!

Awesome participate-able contest

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.040 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.000 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.040 SBD from the community!

My entry is completed. I have upvoted/resteemed your post, as well as the three posts that I've featured. I wasn't following any of them before, but am now following all of them!
(I'm in the 61+ days category.)

(Oh, I did find it difficult to summarize a single photograph - or even a pair of photographs, but I did summarize a bit of what the blogger posts on a day-to-day basis. I hope that's sufficient.)

Entry #2 - 60+ Day Group

Any sort of a write up to help get people to want to click and support the other blogger is great! Thank you for your support and submission. Love that you found 3 new steemians to follow due to this contest!!

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.102 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.087 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.015 SBD from the community!

Entry #9 - Over 60 Days

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.099 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.096 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.003 SBD from the community!

These type of challenges are a great idea @thedarkhorse They give us an ideal opportunity to feature 3 different Steemians to promote and encourage whilst creating strong community connections. I appreciate the work that has gone into putting this contest together. Have a great weekend. Here is the link to my entry:

Entry #8 - Over 60 Days

Thanks for taking the time to put together your entry and picking some great bloggers to feature.

You’re very welcome @thedarkhorse I enjoyed putting this blog together and believe the three steemians I have chosen to encourage have a lot to offer and will continue to do very well.

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.095 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.092 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.003 SBD from the community!

Thank you kindly @ steem-bounty I am delighted.

This is a great way to start helping others @thedarkhorse. I believe each of us can help those lower than us in the little way we can.
Will be back in the week with my entry.
Great job man.

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.100 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.087 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.012 SBD from the community!

A bounty of 3.000 SBD has been set on this post by @thedarkhorse! You can read how they work here.

This is a really cool way for me to reward all of those that comment. Everyone that has an upvote from me will get part of the bounty (3 SBD). You can also upvote each other and help people with great entries get more of the bounty.

This 3 SBD is now added to the prize pool and everyone wins!

** Fair warning spammers I have no problem flagging you if you are trying to boost your comment to get more of the bounty.

What a great find, and yes, it will totally help the size of the prize pool!

This contest has all the usual suspects involved... @davemccoy, @lynncoyle1 and @simplymike so it is definitely worth participating in:

Entry 3 - Over 60 days Group

Thanks for your entry. Followed all the links and gave upvotes.

Aww I'm honoured to be in a group of suspects with @davemccoy and @simplymike:) I think you can include yourself in there too...and now @thedarkhorse has joined in as well !!

Thanks for the entry!

My new goal - to be a member of the "usual suspects". ;)

Duly noted! I will be happy to add you to the ever-growing list :)

...and it is a pleasure to meet you!

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.091 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.083 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.008 SBD from the community!

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