Week 21 - Pay It Forward Curation Contest My Entry

in #payitforward6 years ago (edited)

pay it forward contest.jpg

Hello all my friends here on steemit. It is time for one of my favorite things to do on steemit and that is the PITC entry. It is a lot of fun to search out new people to feature here and share that with them. I always hope it leads them to finding more people to interact with here. I know that that is a key to enjoying steemit not so much getting rich but interacting with good people that support you. I want to thank all the people that take the time to look over all the entries and help these new people. Also to @PITC and all the other members of Pay it Forward that continue to be a bright spot here on steemit. This week I went back and took a look at out old discord from the greeters guild that isn't as active. This is where I really met the first few people that supported me a lot. I dug around in the new post still showing up and found one good person and another I had to remove due to his post being a copy. Thanks to @macoolette for catching it. I will make more of a check when a post is sharing a list. So that lead me to what to share someone that isn't really not known but if you don't know them is fun to follow.

For anyone that does not know about the Pay It Forward Contest please read about it here

Now I am going to start with @dosdudes Rep 52. I want to add them here to highlight some guys that are really pushing steemmonsters. This will be a game that if is successful will help drive a lot more people to use steemit. On top of that they have very honest contest that don't even make you upvote. I have not seen that by anyone else. So if you are into steemmonsters at all make sure to join this Also check out all the open contest. Thank you guys.

The next one you might have to translate like I did. This is @acostajd Rep 45 and he has many post that I enjoyed I am going to share his most resent one here But if you an check out his wall he is also into gardening, crypto and like this post sharing food he likes to eat. I hope you can see that he takes time to share something as simple as how to make a good snack.

So today a few day late I made it over to the introduceyourself tag to take and look for a new person to highlight here. I was trying but could not at first so I did the post with out but now I want to share a new user with you to say hello to. A traveler who should be sharing good stories here. @khey is new Rep 25 and here is her [post}(https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@khey/introduction-about-me)

Thank you for taking the time to check out my post today.
Also please look into CCC

This is an Invitation to join #ccc for Daily Income and Payout for Newbies (2.0) in #ccc and Follow the Honor Code - the Creed (Conditions and Limits Inside) <<< please click to read.


Thank you for the post and your kind words. Community is what it is all about and showing love.... We wont stop giving, take that to the bank....

Thank you for the 10 SBI shares you purchased for @minnowbuilder last night!

Wow @dosdudes, I'm one of the judges in the contest and am so thankful for your contribution:) I too am a firm believer is showing the love :)

"take that to the bank"!! I haven't heard that saying in a long time :) Love it!

Yes you guys have proved to be very supportive of Steemit and SBI and many other things thanks

Okay, I got to the new featured author and left my support for him. Both of them are supported now.

thanks again for help I was trying hard to get a low rep person and missed that his post was fake.

No worries. Happy weekend.

Thanks a lot for the opportunity to stay here my friend! Already following you and supporting as well, I'm new to your blog :)

Your welcome good job your stuff stood out to me.

Thanks for the entry. Both blogger have been upvoted.

So I added a new person found a new one at last I wanted to add thanks for checking the others out.

Have now upvoted your 3rd blogger too.

Thanks for your entry, @stever82! Both posts have been voted and commented.

I supported all your featured posts
Thank you for your entry

Thank you for doing that.

The right thing, this contest! I wish you success!

Thank you it is a great contest.

hi @stever82, it is nice to see your entry, but I need to come back next day to read them

no worries we all get busy I need to find more time myself to go read the other ones.

Nice entry @stever82! You picked 3 great ones :) Thanks!

and it's so cool that this is one of your favorite things to do each week here!!

thank you for supporting them

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