I Don't Give a Sh*t if my Kids Say $*%*!

in #parenting7 years ago


I don’t give a shit if my kids cuss/swear/use profanity, whatever you want to call it.

I know that some people totally disagree with me on this and that’s absolutely fine. I’m not the type to really give a shit how you choose to parent your child. This is just my opinion and I am not talking about having a five year old running around belting out “FUCK FUCK SHIT HOLE DAMN!” when they don’t even know what the hell they’re saying.

I also wouldn’t (and didn’t) condone my children cussing when they were little (and tried not to do it in front of them) and weren’t old enough to know when it was appropriate to use it, or not. As a matter of fact, we were part of a religious homeschool co-op when they were younger in which they got in trouble if they used the word "crap"... so yeah, they weren't constantly cussing as youngin's and that was just fine.

I’m not even talking about the teenagers (or adults for that matter) that use So. Much. Profanity. That they barely have room in their vocabulary for anything else. That’s annoying, ridiculous and reeks of trying too damn hard. If I bleep out every curse word and your little monologue starts to sound like someone’s heart monitor is revving up for a full on heart attack, maybe take it down a notch.

I’m just saying that I feel like some things in life are deserving of an expletive here or there.

Sometimes a story is funnier if it has the word fuck in it. I think about some of Ron White’s stand up and how much less humorous it would be if he just said, “My tire fell off. It fell… Off. It FELL OFF.”

NSFW video

Am I saying you can’t be funny without it? Not at all. I find Tim Hawkins to be funny as shit and he’s a Christian comedian guy who never curses and yet it original, fresh and funny every time I see him.

But then again… (NSFW Video)

Back to the parenting thing, for me, the words aren’t half as important as the attitude. I would literally rather my child say something like, “Bitch, PLEASE” in a fun, happy way than to say, “Yes Mom” in a snarky sarcastic way. It isn’t the Words themselves that matter to me. To ME, it’s the attitude behind it. I have a much bigger problem with someone being disrespectful in their attitude than I ever do with the specific words they’re using.

Basically, it’s not about Words. It’s about the energy, attitude or maybe even the emotion behind it.

So yeah, I don’t care if my kids use profanity, as long as it’s not being said with a bad attitude. It’s making sure that you are mature enough to know when and where to use it. If you’re the type who feels the need to type “fuck you” on someone’s post because they said they don’t like swearing, or even worse, ‘please don’t swear on my page’, then you’re just an immature asshole and you should probably keep your words to yourself until you grow up a bit. This is where I wish common sense was more… common.

My parenting philosophy is more about mutual respect, about communication and relationship, about helping my kids become the best “them” that they can be. I’m not raising them to be what I want them to be. Hell, since my ‘baby’ is now 17, I guess I’ve pretty much already raised them.

And you know what? Out of everyone I know, they’re my favorite people to be around. They are pretty fucking amazing humans. They’re talented, funny, sarcastic, successful human beings with intelligence and wit that I admire every time I see them. They are all confident in their own strengths and talents. They are loyal to their family and their friends and we all enjoy being together just to hang out, watch movies or play games (ooooh are some of these chirren competitive!!! cough not naming any names cough Kainan cough @serapium cough @knightengale cough Seriously, though, sometimes these little bastards get CRAZY competitive and I have to just leave the room!)

ANYWAY, this was quite the rambling post, but let me leave you with this. One of the funniest videos I’ve ever seen and it makes me smile every damn time I see it.


Video NSFW

**And yes, I sprinkled a good amount of profanity in this post simply because it seemed to be that type of post, for some inexplicable reason! ;)

ANNNND one last thing I'll add... The closest my oldest daughter has come to using profanity is saying 'Crap' :) The other four more than makeup for that.


Okay, I couldn't find the appropriate gif over at Giphy, so I had to re-caption one for this occasion -

I feel exactly the same way! When our kids were younger, hubby and I did my best not to swear in front of them, but we watched plenty of tv and listened to lots of popular songs that had profanity. However, I was always more concerned with the intent, not the word.

For example - when our youngest girl was 5, she was outside playing with some neighborhood kids and I was chatting with their moms. She came over at one point to tell me one of the kids said the "S" word. The moms were shocked, until I explained to them that the S word for her was "Stupid" because another little girl used to yell at her and call her that when she got mad.

Our kids are now 22, 20, and almost 18 and while they swear plenty when we're not around, they still generally tone it down around us. Fucking works for me! 😃

Yes! And great gif, too!

Fuckin A right.... i am down with that kinda shit. all in the attitude biotch.

Hot damn! This comment made my day :)

Basically, it’s not about Words. It’s about the energy, attitude or maybe even the emotion behind it.

LOVE this!!

and I don't have a clue what prompted this post but I agree 100% with all you said!!! :D

Happy New year Byn!!!

I'm not sure much of anything prompted it. I have a lot (a LOT) of thoughts on parenting after raising 5 kids in such a way that I never fit in any parenting group/category... so I have a list of things I want to write about on that topic (as well as marriage, homeschooling/teaching kids, etc.)

I found myself starting a lot of posts about my own childhood memories after being at my mom's house and in my old hometown... and I stalled every time, so I decided that writing something from an entirely different perspective might help me get past that block. We'll see. I'm pretty damn random, though, so who knows what will show up!?

Thanks for reading my sometimes overly rambling and still being coherent enough to remember at the end! :)

I started out not cursing in front of my children. Things changed when my son (and it was fine with me that he chose not to curse) started chastising adults who cursed. There was no fucking way that was going to continue. So my cursing began.

My goal was for my children to understand the richness of curse words and how much they can add. Most importantly though, I wanted them to know when it was appropriate or not to curse. With their friends, yes / In front of their teachers, no. Around me, of course / Around their mother... well, they have found need for it.

They both are experts now in their late teens and I'm a proud papa.

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