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RE: I Don't Give a Sh*t if my Kids Say $*%*!

in #parenting7 years ago

Okay, I couldn't find the appropriate gif over at Giphy, so I had to re-caption one for this occasion -

I feel exactly the same way! When our kids were younger, hubby and I did my best not to swear in front of them, but we watched plenty of tv and listened to lots of popular songs that had profanity. However, I was always more concerned with the intent, not the word.

For example - when our youngest girl was 5, she was outside playing with some neighborhood kids and I was chatting with their moms. She came over at one point to tell me one of the kids said the "S" word. The moms were shocked, until I explained to them that the S word for her was "Stupid" because another little girl used to yell at her and call her that when she got mad.

Our kids are now 22, 20, and almost 18 and while they swear plenty when we're not around, they still generally tone it down around us. Fucking works for me! 😃


Yes! And great gif, too!

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