NaNoWriMo 16 - The first living

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

Of course, I can write 2,000 words a day and yes, I still join NaNoWriMo. Finishing the story might take linger as the month of November. The story I write will finish itself at a certain point. It is not up too me. I never intended to join this, writing 50k words in a month again. Actually, the #MarchMadness story is finished although it has an open end. No problem to me it gives the reader (me) something to think about.
What I intended after I said I would join @mariannewest is to make it myself easier, to write a ling freewrite till my time is up. I can do that, easily do it. No one reads it so I can write whatever I like. You cannot imagine how great that feels.
What does not feel great is I always start late, too late it gives me less opportunity to think while writing. Less than two hours left before I go to bed so I need to write like a maniac to get these words.
You know what? While I write this I think about how to continue the story I already wrote and the part I wrote earlier, after one or two pm. This is not the right time for me to start but I had other things to do. I needed to catch up. Answer comments and did this for hours. I needed to recover so I decided to type slowly (no I am not at this moment). I went out with the wolves and the sun shone. Thanks to the night frost most of the terrible smell (no not smell it stinks and my laundry is spoiled) is gone. We enjoyed it outside and two wolved fought in the mind while I cleaned up dogshit. I assure you it smells a hundred times better as the sheep shit with all the ammonia.
I spike the eldest and my daughter by WhatsApp told them about the youngest's choice. The youngest is still enthusiastic and filled out all forms. Already from a young age one, they do it themselves. I even taught them my handwriting. They can sign for me or on each other's papers for me. It is good to make them independent for the moment I drop dead. The biggest fear of a single parent is your children can not take care of themselves if something happens to you.
I can assure you they can. They do the laundry, wash the dishes, can cook and... there is another butter cake in the oven. The oven did not burn this one we checked it every 5 minutes and even that they can do and... they always close the gas after using it.
We close everything, same with the tap of the washing machine. It is a good habit.
At the moment it smells great inside. Perhaps not in every room but at least the kitchen and small living. Buttercake. We better cut small pieces because this is not good food if you want to lose weight. We still struggle but it goes up and down and it is hard to eat less as I already do. I try because I still need to work on my 6-pack (good they sell it in the supermarket). Next week on Tuesday I have an appointment with my specialist. He gave me his private number and sounded ill, kept coughing. I hope he is better at the time I see him. I am not looking forward to catching something nasty and this did not sound good.
If you do not like to catch a cold, be part of an epidemic, the flue, etc stay as much as you can away from people and keep the temperature in your environment, especially your bedroom, low. No need to keep it as low as mine (which is the temp of a fridge) but it is unhealthy to sleep in a heated bedroom. Viruses and bacteria love heated places. Your room or body make them multiply and change fast.

Today's daily prompt is "leather shoes".

I was lucky I could load @mariannewest her account and read it. My first thought was: Do people still wear leather shoes? Most don't they wear synthetic kinds, plastic. Good for sweaty feet, not elegant but less painful for the feet. Snickers, sports shoes, I do not wear them. I don't like them and I only have one pair of shoes. Leather indeed. Half boots. I do not wear shoes inside my house, outside in the garden I wear farm boots and if I go to town I wear boots. They are not really comfortable driving my car. The nose of the shoe frequently gets stuck underneath the "dashboard" part. If I drive long distances I only wear socks. It is saver. Most cars are not built for tall people. If you did not know it yet: the Dutch people are the tallest in the world.
It is because of the great food we have. It is full of additives and all kinds of ingredients that should not be in food but we are used to it. Because we are used to it we like it and because we are lazy and cannot cook or bake we eat it. Only if you cannot lay your hands on it you make it yourself. That is why we bake butter cake. It is not available where we live and it does not take long (with a normal oven) to make it. No matter if the shops sell it we can eat it. That will be different if it comes to leather shoes. They are more healthy for your feet but you need leather to make them and leather is skin from an animal, cow or pig. Now we all are forced to be a vegetarian and we have hardly animals left we have to wear plastic shoes, a plastic jacket and we sit on a plastic chair. Plastic is not good for your health or the environment but you cannot have everything.

This is my entry to the daily 5-minute freewrite. If you like to join see @mariannewest.

Both cried.

The stone in silence, silver dripped over it. The boy who became a man out of relief he found his friend back, knew the first living did exist, it was not a fairy tale after all.
His healing hands turned out to be a great help. They brought the stone back alive.
They shared their thoughts and tears and the world was as beautiful as it once was, the moment he arrived and found the new world, Stone's heaven.
They spoke the long-forgotten tongue only meant for the chosen ones. He was one of them. He survived and realized it was not only for his good.

"There is no need for you to stay here, you can come with me. I fulfilled the task, what you asked. The boys rest but after that. ."

"I will if you decide to leave. How many of us can you take with you?"

"Once the newborns are ready 20. Will that be enough?"

"Yes. Not all of us need to travel. You know we gather the world's wisdom. If there is more world I wish to be there, find out about it."

"We'll test it before we leave. The little ones need to grow up first. I chose not to create more sons. This is suitable. I packed already what I don't need and put aside some small items I like to take along."

"What you take is up to you. There is nothing that I need to live. How about your sons?"

The father thought for a longer time. Was there something his children needed except rest? He was the only human around. He glanced at his green hands. Was he human? Green hands, being eternal.
The rock waited. There was no need to rush. It waited for millions of centuries. It had seen the planet end more times as his human friend kept for possible. It was the cycle of life. The world ended and... it started again. There was no reason to get upset that it was a reality.


"I am not a moonstone nevertheless I face the moon."

"Does it change anything if I am no longer human?"

"Not to me, not to your sons..."

"Just my hands and a part of my arms turned green. They are green all over."

"It does not sound as if you will change into one of us. Will they?"

"I cannot tell. The moment they felt danger they changed, froze, turned into stone. They are my children but more like you. They will be your way to travel, your feet, hand, and eyes. They are peaceful and friendly."

The rest of the story will be continued but not here.

2565 words
Total amount all NaNoWriMo days: 36,395

I wrote more, much more...

NaNoWriMo - 15 - Update - only 346 words will be used for the story

NaNoWriMo 14 - Dreaming about - 2876 words

NaNoWriMo 13 - Alain - 3005 words

NaNoWriMo 12 - Testing - 2855 words

NaNoWriMo 11 - Daddy's favorite.. - 2443 words

NaNoWriMo 10 - Great catch - 2355 words

NaNoWriMo 9 - True or not? - 2455 words

NaNoWriMo 8 - The voice is back - 2046 words

NaNOWriMo 7 - Sons of the father - 2590 words

NaNoWriMo 6 - King John - 1523 words

NaNoWriMo 5 - All Dutch (history) - 2318 words

NaNoWriMo 4 - the Eldest - 2023 words

NaNoWriMo 3 - Saints - 2232 words

NaNoWriMo 2 - The Giant - 2026 words)

NaNoWriMo starts - 2738 words


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Keep these Freewrites coming @wakeupkitty 💕

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Thank you for your support @wonderwop. I wish you a great day. 💕

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Hey @wakeupkitty, here is a little bit of BEER from @robibasa for you. Enjoy it!

@olivia08 Thank you my dear friend. How are you?/💕

I'm fine but missing our quick conversation. It's to find the notification. Thank you for asking me. How are you now?

@olivia08 Why don't you use Partiko takes long to fix this time. It is over one week now. Can you use partiko points? I can not. 🤔

Well Kitty m'dear, you only think you can write what you like because nobody reads it:) I must commend you on imparting such necessary life skills to your children......especially the ability to forge your signature. It's bound to be more useful to them than anything they'll learn in school.
As to leather shoes, you're right. People seem to wear runners/training shoes no matter what the weather. I suppose if the global warming crew get their way we'll have no plastic nor leather either and we'll be back to wrapping our feet in rags:)

It is important to survive in this world and the only way is practicing. Making necessary phone calls, use the ATM, check your account balance, learn to save before you buy, think ahead and if mom drops dead you keep her alive a bit longer. 😁

You are right, no leather, no plastic just rags... @mariannewest better save her home suit for that occasion. Trees are holy so no wooden shoes either. 🤔 I better emigrate to a warmer country before that happens unless I spent the rest of my life in bed.

Thank you for stopping by and brighten up my day. Happy day to you. 💕

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@wakeupkitty I was raised like you are raising your girls, I was taught to do everything except writing my Dads signature. I raised my kids the same way except the cooking, it was easier for me to just do it than argue with them over whose turn it was.

With me they all have their own recipes so no fighting who"s turn it is. I tell who has to cook. If I am ill they make their own food.
They use my debit and credit card too if needed. It is fine with me.
Only once a shop said I had to give the pin code because my kid was not 18. Rediculious it was not my debit card but my kid's. 💕

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@wakeupkitty They will grow to be good adults that know how to take care of themselves. Here when using a debit card you have to put in your pin number so if one of my kids or someone I trust wants to use my card they have to put my pin number in, it does not matter what age they are, if they know the number no questions are asked.

@myjob It is the same here. Still that lady said it is not allowed. It was the first time and even my kid's debit card!

Es una escritura muy larga. Aun sin poder leer, pero se tarda en bajar.


Ma sei italiana e scrivi in inglese o viceversa? !BEER

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No, sono olandese. Scrivo inglese e tedesco. Quello che non capisco lo traduco. Buona giornata. 💕

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@gerty El traductor de Google tradujo la primera parte al inglés. De esta manera tienes una idea de lo que hablo.

Por supuesto, puedo escribir 2,000 palabras al día y sí, todavía me uno a NaNoWriMo. Terminar la historia podría demorarse como el mes de noviembre. La historia que escribo terminará en cierto punto. No depende de mí también. Nunca tuve la intención de unirme a esto, escribiendo 50 mil palabras en un mes nuevamente. En realidad, la historia de #MarchMadness está terminada, aunque tiene un final abierto. No hay problema para mí, le da al lector (yo) algo en qué pensar.
Lo que pretendía después de decir que me uniría a [@mariannewest] ( es hacerlo más fácil, escribir una escritura libre hasta que se acabe el tiempo. Puedo hacer eso, hacerlo fácilmente. Nadie lo lee, así que puedo escribir lo que quiera. No te puedes imaginar lo bien que se siente.
Lo que no se siente bien es que siempre empiezo tarde, demasiado tarde me da menos oportunidades de pensar mientras escribo. Faltan menos de dos horas antes de irme a la cama, así que necesito escribir como un loco para entender estas palabras.
¿Sabes que? Mientras escribo esto, pienso en cómo continuar la historia que ya escribí y la parte que escribí antes, después de la una o las dos de la tarde. No es el momento adecuado para comenzar, pero tenía otras cosas que hacer. Necesitaba ponerme al día. Responde los comentarios e hice esto por horas. Necesitaba recuperarme, así que decidí escribir lentamente (no, no lo estoy en este momento). Salí con los lobos y el sol brillaba. Gracias a las heladas nocturnas, la mayor parte del terrible olor (no, no huele, apesta y mi ropa está estropeada) se ha ido. Lo disfrutamos afuera y dos lobos lucharon en la mente mientras limpiaba la mierda de perro. Te aseguro que huele cien veces mejor ya que las ovejas cagan con todo el amoníaco.
Golpeé al mayor y mi hija por WhatsApp les contó sobre la elección del menor. El más joven sigue entusiasmado y llena todos los formularios. Ya desde temprana edad, lo hacen ellos mismos. Incluso les enseñé mi letra. Pueden firmar por mí o en los papeles del otro por mí. Es bueno hacerlos independientes por el momento en que caigo muerto. El mayor temor de un padre soltero es que sus hijos no puedan cuidarse a sí mismos si algo les sucede.
Les puedo asegurar que pueden. Lavan la ropa, lavan los platos, pueden cocinar y ... hay otro pastel de mantequilla en el horno. El horno no quemó este, lo revisamos cada 5 minutos e incluso eso pueden hacer y ... siempre cierran el gas después de usarlo.
Cerramos todo, lo mismo con el grifo de la lavadora. Es un buen habito.
Por el momento huele muy bien por dentro. Quizás no en todas las habitaciones, pero al menos en la cocina y la sala de estar. Pastel de mantequilla. Es mejor que cortemos trozos pequeños porque no es una buena comida si quiere perder peso. Todavía luchamos, pero sube y baja y es difícil comer menos como ya lo hago. Lo intento porque todavía necesito trabajar en mi paquete de 6 (bueno, lo venden en el supermercado). La semana que viene el martes tengo una cita con mi especialista. Me dio su número privado y sonaba mal, seguía tosiendo. Espero que esté mejor cuando lo vea. No tengo ganas de atrapar algo desagradable y esto no sonó bien.
Si no le gusta resfriarse, sea parte de una epidemia, la chimenea, etc., manténgase lo más lejos posible de las personas y mantenga baja la temperatura en su entorno, especialmente en su habitación. No es necesario mantenerlo tan bajo como el mío (que es la temperatura de un refrigerador), pero no es saludable dormir en una habitación climatizada. Los virus y las bacterias aman los lugares calientes. Su habitación o cuerpo hacen que se multipliquen y cambien rápidamente.

El mensaje diario de hoy es "zapatos de cuero".

Tuve la suerte de poder cargar [@mariannewest] ( su cuenta y leerla. Mi primer pensamiento fue: ¿La gente todavía usa zapatos de cuero? La mayoría no usan tipos sintéticos, de plástico. Bueno para pies sudorosos, no elegante pero menos doloroso para los pies. Snickers, calzado deportivo, no me los pongo. No me gustan y solo tengo un par de zapatos. Cuero de hecho. Medias botas No uso zapatos dentro de mi casa, afuera en el jardín, uso botas de granja y si voy a la ciudad, uso botas. No se sienten realmente cómodos conduciendo mi automóvil. La punta del zapato con frecuencia se atasca debajo de la parte del "tablero". Si conduzco largas distancias solo llevo calcetines. Es ahorrador. La mayoría de los autos no están hechos para personas altas. Si aún no lo sabías: los holandeses son los más altos del mundo.
Es por la excelente comida que tenemos. Está lleno de aditivos y todo tipo de ingredientes que no deberían estar en los alimentos, pero estamos acostumbrados. Debido a que estamos acostumbrados, nos gusta y porque somos perezosos y no podemos cocinar ni hornear, lo comemos. Solo si no puedes poner tus manos sobre él, lo haces tú mismo. Por eso horneamos pastel de mantequilla. No está disponible donde vivimos y no lleva mucho tiempo (con un horno normal) fabricarlo. No importa si las tiendas lo venden, podemos comerlo. Eso será diferente si se trata de zapatos de cuero. Son más saludables para sus pies, pero necesita cuero para fabricarlos y el cuero es la piel de un animal, vaca o cerdo. Ahora todos estamos obligados a ser vegetarianos y apenas nos quedan animales, tenemos que usar zapatos de plástico, una chaqueta de plástico y nos sentamos en una silla de plástico. El plástico no es bueno para su salud o el medio ambiente, pero no puede tenerlo todo.

** Esta es mi entrada a la escritura libre diaria de 5 minutos. Si desea unirse, consulte [@mariannewest] ( **.

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No había leído esta publicación. Está muy buena. Tienes razón en lo de preparar a tus hijos por si acaso. El mio lo está. Puede defenderse solo.
Acá cocinamos todo ahora, Muy poco compramos afuera. Todo está muy caro, para mi, como trabajadora, es mejor hacer mucha comida en casa.

Hay muchas personas que buscan su calzado de cuero. Aún lo veo, créeme, si los usan. En la actualidad solo uso lo sintético, menos costosos.

@gertu También se lo dije a mis hijos. Estoy feliz de tener lo básico en casa. Fliur, azúcar, etc. Raramente uso huevos y leche. Podemos hacer nuestra propia comida. Su sabor es mejor y es mucho más barato. Aquí ves menos zapatos de cuero. Todos usan zapatos de plástico o deportivos. Los últimos también son caros. Compro lo que puedo pagar.❤️

I never knew that sleeping in a heated bedroom was bad for you so thanks for the info. My room is cool but I can't sleep without a heating pad. The butter cake sounds delicious and I can smell it cooking, and I like how you are raising your kids to be self-sufficient. A big Congratulations on your NaNoWriMo adventure. That sure is a lot of words. I am sorry but I just haven't had the time to read your story and wish you nothing but the best. You go girl! Hugs!

Resident cat here, telling you no to let this red light stop you from writing:

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@whatisnew Thank you for stopping by and commenting. A heating pad is no problem it is the temp of the bedroom that is bad. That butter cake is great and smells great. I could eat the whole cake. 💕

OK, thanks for the info. You could eat a whole cake and I could eat a whole pizza. LOL! Enjoy! : )

@whatisnew Great you can have my pizza. 😁💕

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