Our Public schools now show the fruit of liberal policies, carried to the ultimate extrame!

in #palnet5 years ago

We are in trouble; insanity rules in Public schools today! From public apologies for race and religion, to felonies related to "finger guns"; liberal thinking has destroys any chance to actually teach! All that is left is brainwashing, programming, and propaganda; which explains why our scholastic standing on the World stage is so pitiful

Image from article:
Crazy schools.jpg

Since ALL people can become Christians, it is not a special privilege; but an open invitation to all!

Article on school insanity due to liberal control:

In North Carolina a "teacher" forced students to publicly apologize for the apparent transgression of being white, and Christian! I would have told them to kiss my posterior surfaces, on their way to the hot place....

Liberals nowadays are completely worked up about this myth known as “white privilege” meaning that just because someone is white, they innately have the upper hand in life compared to say a person of color.

If you really want to push the privilege, through in being a white male.

Now one North Carolina high school is declaring that being a Christian is something of a privileged position and they hate it so much that one teacher forced students at West Rockingham Middle School to stand up and formally apologize for their “privilege".

If this were MY children...they would have to FIRE this excuse for a teacher; ENOUGH of this feces! It should cost them some hard cash too....

Article of Chronic Stupid in public school; Girl charged with Felony, for pointing her FINGER "like a gun"!

In Overland Park Kansas, the school had a 13 year old girl arrested for a Felony for pointing her Finger like a gun! Seriously, you can't make this kind of stuff up, no one would believe it! As it is, I am disgusted at the truth....

Police in Overland Park, Kansas has arrested a thirteen-year-old girl who attends Westridge Middle School for pointing her finger like a gun at four classmates.

They have charged the girl with a felony. The school resource officer placed the girl under arrest and called in the police. The school is now trying to distance itself from the situation, blaming the police department alone for the decision to prosecute.But, how did the police become involved?

Pointing out the idiocy of this situation, in the article (a little tongue in cheek I think) they point out the eventual goal of liberal socialist fascists!

No actual weapon was found but now the Democrats running for president now demand that all fingers undergo a universal federal background check.

So if you do not "Pass" this background check, I guess they cut off your fingers?

I wonder what we need to do to get our schools to TEACH our children? The public school system needs to FAIL 100%, so we can replace the schools, with Real schools under local control! I pay school taxes on nine pieces of property; and I had to send my kids to private school, because the public schools are so worthless! So I pay for public schools that are so bad; that I can NOT afford to use them for my kids!

This system is so infected with Liberal policies that it no longer functions as a school!


I don't recall it ever being like that when i was in school. When i think back on it I had a few seriously liberal teachers but I didn't become fully aware of it until years after I graduated and the teachers spoke to me freely, as an adult.

I think that things have changed for the worse because this liberal teacher of mine, who taught social studies, never tried to convert us to her thinking and would certainly never do something as crazy as either of the things you haves spoken about above.

If making a gun symbol towards someone is a felony, I narrowly avoided multiple life sentences. Thank goodness these "laws" didn't exist when i was in school!

When I was in school, if you had a pistol, they would make you take it home and come back to school. BUT if you had a squirt gun, you drew a week suspension.

Their reasoning was the pistol was never intended to be used, while the squirt gun was intended for actual Use!

Only a village Idiot, would call a finger gun a Felony!


I was talking to my brother, the one who maintains anonymity here on steem, over Christmas when he was here...He'll be homeschooling for the very reasons you mention here, and more. His lad is only 16 months old but he's planning around it already with no intention to expose his lad to the idiocy that is the school system.

Homeschooling is the way to go, especially if you live in the US! We moved to Panama to get away from the US system.

Good to hear from you Girl! I couldn't leave the country to do it, but you did a good job. Private school was a tough stretch money wise, but it worked. Both kids made it through the university, under their own power!


We have systems for a reason and some of them are ok, however I feel that a lot of the systems we are locked into are farcical and simply remove freedoms we should be permitted to enjoy. I don't know if my brother would move away from Australia however am certain it would be a consideration. He is pretty set in his thinking and how he wants his lad raised.

Thanks for your comment. All the best.

It will place this 16 month old in the top 10%, before he starts!

Tell him GOOD JOB! Not posting is an understandable choice, here. I am just not that smart I guess, LOL!

I keep hoping to make a difference, hoping it is not too late to safely do so!

It is sad that I am forced to fund a school system that attacks everything I hold dear.


You're right but in this society we are forced into so many things we don't agree with right?...I don't see it getting better moving forward. People call it progress but is it? I'm not so sure.

I don't think it will hold together too much longer, so get ready to take care of yourself! There is zero progress in saving this Republic, onlyt attacks on our values!


Tinderbox waiting to ignite...

They will push until it fails. They WANT the Republic to fail, so they can rule the reminants!

Get clear and be safe!


I hear you...I really wish I was in a position to clear out.

Work that direction, we have some time still, especially if President Trump wins again. But don't dawdle...get an RV, and find a place to park it!

Be Safe.


We also had to pay taxes and ended up homeschooling our kids. These were some of the reasons that we chose to do that - craziness happening every day in public schools. We moved to Panama almost three years ago and I did something I never thought I would do...I sent my kids to public school for a year. You know what? It went really well (I wanted them to learn Spanish). You know why? They have a daily prayer in all classes as well as religion. My kids in PUBLIC school were getting a grade for memorizing Bible verses and coloring pictures of Jesus! My daughter even said a prayer in front of the whole school one day as part of their weekly opening ceremony. Things are getting worse and worse in the US, that's why we decided to leave while we still could!

I am glad you found a good way to educate your kids! Having them learn Spanish, in a Spanish speaking country is wise. I am glad liberals here have not tainted other school systems!

Daily prayers is ALWAYS the best start for any day!


That's completely messed up.

Posted using Partiko Android

Very true!


Sir smithlabs! lol..unbelievably stupid. If it continues on this path what will schools look like in 10 years?

I do NOT believe it will remain in a decade. They will either go belly up and revert to local control, or the liberals will succeed in destroying our Republic, and they will just become interesting buildings!

But we can't continue for a decade like this, SMH!


Well conservative states need to get the ball rolling and see if we can get out of the federal system.

I have been after our legislatures to do exactly that! Push them hard....


They must love hearing from you. What is their response?

They listen politely, but makes no commitments. I will keep pushing!

It is the staff that get the calls, not the actual legislator?

Most of the time, but phone calls, emails. and letters scare the pud out of them. Mad voters could cost them their phony baloney jobs!


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