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RE: Our Public schools now show the fruit of liberal policies, carried to the ultimate extrame!

in #palnet5 years ago

I was talking to my brother, the one who maintains anonymity here on steem, over Christmas when he was here...He'll be homeschooling for the very reasons you mention here, and more. His lad is only 16 months old but he's planning around it already with no intention to expose his lad to the idiocy that is the school system.


Homeschooling is the way to go, especially if you live in the US! We moved to Panama to get away from the US system.

Good to hear from you Girl! I couldn't leave the country to do it, but you did a good job. Private school was a tough stretch money wise, but it worked. Both kids made it through the university, under their own power!


We have systems for a reason and some of them are ok, however I feel that a lot of the systems we are locked into are farcical and simply remove freedoms we should be permitted to enjoy. I don't know if my brother would move away from Australia however am certain it would be a consideration. He is pretty set in his thinking and how he wants his lad raised.

Thanks for your comment. All the best.

It will place this 16 month old in the top 10%, before he starts!

Tell him GOOD JOB! Not posting is an understandable choice, here. I am just not that smart I guess, LOL!

I keep hoping to make a difference, hoping it is not too late to safely do so!

It is sad that I am forced to fund a school system that attacks everything I hold dear.


You're right but in this society we are forced into so many things we don't agree with right?...I don't see it getting better moving forward. People call it progress but is it? I'm not so sure.

I don't think it will hold together too much longer, so get ready to take care of yourself! There is zero progress in saving this Republic, onlyt attacks on our values!


Tinderbox waiting to ignite...

They will push until it fails. They WANT the Republic to fail, so they can rule the reminants!

Get clear and be safe!


I hear you...I really wish I was in a position to clear out.

Work that direction, we have some time still, especially if President Trump wins again. But don't dawdle...get an RV, and find a place to park it!

Be Safe.


Sound suggestion...I have a pretty cool camper trailer and some other associated bits...Ready to leave when I gotta. It will take some time for turmoil in the States to impact here, so a little time up my sleeve yet I think...

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