The Fix Is In... What Huber Couldn't Find

in #palnet4 years ago

Meme by me @richq11 via

In an investigation into the Clinton Foundation in which Ray Charles could have found overwhelming evidence of corruption, John Huber mysteriously came up empty proving one of three things: 1) Huber is as corrupt as the rest of the swamp. 2) He didn't want to wind up like everybody else set to testify against the Clintons. Or 3) He's the stupidest human being alive. As the Clinton body count grows and grows, the highly touted Huber couldn't find one scintilla of corruption. Uranium One... nothing to see here. Clinton Foundation and Haiti... nothing to see here, even in light of the fact that the Haitian people are still protesting after almost ten years.

Perhaps disgrescretion is the better part of valor- or at least self-preservation. Who could blame Huber for chickening out given the historical fates of those who dared to cross the Clinton killing machine. The latest victim of Clintoncide (I refuse to use Arkancide because it reflects poorly on very good people- it's the Clintons, not Arkansas doing the killings) is FBI agent Sal Cincinelli who recently "committed suicide" after digging up dirt on the Clintons and their phony money-laundering machine the Clinton Foundation.

 High-ranking FBI officials are spilling the beans on a massive cover up involving Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, the State Department and a scheme that steered untold billions of tax dollars to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton associates.  And the Justice Department is implicated too. Not to mention the disturbing implications surrounding the mysterious death of the FBI’s top financial crimes investigator who was privy to the details of the scheme while leading the Bureau’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation.
Even by Washington D.C. standards, criminal conspiracies do not get any deeper than this newly-minted Clinton-linked scandal. And the stakes here are as large as the corruption.
Billions of dollars in tax monies swiped from the U.S. Treasury while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state and funneled to shell companies and associates who kicked back untold hordes of cash to the Clinton Foundation and in essence: to the Clinton’s themselves. 

It stands to reason that the Justice Dept. should be implicated as well- after all, with the possible exception of the Fake News Complex- no one went as far in assuring Hillary's victory in 2016 than the FBI and DOJ. The Clinton Foundation has more shell companies and subsidiaries than Norinco (for anyone not understanding the simile, Norinco is a Chinese arms manufacturer owned by the People's Liberation Army- all companies in China are subsidiaries of Norinco)- many owned in conjunction with Frank Giustra's Radcliffe Foundation along with Carlos Slim the Mexican billionaire.

 “We are talking about billions of dollars that were stolen, siphoned, funneled,” one top-level federal source said. “Not millions. Billions. It’s absolutely massive and other members of the Obama administration are involved.”Attorney General William Barr’s Justice Department has been giving Hillary Clinton and other Democratic politicians another free pass. And federal agents are beyond steamed.

“You look at the size of this corruption and realize why Hillary warehoused all her State Dept. emails on a private server and destroyed thousands upon thousands of emails so that no one could get a look at the side deals,” Paine said. Yet Huber was apparently unable to uncover what many other FBI agents could, one of them now being dead of an "apparent suicide."

 So we’re finding that deceased top FBI Special Agent Sal Cincinelli (alleged public suicide) was a member of a team that was investigating the Clinton Foundation and had witnessed and investigated the fact that large amounts of money were being moved by Hillary Clinton through the Clinton Foundation, coming in coming out, that trace back to the State Dept. during the time that she was Secretary of State.
This is the first time or the first proof that anybody has that she was actually taking money from public money from the State Dept. while she was Secretary of State and moving it around to her cronies linked to the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton cartel and Cincinelli was part of the FBI who was looking into this. 

To make this even more suspicious, Cincinelli allegedly shot himself on the floor of a crowded nightclub. Who would choose such a place to kill themselves... most people would choose home or perhaps some secluded spot so as not to traumatize a building full of people. Given agent Cincinelli's integrity in amassing evidence on the Clinton state department's corruption makes it even more difficult to believe that he would kill himself in public.

 And incredibly, this has been on the desk of Attorney General William Barr who hasn’t done anything with it. The Justice guys we talked to said that she didn’t take millions of dollars. She took billions of dollars. And she spread it around to her cronies and shell companies, shell corporations, dummy companies and then they kicked money back to the Clinton Foundation and they may have even kicked money back into offshore accounts belonging to Bill and Hillary Clinton. This puts their hands right into the cookie jar the US Treasury taking and diverting tax monies for profit. That’s theft. That’s fraud. Why aren’t these people in shackles? 

Why indeed... it kind of makes you wonder who's running the Justice Department. Barr is as deep a swamp creature as they come- his father Donald is the one that recruited Jeffrey Epstein to teach at the prestigious Dalton School in NYC. Although Bill Barr has promised to get to the bottom of Epstein's "suicide" all we're getting is tick, tick, tick. Barr, under Bush Sr., justified the invasion of Panama. He also pushed Bush to pardon six men incarcerated from Iran/Contra. Barr is as much of a neocon as Bolton (and Hillary). 

Since its inception the Clinton Foundation has operated with the efficiency (and ruthlessness) of an organized crime family- with only a couple of exceptions- having the Fake News Complex at your beck and call running interference doesn't hurt either:

 STILL, a main difference between the two criminal entities is the following tactical detail: while crime bosses have been known to whack their enemies in plain view, or whenever they can get the jump on their target(s) – be it in broad daylight or under the cover of darkness – on the other hand, Clinton, Inc. contracts out its hits to appear as if they are wholly unrelated to anything other than a ‘suicide’, a random criminal act, some sort of mechanical malfunction (auto or private plane), and the like. Piss-poor via bad luck, too. 

Huber also seems to have been unable to find any connection between the "death by seizure" of journalist Jen Moore either- even with the assistance of her friend FBI agent Robyn Gritz:

 Investigative Journalist Jen Moore was found dead (Aug. 20, 2018) in a suburban Washington D.C. hotel room Monday, according to police and shocked and distraught friends and colleagues. Moore died of an apparent seizure. Police are closely investigating the cause of death after former FBI Agent Robyn Gritz, a friend of Moore’s, made inquiries with homicide detectives Monday afternoon in Prince Georges County, Maryland. Preliminary reports from police said the death was not the result of suicide. 
 Moore, an advocate who investigated abused and trafficked children, had been in the process of investigating allegations by a 26-year-old man that — as a young boy — he was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton and pimped out at private sex parties attended by other D.C. elites. In fact, just four weeks before her death, Moore filed details of the alleged victim’s claims with the Department of Homeland Security, detailing the allegations against Clinton. Moore contacted Homeland Security beginning on July 6th through July 9th, records show. A week later, she contacted the FBI with identical details about the victim and the shocking allegations against Clinton. 

Yet no investigation has been opened into either Moore's death or the young man's allegations against the former president. In fact with the exception of Huber's "eyes wide shut" investigation into the Foundation, no investigations in the Clintons and their nefarious misdeeds ever get off the ground.  

It should by now be obvious to anyone paying attention that the corruption at DOJ and the FBI starts at the top and works its way down. There are many good people at both institutions who are afraid to come forward for fear of retribution... or fear of Hillary. According to a headline at Gateway Pundit:

 Christopher Wray’s FBI lied again. His FBI claimed that Seth Rich’s DNC computer and emails were investigated upon his death but then his FBI backtracked and claimed no related docs were available in a FOIA request. 
Now we know it was just another Deep State lie!

Anyone that's listened to Bill Binney testify about the leaked emails supposedly hacked by the Russians (according to the official narrative) knows that it's mathematically impossible for an agent or agents across the Atlantic to have downloaded the data via a hack... it was downloaded onto a thumb-drive or similar data storing apparatus. "Bill Binney, is more than an expert, he is “A Good American”. Binney developed a system for the NSA that would have identified the 9-11 terrorist attack before it occurred, but the NSA shut down his project."

 Yet nobody in the FBI or DOJ seems to want the truth to come out... who or what are they hiding? 

... Texas businessman Ed Butowsky filed a lawsuit where he outed reporter Ellen Ratner as his source for information on Seth Rich. The DNC operative [Rich] was murdered in the summer of 2016 in Washington DC. His murder was never solved. According to Butowsky’s lawsuit, Seth Rich provided WikiLeaks the DNC emails before the 2016 election, not Russia.

This totally destroys the FBI and Mueller’s claims that Russians hacked the DNC to obtain these emails. 

Who other than the hierarchy at the DNC had the most to lose from the truth coming out? The answer is Hillary because she had already paid for the phony Steele dossier. Rich's disclosure would shoot the "Russia narrative" in the ass- all that money would have been spent for nothing, the corruption of both Hillary, Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie and the DNC would have been laid out for all to see... Seth Rich had to be eliminated. Remember this from Hillary's campaign chair John Podesta:

(From Twitter)

Like I said at the beginning there's enough evidence to put Hillary behind bars for the rest of her life, yet Huber could find no evidence of corruption... perhaps it's Hillary we should call the "Teflon Don" instead of John Gotti, after all she's had a longer and far more successful crime spree than he did- she's still walking about, knockin them dead, so to speak. Will the Clintons ever be brought to justice? Not while the likes of Bill Barr is Attorney General and the current leadership at the State Department, DOJ and FBI are in place. The swamp is too deep for one man to drain alone and President Trump is fighting for his life (if Hillary gets the Dem nomination, maybe literally), and he isn't getting much help. Washington is less a swamp than a snake pit and in this context the only good snake is a dead snake. Huber knows that too.



I read...and I asked myself, if I had a stack of documents proving all we think we know, would I dare to publish them?

It is not a fair question, as I have already lived longer than I expected to and you are probably much younger...still, can't help wondering, would you expose the Clintons?

PS: Ray Charles Robinson...died...
Jun 10, 2004, Beverly Hills, California, U.S.

and I think that if a medium could call to his spirit for help, he would have enjoyed helping.

I'm 74 and would publish every bit. I started writing a book on the Clintons in the mid 90's and about 360 pages in I realized that there would never be an end to the dirty dealings and corruption.

Bring out that Book....anyway ;)

I use parts in my posts... The first 100 or so pages is used to set up a model for political psychology- how people like the Clintons are able to gain power. I use them as a model to explain how my generation was guaranteed to abuse power once they came of age. Then it becomes an expose

We are almost the same age (I'm 76).

Perhaps a few excerpts would help throw a spotlight on matters not widely known?

I've used parts about the Clintons and their associations with the teachers union, the Children's Defense Fund, The UN (Convention on the Rights of the Child). I try to integrate excerpts in my posts.

Proud to know you. It is so refreshing to meet a person who actually does something to help.

Thank you... that works both ways!

Why can't justice prevail? Yeah, probably he knew the body count. Will the Clintons ever be held accountable? I had hoped Trump would make her accountable.

So question... Is Larry Nichols still alive? What is he up to? Thanks @richq11. Resteemed.

Larry is still alive, but the last I heard is in very bad health. He has a YouTube channel.

Brilliant expose, well narrated and thanks for the info. It makes one wonder who is really running the government of the USA?

Thank you... I believe the same people that have run it all along. They'll let Trump have a few victories as long as he doesn't hurt their bottom line- but if he starts messing with the Federal Reserve or the Intel agencies, they'll take him out like Kennedy

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