~ 131 ~ Walk With Me Little Angels

It was an #OpHumanAngels #ChalkWithMe kind of day...

Inspired by @chackett's random act of kindness that I read about this morning in his blog Ophuman Angel Card Drops by Sneaky Ninja, the boys and I set out on our walk today, packin chalk, in hopes to raise the vibes in our neighbourhood through loving messages and art.


@kiedisbowes says this is a Sun Princess.

We are all together.

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Stryder's Smiley Face


Inside it says You Rock.


A Few By Dear Ol' Ma

Your Ideas Are Amazing

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We Love You!


Okay, now that magic love dust has been deployed it's time to get some walking in.

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First there were the lupins all in the ditches, and now it's time for the roses. All along the roads are pink and white wild roses, ferns and a bunch of other little flowers. Do I have to even say how wonderful it smells everywhere?

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I just loved the look on Stryder's face there...

Beach Combing

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Slim pickins today.


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Couldn't ask for better weather. There was a beautiful breeze keeping us cool the whole time...the air smelled like flowers and sea...



From atop Heart Attack Hill (which I dominated today no problems I might add) we can't even see the other side of the bay. There's a beautiful, soft, white mist enveloping everything over there.

Back Home

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A few poppies beginning to unfold.

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It won't be long now until our first taste of Sugar Peas, the most beautiful and delicious plant!

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I'll finish with a video from our walk. Come with us and smell the flowers...

(Video 2:16)

I hope you enjoyed this #WalkWithMe. Here are some recent walks with our STEEM Fam who got out there in the world, and took us with them.

See life through their eyes...

More Street Murals in Playa del Carmen By @lynncoyle1

Novacadian's Nova Scotia Biking Tours (Part 4) By @novacadian

I Won't Go Away By @francisk

Mechit Peak By @danielapetk

The creation of one of the famous 19th century...... By @harmonic

Walk With Me In Denver, Rich People Don't Need Sidewalks Edition By @phoenixwren

#walkwithme to the waterfalls By @davedickeyyall

Walk with me Cataract Falls By @tecnosgirl

Architectural Photography Downtown Chicago Walk with Me! By @vgc5000

A walk along the Leeds Liverpool Canal in Wigan By @steemonkey

Clear sunny day to go for a walk By @seareader1

Fetsund Timber Booms By @tobixen

Travel adventures - Florence - Day 2 By @delishtreats

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I am so calling it magick love dust now! 💚💜💙💛 Thanks for taking us with you on your walk! You're a good mama to your boys. 😄 PS, congrats about heart attack hill being easy peasy hill!!

Awww yay!! Magick Love Dust Activated!!!!!

Heart Attack Hill...I'm just thinking now, and not so smugly, that it was probably easy because I was going at child speed lolololol *fml...

Lol about child speed. It still counts! 😁

Love that road by the finer diner. super nice post. love the poppies..why are mine already finished?

I'm not sure about these poppies, every year they bloom way later than everyone else's!

ya..wow eh. mine were in bloom before I left. My mothers when I was there. and now yours. all good.

What a lovely place. I love being shown around by the locals. The waterside scene reminds me of North Devon in England. Thank you.

We are the place in Canada where the Europeans settled first, there are a lot of similarities for sure. Thanks for visiting @steemonkey!

What a remarkable place to bring up a family @lyndsaybowes You are teaching your boys some valuable lessons as you walk with them around your very picturesque neighbourhood. I really enjoyed the video too. Of course the beautiful weather enhances everything doesn’t it? (U & R)

The weather does make everything just perfect. Thanks for walking with us again Trudee <3 <3 <3

Thank you for making these walks so interesting Lyndsay. 🌺

Hooray! You dominated Heart Attack Hill :)

These photos are beautiful; the boys, the flowers and the weather. What a difference a season makes; when I think of the photos from a few months ago...grey, dreary...this is so beautiful!

Thanks for sharing :)

Thanks for visiting us Lynn, we are so happy it's finally summer, and will be making the most of the next few months as everything blooms and grows <3 <3 Sending huggies to you and the B man!!

awww thank you @lyndsaybowes !! Make the most of it...I'm sure you will!! ❤️

Wild roses and boys make a fine walk. Thanks Lyndsay.

Thank you Mike, it's a sure way for us all to have great sleeps at night!

Another great #WalkWithMe post! What an amazing idea to spread love in your neighborhood like this! Your family must be very popular there :)

Thank you for sharing beautiful pictures of the sea.

I love sugar peas too! We were growing it every year when I was a child. We ate it straight from the plant :)

We try to be very sneaky though sometimes I'm sure we've been 'busted' by community members hahaha!!

I can't wait to start eating them, the boys are the best little veggie pickers, they can reach into all the tight spots. I'm glad you have childhood memories of snap peas...so good!

I love the chalk messages. I have been chalk drawing outside with my little one. The positive vibes is a great idea.

Awesome, I'm glad you like the idea @girlbeforemirror! If you and the little one do some uplifting messages, take a couple pics and make a post with the tag #ophumanangels, we have a great community who curates the tag :) Looking forward to seeing you there!

@lyndsaybowes, Both boys of Stryder & Kiedis create art styles on the street. They have awesome creativity. Around area so impressive to see with beauty flowers & plants. Great video produced. Have a great day.

I am just about to go for the night, it's 1 am here now. You have a wonderful day and I will see you much later. Thanks a lot for visiting my blog @madushanka, it's always an honour.

Looks like a great day!

Only bad thing is here in Edmonton, we’re only about 2, maybe 3 months away from snow! Makes me want to enjoy the weather while I can!

Enjoy every sweet second and don't for a moment complain about the heat :)

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