Open Mic Week 72 - Meno - Top 5 Picks and Honorable Mentions

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

   What a crazy week my friends, it seemed like everyday more and more amazing entries would show up in my feed, my clicking hand was getting tired, but not my ears. I've had such a hard time making this list, I've changed it three times in the last hour, just because I can't seem to agree with myself lately.


   Without rambling for too much longer, these are my top 5 picks for week 72 of the #openmic competition:

First Place.-

@zipporah - Home Tonight - Original Song

   What can I say about the talented Zippy, I found her entry to be one of those songs that was designed to hit you right in the feels. It's not secret that I'm a sucker for emotional music, for emotional deliveries, and the songs that speak to my soul are the ones that tell stories of hope, songs that are able to convey the longing for an emotional home, a safe place to call home.

   It's exactly for this reason the lyrics resonated with me so much, aside from possessing a beautiful voice, and a kind soul that comes out in her writing effortlessly, the performance was just the icing on the cake for me. Thank you for sharing this little musical treasure with us Zippy. <3

Second Place.-

@trevorpetrie - Little Bird - Original Song

   What a beautiful song this is, and very fitting for Valentine's Week I guess. I suspect this second fact might have been intentional. I'm a bit of a romantic person myself, so of course as I was listening to the smooth sounds of the soothing melody, the lyrics resonated with me.

   A beautiful tribute to the girl that became his wife, do I need to say more? I can almost imagine all the visits, the little dates, the discovery and the process of falling in love with her. A special tune, a musical story with a happy ending.

Third Place.-

@kayclarity - You were meant for me - by Jewel

   As soon as I had clicked on her entry, I knew I was in for a treat. @kayclarity has one of those voices designed to melt the coldest of hearts, and of course I was not disappointed. Her entry this week was one of the best covers I have heard on Steem yet, her voice just soared thru the high notes as if it was as easy as turning on a light switch.

   What can I say? I'm a fan of Jewel, I love this song, and she killed it. It's really that simple.

Fourth Place.-

@melavie - Promise Original Song

   I guess I must be a little broken inside, so its no wonder this song tugs at the heart strings. I've said more than once, even on air that I felt so many times that the only reason why I made it through a horrible situation, was because music was there to guide me through it. It's almost as I wrote these lines myself, some of the best lyrics I've seen from @melavie yet, and then again it seems like I've been saying that a lot since I started to listen to her music.

Fifth Place.-

@stanhopeofficial - If I Go, I'm Going - Cover

   I can't say I was familiar with the original artist Gregory Alan Isakov but as of yesterday I'm a fan of his work. Great rendition of a great song. It's of course a bit different from me since the first time I heard this track it came from @stanhopeofficial but I think I like this version better. It seems a little more intimate than the original, or at least it does to me. In any case, a real treat to listen to and something you should not deprive yourself from, trust me.

Honorable Mentions

   In no specific order, here are some of the amazing entries I had the honor to listen to this week. It's close to impossible for me not to feel close to the #openmic musicians, we not only share a platform, we share the most powerful language of all, music. Thank you for sharing your art with me.

@asly - Original Song Duenya

   There were so many good entries this week, it was close to impossible for me to make up my mind, just in my special mentions I must have spent four hours. It's close to 1am in my part of the world, and I think its time to not delay posting this any further. All this to say, that I appreciate every single of you who participate week after week of this amazing contest, without your efforts, without your music, this would not mean a thing.


   All the love in the world to every single of you, can't wait to do this all over again.

meno logo.png


absolutely 100% fantastic job my friend. I am so thrilled your onboard! and you picked some great choices this week. I was so impressed with the talent I had such a hard time with this weeks line up my end. huge love to @meno from @soundlegion woot woot

Thank you for being such a good friend Bonnie! <3

Wow! This is a great list of acts!
I had already heard and loved many of these (great minds think alike!), but there were some that I'd not yet checked out in your list @meno !
So great to get introduced to them!

Hey, by the way, I loved that song you sung about your friend in the interview you did on @krystle's radio show. Very touching. And I really appreciated your shout out, bro. Thanks so much!
Anyway, awesome list here! I love hearing new music!

Nathan my musical brother, we need to get you on AIR too.... lets chat this up, maybe in a couple of weeks I could have you come share a bit about your life philosophy and some of your amazing music... I'm sure I don't have to ask @krystle what she thinks about this prospect... hahahah

Thank you, my friend! Very happy you enjoyed it, and I always appreciate your kind words :) xx, Kay

I'm Speaking from the heart! <3

It honestly doesn't bother me that no one else picks me but of course my only measurement for success is if @MenO picks me for his top 5. I think you are gonna like the next one its more emotional...

wow... Lima... well thank you for the vote of confidence! <3

Looking forward to your next entry!

So honoured that you picked my entry for your #2 @meno! Glad you enjoyed the song. Thanks so much for your support!

great song my brother!

Cheers man 😊

Hey @meno! Thanks a lot for the vote! Awesome to see you're a new judge for the open mic! Looking forward to your weekly picks. Thanks again.

Really enjoyed your entry Stan, looking forward to your next one!

Congrats Dude & Welcome to one of the hardest job on Steemit ;)

You'll be great haha!

thank you brother!!! i intend to do my best! ;) cheers mate

Wow! 💜 You honor me greatly with this, sweet @meno! As the muse slowly wakes, remembering how to move fingers and lift voice beyond the reach of my own heart — to be so well-received and appreciated is healing beyond measure. Your words of sincere recognition are a nourishing balm on an ancient wound, quieting the worn out refrain of ’not good enough.’ Truly — you can’t know just how much this means to me. 🙏🏼 THANK YOU.

I'm simply resonating with your soul Zippy, thank you for putting yourself out there....

.maam I knew you were amazing

Says the phenomenal @etemi! ⭐️

I'm so happy that we got such a beautiful music connection meno. It seems we really need the same kind of medicine. <3
and wow, what a list to be part of again! Thank you for filling the cracks of my broken songs with happiness!! ;)

There was no way you would not make it to my list this week with that entry @melavie two bars in you had me... <3

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