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Please keep posting quality content!


Oh wow! Thank you so much! Checking it out now! 😃

And I think I did this correctly. Where should I send my account name?

And I think I did
This correctly. Where should I
Send my account name?

                 - lillywilton

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

While cute, this @haikubot comment is considered to be spam, harms the blockchain, and is the reason why we will soon have to pay for comments like this with Resource Credits. The servers that maintain the blockchain are extremely expensive because of comments like this seeking low effort upvotes, so please do not reward this behavior.

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Any bot like this should respect the community by providing a whitelist to prevent the post in the first place and then provide a way to delete the comment for those who find this intrusive.

Lilly... my heart overflows. ♥♥♥♥♥

Serena, you make my heart overflow ❤️❤️❤️thank you so much for saying that.

What a great composition, that really wow's ;9) love the piano and voice together

Thank you so much ❤️That means a lot to me that you enjoyed it.

Loved it!! 😎🤩

Thank you so much 😊❤️

Beautiful song. Loved the sirens. Seemed to work perfectly for the intro. Absolutely love the lyrics of this song.

Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️ That means so much to me. And I'm glad you liked the sirens, too.

Love it! Well done! Keep them coming!

Beautiful melody, beautiful song. ♥♥❤️

Thank you so much!

Lovely composition and performance, Lilly! Yeah, I have to agree with Luz on the sirens... NYC baby... :-)

Thank you so much ❤️ Haha! And yes! You've both converted me to 100% team sirens. Hooray for accidental artistic choices!

Damn I didn't even notice the sirens. I must have been distracted by that angelic voice :).

Takes one, Sir 😉Can't wait for next week.

Im serious Lilly... im a puddle of tears... I wanna choke you, I know that makes no sense...

Ok... im out..


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