🎶 Open Mic Week 104 - My Top 5 Judges Selection - Happy 2nd Birthday Open Mic! 🎶

in #openmic6 years ago

So here we are people's, it's Open Mic's 2nd Birthday or anniversary - I am so thrilled and honoured to be a part of this amazing group of people that make up Open Mic.

I am also so intensely proud of @luzcypher for keeping this going for 2 consecutive years, this is truly an amazing feat and I had to do a special mention in honour of the big man himself - the one that created this community we all call home, he truly is the most benevolent leader I have ever encountered.

A man who loves music and the people that make it, you have created a place for people and artists to call home - whether it be someone just starting out, to those formally trained all perform together for a common goal.... the love of music.

@luzcypher set the tone of what Open Mic would be and because of such we have accumulated a phenomenally talented community, that loves and respects one and other - were a family because of all he has done and continues to do.

He never complains about the spam or scammers, he rolls with the punches and I couldn't have asked for a better leader - again I would like to personally thank him for asking me to become a judge, I never dreamed of being able to do what I love and because of @luzcypher I can and do.

I remember the first weeks of Open Mic, back when @soundlegion and @verbal-d first performed and I became massive fans of their work - when I myself had my first entry way back in week 15, I feel old now...

But it has been one hell of a ride so far, we have had some ups and downs - we have given away tens of thousands of dollars to amazing musicians, but it all comes back to the phenomenal music people have shared and continue to share.

It's truly awe inspiring to have not only be a part of this amazing group, but to watch this all unfold from the very beginning - it's a bit hard to fathom how far we have come, I can only imagine where we will go from here.

Well I could go on all day so I better cut myself off here, but all in all what an amazing way to bring in the two year marker - it was a brilliant week and I must admit my choices moved up until the very moment of writing the post.

So here it is my top 5 judges selection for week 104 ... aka Open Mic's 2 year anniversary.

This week's top 5:

1st Place - @dianakyv - Can´t Help Falling in Love

This was just stunning on every single level, both of you are fantastic artists - it truly is an honour to have this entry from you both, especially on such an epic week as our 2 year anniversary!

The playing is utter perfection, absolutely faultless in every sense of the term - I have no real skill on guitar personally, but you make that instrument sing in the most stunning tones I've heard.

Together there is a harmonic beauty to the sound you create, I have to say together you both compliment each others style and performance just incredibly - it is entrancing to behold, this was just truly exceptional.

I remember the first entry I heard from you both, you left me flawed - I just couldn't comprehend what I had witnessed, now week after week you come back and just kick ass.

The song selection was brilliant, I love the styles of music you have shown us - and I really enjoy that you perform what you love, rather than what people might think the judges want to hear.

I have really enjoyed listening to the classical and even operatic music you guys have performed, for me when it's a stunning piece of music performed impeccably - count on me to be sold.

Now as for the vocals, holy hell was that stunning lovely - you have such an incredible tone to your voice, there's a sweetness there that sends chills down my spine.

Again you show the immense skills you have at your disposal, you don't overwork the song but when you add embellishments they are truly breathtaking - I can tell you from now on when I sing this song it will be in ode to this performance, the extra trills you added just stole me completely.

This entry was utterly breathtaking, you are both such amazingly talented artists - this entry demanded acknowledgement and rightly deserved it, thank you so much for sharing this incredible entry I will be listening to it again when I finish this post!

2nd Place - @rodrigo98 - Asturias

What a truly epic performance here, just wow I'm almost at a loss for words with just how incredible this entry was - It isn't just that I love this piece of music, its your interpretation of it and your emotion and passion throughout it.

This really was a fantastic performance, not just about the sound but also the moments and lulls - where the listener waits in trepidation for the next wave of intensity.

The effortless nature in which you performed this really took me back, as someone who tries and fails with guitar - to hear someone truly master it and present such a fantastic sound is just breathtaking.

You drew me in from the instant I heard the first notes and then you held it for the entirety of the performance, I just sat there watching in complete captivation - you are not only a phenomenal musician but a brilliant performer.

Showing the emotion as you continue and the song intensifies, you feel the tension in the tone and tempo - and you create and atmosphere that compels.

This was stunning and amazing and I really feel as though I fall short in describing how fantastic this performance was, but I was blown away and really hope to see more from you soon!

3rd Place - @pechichemena - El molino

Ohhh Pechi you never cease to impress me man, I love your music, your playing and of course your soothing soulful vocals - but how on earth can you say that this song isn't complete???

This is another spectacular example of your phenomenal talents, truly just a stunning song and performance - those harmonies are breathtaking man, you just have so much skill and ability it cannot be contained.

Your music takes me places man, I can see it playing as a backing to an emotional scene in a movie - you just capture moments perfectly and it makes for some amazing music.

I have been a big fan of your music for some time now, basically since the first time I heard you perform - I am so thrilled your still wowing us with your brilliant music, I have no idea how you do it time and again!

I love your music and hearing this I say again what else does it need?? To me it is perfect like all your music, just stunning, emotive masterpieces!

4th Place - @mfxae86 - Gravity

Ohhh my god Cope yeeewww! This was just kick ass man, I loved every damned moment of this entry - I am so thrilled you decided to perform it for us here on Open Mic, especially for the 2 year anniversary.

Ok so where to start... your playing was just brilliant, not too overpowering just the perfect accompaniment throughout - I really enjoyed it so much.

Now for what made me put you in my top 5 this week, it was for a shock to all of those who regularly read my Open Mic posts ... your vocals - wow mate you really hit the mark with that one, especially that amazing power you displayed towards the end of the song.

You have great vocal control, range and power, you were able to masterfully present the softer moments - but then when needed you hit it outta the park with that powerhouse boom and super long note hold, where I will note you did not waver toward the end (oftentimes people loose gusto as you continue to hold a note and often this can result in a breathy performance, you my friend did no such thing).

I just really enjoyed getting to see and judge one of your entries, you really didn't fail to impress and I hope you know I now expect more entries buddy - so keep them coming and again just a brilliant entry.

5th Place - @trilumia - Azul

What an amazing show you guys gave us, wow this was so awesome on so many levels - firstly you guys all make it look so easy, it's really refreshing to see not to mention just entertaining as hell.

I love the light and airy feel you guys gave the song, the playing was brilliant and I enjoyed the full band effect and sound - also I'm so impressed by the sound you guys created playing outside in what looks like a backyard, just brilliant guys.

The harmonies really stood out as an amazing feature for me, the vocals generally were spot on - but it was the overall feel and vibe you all give off when performing, it's not only entertaining but relaxing.

I was drawn in and hooked, the tempo kept it interesting and the staccato style added to the effect - I really loved this entry and it was great seeing some familiar faces in there too.

This was truly a stunning performance and I couldn't get enough of it, I really hope to see more from all of you again soon - keep it up it was truly amazing!

Honourable Mentions:

@mariajruizb - Smile

This was an absolutely stunning performance from the both of you, the playing is exquisite - the vocals beautiful and emotion filled, fantastic entry I just loved it on every level.

@drewley - Rain

This piece you composed and performed is so perfectly titled Rain, this is stunning in every sense - this music captivated me and I couldn't leave you out of my list's completely, it encapsulates the theme you were aiming for and was executed exquisitely.

@enazirma - Ahora Estoy Aqui, Mi Amor

Wow you have such an amazing epic voice, it just draws me in and is perfectly coupled with your beautiful composition - your playing was perfect, but for me your voice stole the show so much emotion... just beautiful.

@almagatuna - I'm leaving

This entry just stole my attention and my heart, what a lovely and well performed entry - you all sung beautifully, not to mention the time it must have taken to rehearse all that cup work.. well done and I really enjoyed watching this.

@felixjfarfan - Get Lucky

Great song choice and brilliant rendition, I really loved the coupling of the two tracks - you created an amazing sound that makes the listener just want to move, thanks so much for sharing and I look forward to more soon!

@senzenfrenz - What's Up

I really loved this entry guys, brilliant vocals just a crystal clear voice that works so perfectly with this song - sorry we missed your entry last week, please know these issues are beyond the Open Mic's team to fix were just doing the best we can... The harmonies were a great addition and I truly enjoyed this performance so much, I hope to hear more from the two of you again soon.

@funkmedia - low

This was epic in every sense, the layers and instruments were just amazing - I really enjoyed this entry so much, just amazing.

@rawvega - This Monotonous Life

I was really taken in by this entry, you performed the song with so much emotion and it really did draw me in as I listened - I liked the style you chose and how you executed the vocals, I hope to see more from you in the future.

Master Shortlist:

@shookriya, @elisonr13, @itslobianco, @gibber, @josevallera, @saullazo26, @guifaquetti, @tarotbyfergus, @klynic, @jhoxiris, @rubenbarrios.

As I said we had a simply amazing week this week, with so many super talented artists - it is always so hard to chose only 5 of you, but I hope you all know how brilliant you are.

It was a beautiful week to bring in the two year celebrations, all be it with some technical difficulties getting in the way a bit - we pulled through as best we could and hell there's always next week.

So without dragging this on to long, thank you all who entered this week - I wish I could write you all reviews, so thank you for sharing and happy birthday to you guys too... you earned it!

Songwriters Shoptalk:

Everyone involved in Open Mic or a fan of some of our amazingly talented entrants, should know about the Songwriters Shoptalk - it's a radio show that @meno and I co-host on a weekly basis.

During our two hour show we interview amazing musicians on Steemit, we play some of their original music and get involved in all manner of conversations - I'm not kidding here people, some of the topics are so far from the realm of music I often wonder how we got there.

It's an amazing show and I am thrilled to be a part of it, we have an amazing time each and every week - not to mention we share some amazing music and get to know some of the faces behind the tunes.

Join us 2am UTC Thursdays, it would be great to have you all along for the ride with us - get to know your fellow musicians and as always hear some kick arse music!

Steemit Musicians:

I'd also like to remind everyone again that all top five nominations from this week, will feature in the Steemit Musicians live radio show on MSP-Waves every week - hosted on the Peace Abundance and Liberty discord server, through the Minnow Support Project.

A massive congratulations to all of those to be featured in the show, it is going to be great opportunity to get to further share the awesome entries we receive each week - I can't wait to hear the audience's feedback on all our judges selections and your entries.

I hope you can all drop by and support those who made this week's lists, I'm sure they'd appreciate the support - not to mention if you join you get to help choose the weekly 30 SBD winning entry!

Please join us for Steemit Musicians this Sunday 12-1 UTC!

Time Zone Converter

You can listen live at the mspwaves website- http://mspwaves.com/home/listen
You can listen on twitch-

You can join broadcast hosts in a special chat room on the MSP Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/kNxM7T6
You can check out http://mspwaves.com/ for more information

MSP waves logo.gif

Open Mic's New Discord Server:

I'd like to officially welcome you all to the new Open Mic Discord server, we have been open a little while now - with many of you having already joined.

But it's still a little quiet and I blame myself partly (I didn't know the world of crazy would set in just after opening it up and I just haven't been there to engage with everyone properly or promptly), I hope to remedy this in the coming weeks and months with some big plans we have in the works.

For now it's very hush hush, as plans are finalised and things evolve - you a can be sure you guys will hear all about it.

In the meantime however, there are heaps of amazing musicians already on there - it's a tool and you guys need to use it to get full advantage.

Ask a question, request a collaboration the world is yours - hell even just go in there and play around listening to some tunes in the jukebox room!

I will be trying to make myself more available on the server as time continues, so feel free to drop by even just for a chat.

Again a big thanks to @soundlegion, @meno, @verbal-d and @passion-ground for all they do as judges, please remember to go and check out their top five selections each week and to @luzcypher and @pfunk thank you so much for making all of this possible - until next week.

Which was your favourite entry this week?

Like what you've read so far?
Check out my story

or follow me on twitter @krystlehaines
Please consider voting @ausbitbank for witness here


Thanks for the love on my entry @krystle, honored to be among the great musos for this week and the platform in general :)

I keep pushing and doozing what i dooz, to beez the best i can beez, and that is that ;) I actually had a bit of a hard time making the switch from the loud to the soft parts, its almost like my voice gets locked in to "loud" or "soft" mode and its hard to go back and forth.

What i do like is that all the tracks i am doing for open mic are challenging in some way and force me to grow and adapt :) You will also notice my "ugly" singing face in those big notes ;)

Again thank you for all the kind words bout my performance, much love and copious hugs in your direction :)

wow! KRYSTLE !! what beautiful words and how moving, I will keep them in my heart as the most precious treasure, we are extremely grateful for everything you tell us, as much as me, thanks for appreciating and appreciating our work ..... this really makes me happy !!!! Thanks again.

thanks @rkrystle, for the mention, I'm really very pleased to be on your radar, my most sincere congratulations to all the musicians that every day make life in this community ... they are great !!!!! a hug

It's been amazing to be part of this musical community for 2-years now and the music on Steemit Open Mic is thriving and inspiring. I'm so happy to be doing this with all of you. Thanks for bringing your talent and love to the platform. Long live Open Mic!


Hey @krystle, thank you for the SBD on my wallet. Here you say in the above post the winner gets 30 SBD , I got 3 SBD, so I am still a winner but not "the winner", please can you tell me how your prizepool works? However, thanks very much, highly appreciated!!

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