Steemit OpenMic Songwriter's Challenge Week 8 FINALE - "90 Days" - [Original Song Demo]

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Here's my Final Entry for Week 8 of the Steemit OpenMic Songwriter's Challenge.

This is not a dual entry as I wanted to write something specifically just for this contest. Looks like I've managed to squeak in near the final hours.

It's been quite an interesting 2 months, wrote a tune every week regardless of whether or not I was inspired to do so.

I believe this tune came out alright performance wise. My biggest qualm is that I overshot the final chorus... lol way to high bro ;) otherwise, mostly what I wanted to pull off.

  • This tune came out as a bit of a story. The character seems to be battling a serious personal issue that is causing them to jeopardize a relationship with someone that is really important to them. The reality of losing what they cherish ultimately motivates them to take action.

  • However, the duality seems to be that in order to work on themselves and overcome their issue(s) they need to first be remove/break away from their habitual self/life. Whether this is interpreted as leaving to check into some kind of institution (which is how i interpreted it most, as a sort of drug addiction or mental health issue/challenge) or, if the person just needs to go on a 3 months "life journey" around the world in order feel comfortable "settling down" etc... Anyway you look at it, the idea is that the character must pause or rework a major part of their life in order to move forward in the way they would like to.


90 Days – Jay Sussman Jan 16 2018

C:Until we meet again
Just hold on to this feeling
I know that it’s hard when I’m leaving
But hold on to this feeling she said
(Cause I’ll be back)

V1:Cause I’ll be back in 90 days
But I’ll be going miles away
To break myself and to come back strong
To take myself to my highest point

Can’t stay here no not right now
My inner voice is loud as hell
I know it’s hard and I know you’re mad
But I’m telling you that I’ll come back, come back

V2:No ya can’t come with I’m off alone
To find the/a part of me they stole
I won’t be back no I won’t come back
Till I know that I’ve found it all

It’s not your fault so don’t be sad
But all of me feels so bad
When I’m back I hope you’ll see
That I did it all for you and not for me, for me

JB Lisbon.jpg

jaybird ~


Oh man, theres no WAY they can leave you out of this final round JB. You have been heart and soul of this freekin challenge since the very beginning, and this is an AMAZING song to bow out on. I just love the whole sentiment here and the melodies in the verse AND the chorus are right on point. This one should totally go to the studio.....
Dude, it has been totally epic playing alongside you in this challenge, I honestly feel like between the lot of us we could take on the world right now. 8 songs in 8 weeks EACH, man.....I always used to wonder how bands coped when their record companies would force them to make albums in limited time but now I feel like I have a strategy! Steemit openmic songwriters challenge is a MAJOR LEVELLING UP scheme. Peace out my friend....I get the feeling this is only the beginning! x

We'll see what happens... I'm not gona be too upset either way the song is done. Although I suppose it would be interesting to know where I stood after all is said and done ;)

thanks for the accolades. I actually liked this one a lot. Came out pretty good too. I didn't want to disappoint for the finale. I don't think anybody (who I've been following throughout the comp at least) did.

Ya I think every1 improved from taking on the challenge. I wonder how many of us did all 8? probably a dozen or so...

there should be a special badge for that! ;)

I need an album. Can you record some of these with some good mic's and stuff? This song has the most potential of all the songs that I have heard you sing. Incredible. Super catchy. wow!

Thanks mon! appreciate the kind words.

It’s gettin there slowly but surely. I have 2 done so far...they were ft on @soundlegions artist music comp.

i had them both up on dsound, however they appear to be MIA somehow :(

Send me a link if you find it. Love it.

Here's a link to the first 1 I did.

Re-uploaded to dsound just for you ;)

I'll drop you a link for the 2nd one when I get it up there as well.

Thanks! Would you mind if I use this song in a youtube video of mine? I think it would go good with some paragliding. I will put a link in the description.

Sounds like a good use of rhe song to me. Knock urself out dude. Look forward to seeing it

I will try not to knock my self out, but know this, if I do, I will be sure to make some steem off the post. lol.

Aha, ya be safe, although that probably would make for a good video ;)

Dude... This song is THE SHIT.

I love how you just go for it. Fantastic.

It's been a pleasure learning from you and listening to your songs the past couple months. You're incredibly skilled, and you're a great Steemit role model. Rock on!

Crazy! I was scrolling through the openmicsongwriters posts thinking what's up with Jaybird this week? Glad you made it! Awesome song! Keep on rocking, bro!

Apparently I didn't make it in time lol. Oh well, I got a song written at least.

That's the spirit! And what a song it was! I heard there is a bit of over time they grant, so it might still be in!

Dude, I think this was one of your best efforts yet! Missed my midnight hour sad to say - otherwise, you would have most definitely upset my selective applecart with this entry - if you know what I mean... ha!.... (Okay, so let's make a sandwich instead... I'm hungry - you? :-))

Jay, you have been an awesome prescence throughout this entire "Songwriters" journey - and quite simply - it wouldn't have been the same without your "jaybird" brand emblazoned upon it. You most certainly rock, brother - and this here performance of yours is no exception!

Ahhh dam, I missed it? Thought the post said 6 days still when I checked... It was only 8PM here hahah shit. oh well. No matter, I'm not going for the win anyway. Just the challenge itself was my main interest.

Thanks for the Kind words P.

Hey man, I'm "Quick-Draw-McGraw" here dude... @meno and @kyrstle have still to weigh in - and I'm certain that your awesome final round entry will be front and center for all considerations... I feel you though, man - and I get where your main interests are emanating from - and it's a really beautiful place to be... Much love, Jay!

lol, indeed you are. I'll definitely be curious to see the results.

When was the deadline btw? It was today as in tuesday right? Just a time zone thingy I guess.. i’m so used to getting my entey done for Sunday lol

Technically, it's Monday... however, we've always held out till' Tuesday for late arrivals... I'm on EST-time - where are you?

I'm EST too. That's why i figured 9PM tuesday was within the contest timeframe, especially bc the post had only been up 6 days. Truth be told, I had a version of it recorded on Sunday, not totally finished tho and then my voice was toast yesterday so I did't try and finish until tuesday. I didn't want to submit something i wasn't more or less proud of for the finale.

I'm glad that I got something that feels pretty good at least.

Not to worry @jaybird -I'm certain that @meno and @krystle are going to have you on their radar prior to their selections for week 8, brother.

Since it was the final round, I spent more time than usual on Songwriters this week, and I wanted to get my selections done before midnight Tuesday (nearly a full day after the technical cut-off) so as to begin looking at all of the Open-Mic entries, which I'm a bit behind on as a result.

Yeah man, no doubt you got a really good one there, and it ain't going unnoticed, bro! :-)

Thanks for the reassurance. I'm not too worried ;)

And ya you've only got like what...600 entries to go through? Stop slacking!

Very good song my friend you are a good songwriter I am your fans@jaybird

I hope to continue listening to your music more often@jaybird

Very good post, I'm following you and you have my vote Follow me too and leave a vote in my last post

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