Open Mic Week #76 "Lean Into It" collab with @nathankaye

in #openmic7 years ago

For this week's #openmic I took an old song of mine "Lean Into It" from my album "Deeper Into Dream" and collaborated with Steemit's Didj master @nathankaye

Check out us getting trippy and dreamy together!


That's one heck of a performance!

Thank you so much! Gotta leave it all on the recording!

What a beautiful emotional performance you did of such a deep, honest song, Ben!
It was kinda weird to not be able to see you on my end, but just hear you and yet, even then, I felt the emotional intensity of the seeker-soul-searcher on a quest to pierce the veils of truth, channel through you, but seeing you embody it now in the video just amplifies that energy even more!
You brought the magic, my friend!

"I'm sorry and I'm humbled, and I've realised I was wrong. Why was it so hard to admit? Now I really need someone. Now I'm going to lean into it..."

Look, it's really hard to pick a favourite line in this sapientially crafted song... SO many pearls of wisdom throughout...
It just highlights your adroit songwriting prowess! (I know that was a tautology because it's a truth worthy of reiterating)

Anyway, it was a deep honour and also thoroughly enjoyable to play this with you, bruthaman!

This was one of those magical collaborations. I really appreciate your ability to step into this song. This is very special. Thanks for all you bring to the world and to Steemit!

Thanks Ben. It's my favourite song at the moment, by the way.

I love the way you guys harmonize. The digiridoo is a great touch. Thank you Ben and Nathan! Now is the time to Lean Into It here on Steemit!

Thanks so much @otage!
I can tell that you really 'get it' with what we were trying to create with Ben's amazing song.
And well put! Now is the time to lean into Steem..

Ohhhh, how special! Nathan and Ben..what a treat.
I must ask, of course, will you start your own band together now? (please)
The next Simon and Garfunkel except nothing like that?

To be more serious, I just have to say that it's so surreal, watching this, hearing it. I mean, a piano and a didgeridoo... of all things.. Who would have thought that this could be such a tender combination? But here it is, a gentle breeze of brilliance.

It isn't the instruments, of course, it's the masters behind them. So very well done. I'll be humming this for days. And I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone when I beg you to collab again for all of us.

p.s. Nathan, I heard part of your performance on the radio show last night, it was really amazing, even with all the interruptions it was still a thing of beauty. I had to leave to get my own daughter to bed and then we got lost in chit chat and that was that.. I'm going to finishing listening in the archives, though.

♥ - serena

Oh @paintingangels! You are a darling! Thank you so much!
And yes, the combination of instruments! We felt it to be perfect as well, which is why it just felt right (plus I don't think Ben was expecting me to do Tibetan throat singing at the beginning, but I love the way he just gave space to enjoy it when it happened). That's attunement!
I was just hoping I was sensitive and attuned enough myself to help underpin and support the emotionality and intelligence the song and not butcher Ben's brilliant work!

Re: radio: - Thank you so much. My baby girl woke up in the middle of the interview so I completely understand. Please do go to @meno's post of the radio show and show him some love too (especially because he had to sort all the tech problems with the broadcast on his own).

A very special song and performance gentleman... a powerful message

Thank you @meno!

Sounds really good guys. I love collaborations like this. It's the main reason why I started Open Mic to get musicians on Steemit connected and foster some collabs.

The textures in this song are really interesting. I hear sitars and strings in my head when listening to it. Love the lyrics too.


Thanks heaps @luzcypher, mate!
Was really fun to collab on such a great song with such an awesome artist!

You can hear sitars and strings because I have 2 cables coming out of my 12-string guitar. One of those is the acoustic sound, the other is running through multiple fx pedals which includes a sitar drone effect, deep reverb, reverse delay and some trippy filtered modulation fx which give it that pad-like quality.
Did you catch the Tibetan throat singing I surprised Ben with at the start?

I did catch that at the start. Awesome sounds. There's a guy who played the sitar for his entry this week. Love that sound.

I'll have to pull out my hansa veena (sitar-like hindustani lapsteel slide guitar from Calcutta) for an entry one of these days. You'll love it!

This is my hansa veena

Is quite emotional.
The music is quite deep.. Full of inspiration.. I think is good that you bring it here

Your voice is beuatifull,very good your openmic,i like yeour voice,thanks...

nice music..thank you for shahring

I have not heard the this song before. It is quite unique how you mixed traditional instruments with your piano and song. This is an unique attempt. Upvoted!

Thanks so mcuh mate!

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