OpenMic songwriters Challenge week 5 - Windswept shore

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Ok, this was really tough for me but it was a case of enter this video or skip a week and I just want to say thankyou because I would never have been brave enough to put something like this out on the internet if it wasn't for this community and the support you have all shown me. Basically, I struggled to get through this song without getting emotional and I just couldn't go on with it.... I didn't even feel able to practise it really to get a half decent performance but Im really determined to do the full 8 weeks in this challenge and I guess this little broken bird is just part of my journey. Maybe its the time of year..... the song is about my dad who died a few years ago. Anyway, Im just warning you.....its a bit rough and ends abruptly.....and I'll probably never play it again! This challenge is just starting to dig deep I guess.....


I cant feel my legs
My head is drooping to the ground
A white bird sails above me now
Theres nothing in my hands

And then I feel your grace
Upon my windswept shore
I dont need anything anymore

The trees are charcoal black
But how they burned with such a light
I am left to shiver with them
Through the endless night

And then I feel your grace
Upon my windswept shore
I dont need anything anymore

The world I thought I knew you in
Is lost beneath the tide
And here the waters rising still
To pull me down inside

But long after I have gone
We'll still be walking on this windswept shore
And we wont need anything anymore

I will always love you
Upon this windswept shore
I dont need anything anymore

Thankyou for listening. As I've already said, you are an incredible community and the safeness and supportiveness of this challenge in particular gives me more courage than Ive ever had with music..... Ive actually decided not to enter it in to the steemit openmic this week because it it YOU the songwriters in particular who I feel I can share this with. The creative process can be so damn evocative and cathartic and therapeutic sometimes. It certainly blindsided me this week....

Massive most thankful love to all you lovely people
And a very beautiful christmas time to you all
Be good to each other


Such a beautiful and loving dedication to your dad, Basil. I teared up right beside you my friend. Thanks for reminding us all just how important and meaningful our family relationships are. Much love, brother.

thankyou so much. I am just returning to this post for the first time so that I can let you guys know how much I appreciate your love and support. It really does mean a lot. Massive love back at you passion-ground x

Basil... I'm terrible at finding the right words.. I lost my grandpa (the man who was really my dad) two years ago, and I connected with this song at a level that I can't begin to describe...

Its a beautiful tribute, thank you for sharing it with us, thank you for being strong enough to allow yourself to be so vulnerable...

Much love

dude. sorry not to reply to this sooner, I was a wimp and avoided the whole post for a while. The fact that you connected with this song over your grandpa means more than words can say to me. So much love to you brother and thankyou for every moment of support you have given me during this time on steemit. You're a good friend meno and this competition you came up with...... man......its just perfect

that is a beautiful little heart. thankyou so much. If I knew how to return it I would...

oh thats pretty cool, except my keyboard doesnt have command :(

Well then I'm afraid you will remain heartless... 😄 And I will just have to send you some every now and then. Unless of course your keyboard has copy and paste buttons...

yay! All the purple hearts! 💜 AND COPY AND PASTE!! Genius! Now at least I am at the level of a simple AI program that can reflect your emotions back at you 😄

Precioso Basil, tu canción transmite muchísimo. Puedo sentirme como tú al escuchar cantar de esa manera tan profundamente tan pura. Una vez más, precioso.

thankyou so much for your support. That was the nicest thing I have ever put in to google translate x peace and love my friend x

Hahaha Man, I loved your answer. Well my English is not good either, in this way we practice

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That was beautiful Basil! I cried listening to it as I have lost my brother in law two days ago. So yes, we all have some songs like that and indeed they are therapeutic and help us deal with all these emotions. Very brave!

wow geena. I am so sorry to hear that. Im not so brave because I have buried my head in the sand and avoided this post ever since but now i wish I had come here to send you love earlier. Losing people is so very strange, but this song seems to think that we never lose anyone. I guess I believe thats true....but its hard when you can't give that person a proper hug. Hugs are so great. Big hugs and love to you Geena x and thankyou for your support

Oh my, thank you you are the sweetest!

may your broken bird be set free. cheers to the heart and hold on.

thankyou buttcoins x I think I set that little bird free. Thanks for your support bro, I really appreciate it x

Well done, Baz, well done. It is hard to be vulnerable and I am glad you have found a community where you feel you can do that and it does not feel like too much of a risk.

thanks olaya. Yeah its pretty crazy. Thankyou so much for bringing me here, it really has been a special experience so must have known x

Brother I'm so sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing this with us. I agree, each week it seems to dig a little deeper, this songwriters challenge.

This entry has me in tears, and to me there is no more important reason for making music than to share what really matters to us, and when that becomes amplified buy having other people respond to it the way we all are, it becomes complete and beautiful.

The funny thing is that this feels so raw that it hits you like a truck when you read the lyrics and really listen, the fact that you felt like you couldn't rehearse it doesn't really matter, it still hits.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment with all of us.

dude. thankyou so much for this. Its a very funny feeling knowing that you've put something so raw up, and it kind of shreds me inside because that part of me that wants to be protected can't do anything about it now! And then theres the perfectionist part of me that wishes I could have practised more....and all the barriers inside, but its so worth it to come back here a couple of weeks later and feel the responses. It really does mean so much to me. It was krystles heartfelt review of it that finally encouraged me to come back and check my own post out and I think you're feels a lot more complete to me now. And by the way, I just finally listened to your track as well which was totally stunning. I WANT that EP when you're done. The vocals in that loop are just immense. Thankyou so much for your support here my friend, its turned in to a really crazy ride and its good to have such good friends along the way :)

Hey Basil! I'm glad you came back to check it out, that's one more thing we owe to Krystle, her heartfelt reviews of our entries can change the way we see them and encourage us to let them be what they are, this entry is beautiful because of it's rawness in my opinion.

That part of you that wants to be protected is only protected when you let it out and show itself, it can hurt at first, but then It gets stronger, and we all end up better for it. :)
I agree with olayar, vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.

Thank you very much for the kind words about my song hehe, It doesn't feel complete to me, exactly the way you feel about your entry (even though I did rehearse it a lot haha), but everybody's reaction to it makes me feel there's something of worth there.
I guess sometimes we let our perfectionist selves run wild with prejudice and sometimes we just need to listen to others when they say it's good enough. The EP is coming, don't worry :)

I'm glad to be of help and support to you, it is a crazy ride, but meeting good friends, even if it's through online means, make it worth it!! :D

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