[Announcement] OnSteem: A better interface on the Steem blockchain

in #onsteem6 years ago (edited)

source: pixabay.com

OnSteem is not officially released, so we don't have official logo (and name?) for the OnSteem! Let's call this project OnSteem and continue our introduction (and development).

What is the OnSteem project?

OnSteem will offer a new application on the Steem blockchain! OnSteem is not the only an interface like busy.org or steemit.com, OnSteem will provide its own back-end to its users.

Why a new application?

Are not steemit.com and busy.org enough for using Steem blockchain? What is the problem with them? Who will benefit from that new application?

Let me explain more about this new project:

Goals of OnSteem

  • Providing:
    a better accessibility to the Steem Blockchain
    a better visibility to the contents and authors
    a better connection system between accounts
    a better trending page
    a better feed for the users
    a new interface

  • Creating a new token (off-chain for now) and:
    better rewarding system
    better democracy
    better rules
    better registration
    better management of old posts

This project (OnSteem) is not officially launched, so we can add, remove or change anything and make it better.

source: pixabay.com

How to reach that mentioned goals?

Step by step!
These are what we are thinking to develop:

  • Dedicated database
    First, we will create our database for storing each block's data and we will try to keep that database connected to Steem blockchain for syncing blocks.
    By using a dedicated database, we can keep only necessary data and save them in a better way! Also, we can only sync users who are using our application or any data only we need and ignore other data.

  • Blog page
    A page where users are able to manage and edit that page to be how they like to be! Yeah, a custom blog for every user. People will be able to explore your old posts easily or search and find any post they want! (We may add functionalities which provided by WordPress or other blogging systems, like categories)
    Also, We can suggest similar posts or popular posts from the same author in every post. This will hold people on the blogs for a while and they can enjoy from reading their favorites.
    Or, adding pinned posts to each blog. Users will choose posts to be pinned on their blog! Or, let them hide posts which they don't like to people see in their blog.

  • Posts
    We will add more filtering options to the posts, like language! and users will be able to filter posts by date, reputation, language, author, tag, keyword and etc based on their favorites. Also, we can add a better searching system.
    What do you think about earning from old posts? yeah, we will work on that! but, we need to find the best way of paying to the old posts. Maybe a new token! Please share your ideas about this in the comments.

  • Connecting with other users
    We will add a search box to find other users based on their location, name and etc! Users will find their friends and will follow them. What do you think about a messaging system? like chatbox? Please share in the comments.

  • Upvote and flag
    We want to change the voting system. We need more time to work on that. Please share your ideas in the comments.
    We may add a limitation to the posts rewards and prevent users from draining reward pool. Oh, and we think to change reward pool and its calculation.

  • Trending page
    Finally, our spammy trending page on the steemit! We want to calculate trending posts in another way instead of listing top earning posts. We may add an option which will give the ability to the users to choose which posts are worth to be on the trending page and which posts are not.

  • More coming soon ...

source: pixabay.com


We are using Angular v6 for the front-end. Angular is a good choice for using in the development which helps to create a better single page website.
Angular v6 comes with Typescript, which is scalable in the future! and makes easier managing and working with bigger applications.
Also, running Angular apps in the development environment is as simple as typing npm install; npm start
We added a service worker to our application to increase load time and user experience! That means, OnSteem will be installed on your browser and will be loaded from your browser like an application. Even if you disconnect your internet connection, you still will be able to open OnSteem in your browser (right now, some css and js files are on the CDN and may that cause to not work in the offline mode). (We will add a notification to inform users on the updates, like: 'new version released, reload to apply')

For the back-end, we may use Javascript beside NodeJS with the help of MySQL for the database. We want to keep this project easy to install and easy to develop! and running a NodeJS application is the same as running an angular app! just type npm install; npm start and your application will be ready for the development.

With the help of great Steem community, we can finish this project as soon as possible. OnSteem repository will be available on the mahdiyari/onsteem (uploading files...)


OnSteem is not launched, why you shared this post?

We want to hear your ideas about this project and make OnSteem (actually we may change this name!) a better place for all Steem users.
Please help us with your suggestions and contributions and if you can, upvote and resteem this post or introduce it to your friends who are on the Steem blockchain.

Any working demo?

Actually, that is not a good demo, but you can check development progress in https://dev.onsteem.com (there may be some bugs)
Login, click on your avatar and see your profile. You can easily navigate between pages!
since that is not the development space, we will update that website with the latest development progress.

Who will benefit from this project?

Almost all users who care about the quality of contents instead of high-value upvotes! Users can experience some new features which were not on the Steem blockchain or other interfaces. We are trying to break STINC's (Steemit Inc.) centralization on the interfaces and back-ends. Of course, we can't take their stake, but we will try to take their control from the some few things.
Help this project by your comments and by your contributions.
OnSteem will be a free application for all users, don't be shy, participate in this party!



If you check our other projects (like steemauto.com) you will see, security is an important part of our applications, so we will spend more time in this section.
We are using great Steemconnect.com for the login process. After a successful login, user's access_token (which is provided by steemconnect for 7 days) will be stored in user's browser as a cookie. We will assign a randomly generated key (instead of access_token) for user's account in our database to validate each API call. By this way, we can achieve more security instead of saving user's access_token! Without that access_token (which is in the user's browser) no one can't abuse any account. (that access_token is just for upvoting, posting, commenting, resteeming)
In our demo, right now we ask only the 'login' access, which is useless to upvote or comment or etc!


We don't collect any information about our users. Also, everything is public on the Steem blockchain.


That is not easy to publish a roadmap for this project since we may change anything during the development process. But, we expect to launch a beta version within a month (of course, with limited functions).


Help to this project

If you are an experienced developer, contact us or comment below. We will try to find best developers for this project. At least you can help to speed up some tasks.
If you are not a developer, you can upvote, resteem or introduce this project to your friends. We need more supporters to finish this project as soon as possible with the highest possible quality.

Also, you can support this project's developer by voting @mahdiyari as a witness here or by steemconnect


Anything else? please comment if we missed any information.

With much love 💖,


Hip Hip Hooray!
Competition is great!!!

+1 on being able to earn past 7 days.

  • I really think this is important for several reason. Many ~good~ great posts get missed in the 7 days limit. If there was a way to get paid forever I think people (myself included) would spend extra time turning good posts into great posts.

I've posted quite a bit comparing Steemit to the early days of the Internet. When looking at doing categories and topics, keep in mind that Yahoo was one of the top sites back then. They were a manual directory of web sites. If you could recreate something like that or DMOZ if you remember that, it would really help people find the information.

Back when I first saw the Internet in '95 I realized it would do 2 things

  • connect people to people and people to information.
    • It looks like you are going to do exactly that with your new front end.

Best of luck to this project!

Interesting project @mahdiyari, I love what you are doing here keeping you outside of the steemit politics.

I would love to see few features you stated here in action like blog page and earning from old posts.
But I have several confusion as well

  • I understand this as another interface to access steem blockchain like steemit itself but not an SMT project.But I find some of the features are more likely applicable for an SMT.

I believe some of the features like 7 days payout, rewards and voting distribution option are from blockchain level, means we can not change them in UI. So how are you actually planning to change them which are not in our control?

  • As I mentioned above the 7 days payout is from blockchain level, so do we monetize older content on onsteem? Are you planning to use advertisements??

I just realized you mentioned about creating off-chain token, which again is confusing to me. Is this an SMT or an UI to access the blockchain?

Actually, we may create a new off-chain token for applying that changes! The advertisement is not a good solution, but we may give users ability to monetize their own blogs.

...any hints??? anyway, I am giving you my small witness vote as support.

There is not any SMT launched!!! How can I say that is an SMT? of course, we prefer to create our SMT tokens, but that is not possible right now. Converting that off-chain tokens to an SMT token is an easy job!
Much appreciated.

Solid questions @katteasis, I haven't understood the token part either... Also how would OnSteem be able to implement a different voting system / reward pool structure if it was built on the Steem blockchain?

I was going to ask the same question.

Hey Mahdi! As promised in the SMT Telegram chat I'm sharing my questions with you and the community here as well.

Can you give more details on this:

We want to change the voting system. (...) Oh, and we think to change reward pool and its calculation.

As @katteasis perfectly stated, it's not clear if you're talking about another UI or a future SMT here. Could you explain that a bit more?

Also what is an "off-chain token" in that context?

In advance thanks for your feedback! :-)

off-chain token: a token which is not on the blockchain! that token will be only on our website!
We can launch a blockchain for our token or merge that with SMTs or maybe EOS! (we can't build our application on the dreams like SMT!)
We will test the functionality of that token, then we may launch that on a blockchain.
is that clear enough?

Update: that off-chain token will work together with STEEM/SBD! Actually, that token will be an extra reward to authors!

I'd love to see "OnSteem on EOS" :-))

Hope you share my sense of humor...

Thanks for getting back so quickly. I'll stay tuned for your updates.

I'm sure that will be OnEOS instead of OnSteem :P
Thank you

Haha good one

Cool stuff.
There are other projects being built on the Steem blockchain as well. ;)

I think it's great, this page that you are developing nothing more to see that you are the developer, already gives a huge confidence to users, I hope everything goes as it is and even better than what you plasmas, I love knowing that change this garbage of the 7 days, I love that we can develop and improve everything we do, people like me who live on steemit limit us a lot to lose 2 or 3 dollars per price change as it happens now and due to the expiration of the post.

Paying to old posts

Post a comment and redirect the interface there, like the farmers do.

That is not a bad idea! Thank you
I will think about that

a Medium style blog powered by steem would be rad. IS that what you have in mind with OnSteem?

Not same as Medium (I'm not much familiar with Medium) but, yes. I can call that a blog!

The most important thing is to have a friendly interface, I think that in the description you have given, you have reflected many novel elements. It should also have integrated statistical tools to better manage aspects related to publications. Although the good thing is made wait we hope that you can finish the project soon. Receive a warm greeting @mahdiyari

I've suggested this elsewhere, but adding a "tip wallet" to the wallet where I can set aside some SBD would be great. Then on an old post, instead of an upvote button(or next to it) there could be a "tip button" and it just draws from the tip wallet. I would want a percentage setting in the tip wallet as a default to make it easy. Say I had 10 SBD in the tip wallet and set my tips default to 1% it would tip .1 SBD. Since we know we can divide the wallet into sections already like Savings, I wonder how challenging this would be? Would it be difficult to develop?

The project is great, and it would be good to see my important publication as a query because memory forgets, as a bliblioteca where I can order my personal posts by category and easy to search

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