
That is a really great ideas. I think a few coins touch on advertising and finding ways to allow users to make a profit from advertisers instead of the big companies, but this is the first time I've seen it set up like this, where high quality content will result in more profit for the user. Kind of similar to Youtube, without the censorship nonsense

As I read more posts about Ono I continue to be more and more intrigued. I read the whitepaper a week or two ago, but honestly it was so long that I think I may have missed many of the most important points. I definitely appreciate your clarifying the monetization model being advertising.

So basically the coin price dynamics make investing in ONOT so that one can have more influence on the platform a no-go, but investing in ONOT so that one can advertise off-site items for sale the main idea. That's in contrast to Steemit where you buy STEEM to increase your influence on the platform and purchase from bid bots to get more people to see your on-site posts. As a crypto investor, I'm curious to see which leads to more price appreciation for the coin. As a content creator, I just want more people interested in my topics to see my content, so also curious to see which model helps most with that. (Will people advertise their Ono posts or will it be more traditional advertising leading to sales pages and websites?)

I'm also curious about how targeting will be done without selling user data. The reason FB gained dominance in the advertising sector was by being able to offer micro-targeting for ads. Remove that, and how valuable is each ad view? Or are we back to buying by category and blogs needing to list what category their readership is in?

I'm not expecting you to answer these questions at this point. Just sharing my pondering.

I think if the user base is strong enough, companies will just have to figure out that part for themselves. If a user is hitting a million views per day, I'm sure there is some company that would want to promote on that and just like with other platforms, if the company decides they don't want to advertise on a specific page due to content, they pull their ads.

So if I understand this correctly, advertisers can use my profile to place ads, if I allow it. Does that mean other people will see them in their feed, coming from my profile? Or will they only see them when they click on my profile and go through my content?

I think it's great to be able to opt in and out for advertisement, if we get rewarded for them. But I think we should be rewarded for watching them. And if we want an ad free experience, we just opt out and get no rewards.

So if I get paid by an advertiser for placing ads on my profile, then you as a viewer/follower should get paid for the same ad, if you see it in your feed. Right? At least I would find that fair.

And the advertiser of course should not be charged, if nobody sees their ad, because everyone opted out.

Good point, Anja! :-) It's actually the attention that should be rewarded.

I hadn't really considered if it could be opt in on both sides (viewer and host). It's an interesting idea and I suppose we will have to wait to get our hands on the English version. I'm getting pretty excited for this as their hasn't been any real competition in the blockchain social media game for a while.

I believe it said if you look at an ad you get a portion of the pay and it burns the tokens!

That's good then if that is the case. I think that is where bidbots kind of detract from the value of promotion in steemit. The promoted tab is pretty much empty and there is little to no token burn most of the time.

I just finished Chapter 4 which is Human Society's goldmine and half way done in Chapter 5 which talks about advertising which indeed you can op in or out of advertising.

so the more views and traffic you have then the more revenue advertising generates for you. If a visitor has opt out of seeing ads then they don't count in your ad revenue but still can in your social revenue.

It gives a lot of info on how value is generated. It really is exciting.

Man I keep using the word exciting here and in the community lol

Awesome so you can entirely opt out of viewing ads if you want? I know you don't have to put them on your page if you don't want.

I might have misread that because going through a third read through uit looks like it says. I think only the content creator can op in or out of ads and can refuse certain ads.

users are disgusted with advertisements advertised by centralized platforms. Users not only dislike, but have support for their favorite UP owner, the content creator, subjective advertising, or the need to rely on the benefits of advertising [2.4].

Love it when people do their homework.

I agree entirely and hope the English version is released soon so I can get hands on.

Most of what I've heard is next month so I'll be anticipating it as well :)

lads.. if someone gets an invite code... please remember how lovable I am 🤗🤗

Got you Care Bear

I had wanted to find more info about ONO but kept escaping. Thanks for sharing this as I head to ONO villa to dig more.

I'm honestly not sure how it will work in practice, but I like that they stated that a user owns their own ONO page and can decide if any advertisers may advertise and which ones...

I assume it will work in refuse as well, preventing a YouTube style apocalypse as advertisers pull out of the platform altogether when finding their ads alongside content they don't agree with.

My posts tend to be tailored towards fitness-y types, so of course I'd want fitness type ads on my page instead of random unrelated products and services. Should be very interesting to see how it all plays out and evolves.

That Whitepaper is huge.

Certain advertisers stop buying tokens may lower the cost enough to interest another advertiser. I think the biggest thing is keeping up user retention and activity to make the platform a "must" for advertisers to use.

i didn't about this 'One' before. thanks for sharing sir.👍

Thanks clayboyn for this information. I have been following posts about ono since I heard about them possibly being the first social DApp to be running on EOS. In my not so humble plankton opinion

If it is touched by Dan Larimer, it might as well have been touched by King Midas.

@sgt-dan (aka Sargento)

Since its through advertising, then we'll need population on ono

That's where community builders comes into Play. It's either some community builders on Steemit are picked or new ones gets trained to do this

Hopefully there is room for both to coexist, but there are some great community builders here that I'm sure will do well on ONO.

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