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RE: ONO: Where does the money come from?

in #ono6 years ago

So if I understand this correctly, advertisers can use my profile to place ads, if I allow it. Does that mean other people will see them in their feed, coming from my profile? Or will they only see them when they click on my profile and go through my content?

I think it's great to be able to opt in and out for advertisement, if we get rewarded for them. But I think we should be rewarded for watching them. And if we want an ad free experience, we just opt out and get no rewards.

So if I get paid by an advertiser for placing ads on my profile, then you as a viewer/follower should get paid for the same ad, if you see it in your feed. Right? At least I would find that fair.

And the advertiser of course should not be charged, if nobody sees their ad, because everyone opted out.


Good point, Anja! :-) It's actually the attention that should be rewarded.

I hadn't really considered if it could be opt in on both sides (viewer and host). It's an interesting idea and I suppose we will have to wait to get our hands on the English version. I'm getting pretty excited for this as their hasn't been any real competition in the blockchain social media game for a while.

I believe it said if you look at an ad you get a portion of the pay and it burns the tokens!

That's good then if that is the case. I think that is where bidbots kind of detract from the value of promotion in steemit. The promoted tab is pretty much empty and there is little to no token burn most of the time.

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