PixieHunter Makes The Big League (Over 100 Club)

Made it to 100.png

I couldn't believe my eyes when seeing my name jump out, as the next Over 100 Club winner. Talk about yet another inspiration, to keep posting. It's been a roller coaster ride for me, as my followers all know. My posting varied from poems, to stories, to sketches and crazy artsy stuff. But, honestly I must say, using the daily prompts has really opened up quite an adventuresome story, about a crazy monkey named Chozzy. My fellow freewriters kept me going, and I owe them a huge thank you.

My biggest inspirations came from, @mariannewest, @felt.buzz, @wandrnrose7, @svashta, @byn, @whatisnew, and @kenny-crane. There are many more, but these are the ones who really kept me going. Reading their stories, and comments helped me bring my stories to life. The hardest part was not going over the five minutes, lol.

I hope that what I have learned, will in turn, be used for inspiring others. I have been on this platform for almost 2 years now. After quite a few fails, I almost gave up. Then I realized that those were just learning curves, to which helped me learn what catches the readers attention. Those suggestions on how to improve, came from @arbitrarykitten. Without her help, I would not have dipped my toes into daily freewrites.

There are so many things I want to say, but in order to not draw boredom, I will drop a few of my older posts, starting with the oldest batch.

This is one of my first shared poems. I have always been an animal person, especially to cats. My best friend sadly left my life and I vowed to never want another, to replace her. But, almost a year later I adopted a kitten. To this day, he still drives me nuts. His insane behavior was what inspired this poem.

Here is a poem I did, that helped me change a little bit of my thinking. I always feel like I am full of nothing but faults. Those feelings inspired this poem. As I read it over and over, I realized, yes that gremlin is the one, who is filling my head with false crap.

This was one of my very first short stories. I shared the link to my facebook friends, and was asked to continue it. I had not really thought much about it, but as I finished a refresher reading of it, I wonder what the out come would have been, had I used it for the daily prompts.

I think this is long enough, lol. I could go on forever, but will spare your eyes. I look forward to seeing where I go next.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this.

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Congratulations @pixiehunter! How on earth did I miss that poem about your cat? I loved it and love all of your poems. And I really enjoyed your story with Chozzy. : )

Aww, thank you. :) I have found myself writing more poems. I just need to remember to tag it right. :)

So glad that you are still writing with us!!! And help @wandrnrose7 to keep the boys in check LOL

Lol, that is the plan. And between me and her, the candles will be constantly burning.

I'm excited to hang out with you in our club! I made a banner, but @felt.buzz turned it into a puppet.

Lol, that man is trouble. Just nothing but trouble. He best be careful before he ends up being our puppet. :)

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