Calling All Oldtimers

in #oldtimers7 years ago


How This Started

So I do an awful lot of curating and commenting. I am able to meet so many new folks on this site and I am very thankful for that opportunity. Of course with my user name @old-guy-photos I get loads of comments that basically say "I'm old too". I was talking in the comments with a newer user @bchick and she said we need a way to support other older members of the site. I thought that was a good idea and suggested we could use the tag #oldtimers


So I kind of think of #oldtimers as like AARP for Steemit lol. This is a tag you can place on your posts and maybe it will take off. I will check on it throughout the day and support those that post to it. Being as there are not too many of us, I don't think we need to be sticklers to any set guidelines as far as age. Lets say if you are older or even an old soul but not too old yet, feel free to post there! This can be fun and a good way for us to meet and support other #oldtimers

I NEVER ask folks to resteem my stuff, but it help us to get the word out!

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.
YouTube Main channel
YouTube Photography
YouTube ASMR/Mukbang


Hey @old-guy-photos, I'm a young guy that takes ohotos, sometimes with an old camera. Does that count? ;) Great to see so many photographers on @steemit. I'm new here so I'm still finding my way around, I'm following you to learn more!

Recommended Reading
myday #36 - Landscape + Travel Photography

I say from your posts I have read you have an old soul. Feel free to post and support the hashtag. We had a meeting and agreed that the minimum age is 1, so I think you are in good shape!!!

Sweet! Thanks for considering me to participate! Woot! I'm in :)

Thats good idea to support old people and due to it they get some support to stay here and share beautiful photography. I don't think you are old and we can't judge people from name but we have to see their work and ability and from it you are still young. Thanks for share good post. Followed you

I'm over 40. Feel a little conflicted. The fact that "Iron-Man and his girlfriend" (played by Robert Downey Jr. and Gwenyth Paltrow) are over 50 and 40, portraying superheros, I feel pretty young & awesome! But... I guess if you're old enough to have a couple kids who also use Steemit, perhaps I qualify as an Old Timer after all. I'll take it. Old Timers can be awesome :)

Oh yeah! Over 40 with kids on Steemit makes you a poster child of #oldtimers lol! Of course we are awesome!!! Hope you will use the tag so we will see your posts and support them!!!

I am so glad that you commented on a comment that I wrote today! I wanted to follow you for your kindness to me and happened across this wonderful post of yours. I just love your pictures and what you wrote. I'm an AARP old timer too although I don't feel like it! I'm like Jack Benny who always said that he is 39 years old. I will definitely resteem this post to spread the word. I'm glad our paths have crossed. It's like was meant to be. Have a great weekend!......Cabbagepatch

Aww thanks so much for your kind words. That deserves a nice upvote!
Yeah I guess I feel like what old George Burns used to say, "How can I die? I'm booked." LOL Hope your weekend is awesome as well, and I'm glad we met! Feel free to use the tag and I will support your stuff!

No need to reply to my previous request. My daughter figured out what I needed to do. Again, thank-you for inviting me to your oldtimers club :D

Nice idea! I hope I've been on the planet long enough to qualify, or at least posting on Steemit for long enough at any rate. Why, I seem to recall when we used to float around in the ocean like phytoplankton generating oxygen from the sun's rays. Oh wait, maybe that was just a past life memory... lol.

Oh I would say you qualify. We had an executive board meeting and determined that the minimum age was to be set at 1. So I am fairly confident you are a bit over that threshold as am I LOL.
I would love for you to be a part of our space where we can help, encourage and support us #oldtimers :)

Cool, I'll put my disco pants on. Just kidding, I don't want to embarrass my son more than he already is. :D

Oh yeah I remember the days when my son thought it was cool to hang around with its the opposite lol!!!

That is s beautiful picture, I love the sun and I love love love trees, nice!😊🌿🌿

Thanks so much for your kind words! Upped.

I've been an old timer since I was seven, at least! Can I be an honorary member?!

Absolutely. we would be honored to have you. Like I say I think you are a kind, old soul, from how Ive seen you interact with folks in the comments. Welcome aboard! Feel free to use the tag so we can all support each other!
Have a great holiday :)

AWE. Well, now you made me well up a little! <3 Much love, friend!

Be well, my friend. :) I'm glad to have met you, and look forward to seeing you grow on here!

Me too! Thanks again!

Great idea. I'll use it. Thanks.

Great! We can all support each other. :)

I love this post and your kick butt beautiful tree! Who knew you were a fossil? Not me!!! :) I say its an awesome idea, not that I am OLD or anything!!! :-)

Upvoted and Resteemed

Yes sadly tis true, I am but a fossil... But I am young at heart! Oh you don't have to be OLD to be an #oldtimer. Many of us are younger but with old souls. We voted and agreed anyone over one year of age is welcome to use the tag. Its extra support so feel free :)

Yay! I like that! And, I am over one. :-)

I cannot get vision on my #MonochromeMonday post. Boo! Can you see it? @old-guy-photos?

Great idea. I'm guessing I qualify since I was born back in the 50's. Nice to see other seniors are taking to Steemit and I'll gladly support the #oldtimers. In fact, I believe I'll start following all those who replied here to start out.

Thank you, Sir. I think that is a great way to start! We have already had a few posts and some nice interaction.
I think its awesome that seniors are on here. Some of us probably have grandkids that think they are cool coz they are on Snapchat. Ha! We got that beat!

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