Green November: All Systems GO for Global Revolution

in #november6 years ago (edited)

Green November 2.jpg

If you've read my previous article on October, you know that there are many global paradigm shifting events in progress. In this article we'll check in on all the areas described in the first article and see where we're at currently.

So was October as historic month as I originally predicted? Well it depends on who you ask, while it might not have been as spectacular as the Soviet Revolution, there were still many developments that support the original conclusions we reached then.

Let's dive right into it:

Economics: TIMBERR: First Dominoes Have Fallen


Last month we noted that our economic factors were looking extremely healthy:

Housing Market? All time high
Stock Market? Record setting bull run
Unemployment? 4.1% and dropping

In the housing market, prices are based heavily off how easy it is to get credit (aka a mortgage).

As was stated last month, at the end of September, the Federal Reserve raised rates to the highest levels since before the 2008 crisis (2.25%). So how has that manifested?

California usually leads nationwide real estate trends as they have a greater than average cost of living. In October, the nearly 7 year tear of increasing values seems to have come to a screeching halt.

Stock market? Well creepily enough, on October 10th 2018, or 10/10/2018, the stock market had its worst day in 8 months, and the tech sector had it's worst day in 7 years. This is interesting because the 1988 Economist issue included in the October article had 10/10/2018 on the coin on its cover.


Overall, the market lost 2 trillion in October, making it the worst month for the S&P 500 since September 2011.

Another asset class heavily dependent on plentiful, low interest loans is the auto industry.

After a devastating September loss of 20.5%, sales continued to decline 3% in October , with many automakers preparing for mass layoffs to compensate for loss in revenue.

As the auto industry was one of the sectors that required mass scale bailouts in 2009, this trend brings chilling memories of the same kind of crisis that devastated the industry 10 years ago.

While the effect wasn't as drastic as we predicted, it is clear the first dominoes are falling, and appears as the free market is extracting economic justice for 10 years of rising values based off 0% interest fed loans.

Geopolitics: The Eye of the Storm


While in the last article it was insinuated that mass arrests triggered by FISA court documents declassification could possibly be put into motion to ensure a Trump victory in the midterms.

In retrospect, we now realize that suddenly charging a previous president and 50,000 of his closest criminal friends would not necessarily result in a landslide victory. The shock value of such revelations would certainly be spun by the media as a hostile coup, and would no doubt result in huge riots and mobilization of the democratic base.

No, it certainly made more sense to wait for after midterms once the senate had been locked down for the next two years (the house is not needed to accomplish such judicial actions).

This also gave the Utah Attorney General John Huber's investigation time to rack up another few thousand sealed indictments, as the count is now at around 61,000 in courts around the country.


Apparently the Trump administration agrees with my conclusions as the day after the midterms, the President has accepted US Attorney General Jeff Session's resignation.

session gone.PNG

What?!!?! You might be saying, switching up a key judicial member doesn't sound like everything is going to plan.

Well, in the last article we noted that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was blocking the declassification of the key FISA documents (that reveal the Obama administrations seditious conspiracy to have a foreign power spy on a US presidential campaign.)

Below is a leaked document originating from the GCHQ (the UK's version of the NSA) detailing a request by President Obama to surveil the Trump campaign. While it is still uncertain where this leak originated from, it is interesting that shortly after it's release, the Director of the GCHQ resigned from his post suddenly after only two years.

Much like Obama's NSA, whistle-blowers like Edward Snowden had exposed his agency of having a history of illegal mass surveillance.
uk doc.jpg

At the time we assumed it would take Rod's termination to get the documents out into the public, but in fact that was not the case.

AG Sessions had recused himself from all matters of election collusion investigations, making it impossible for him to exercise control over the Mueller investigation.

As of November 7th, Session's chief of staff Matthew G. Whitaker is now acting attorney general. And as he has not recused himself from the Mueller investigation, he immediately takes the reigns from Rod Rosenstein.

rod is out.PNG

Whitaker has been a vocal critic of both the Mueller investigation and the Clinton Foundation (which he said there was enough evidence to call a special counsel investigation on).

As it stands, it looks extremely likely that he will use his power to declassify the remaining FISA documents, exposing the crimes of the previous administration and laying waste to the foundation of the bogus Mueller investigation.

Not that it will take much effort to do so as lawyers on Mueller's team started bailing at the beginning of fall, and the remaining defense lawyers are preparing the public for disappointment:

mueller bullshit.PNG

So what would these high level arrests look like in practice? Many have suggested military tribunals would be the most effective way to bring treasonous individuals to justice.

Is there evidence to support that this kind of action may be pursued?

Actually yes, quite a bit.

For the first time in a supreme court nominee hearing, a question on military tribunals constitonality was asked to recently confirmed Justice Kavanaugh by senator Lindsay Graham. The justice confirms that hostile actors can be charged in US military tribunals.

This is especially interesting following what seemed to be a Freudian slip by Ohio Governor John Kasich in a CNN interview.

Here you can hear him stumble on his words and say McCain was "put to death"

An odd thing to say about someone who supposedly died of brain cancer. Espcially such a high powered politician who many have linked to supporting Syrian "moderate rebel" groups who ended up being closely tied with ISIS fighters. Here he is pictured below on a secret trip he took in 2013 alongside known ISIS affilates.


So will the transfer of Attorney General power result in the long awaited release of the documents that initiated the Mueller investigation and incriminate our 44th president along and lead to the unsealing of 61k indictments?

Guess we'll just have to wait and see, in the meantime, it appears as if Gitmo is expecting some new inmates given these expansions :)

Ok, so the markets might take a hit as a result of a chunk of the US power structure being arrested, at least the dollar is looking strong internationally, right?

Well given as the US went off the gold standard in 1971 and made a deal with OPEC to have them sell their oil exclusively in dollars, the value of the dollar internationally is based on the need for it to buy oil. That being said, that dominance as the one global petrodollar is not looking good.

As of November 4th, the sanctions on Iran are active, preventing them from selling oil to US partners, the US has banned them from using the Swift banking system and has insisted it's allies not trade with them.

The EU however is not too happy with the Iran Nuclear deal ending and still wish to trade with them, meaning they might start being able to buy oil while circumventing the Petrodollar completely.


Perhaps even more imminent is the rapidly deteriorating relationship between the US and their biggest oil partner Saudi Arabia (and by extension OPEC). As OPEC raising prices is what lead to the creation of the Petrodollar,originally, this is a huge deal.

This has been spurred on by the Saudi's murdering a dissenting journalist, and by continuing to massacre the citizens of Yeman, who they've been bombing with US bombs for the last several years.

General Mattis has given them 30 days to cease the bombing, in response Saudi Arabia has threatened to raise the price of oil rapidly (in effect destroying the petrodollar value). This also threatens the billions of dollars in weapon sales the US receives from the kingdom. The Saudis also hold 166 Billion in US debt, which could be dumped in retaliation.


This is addition to China's treasury holdings falling to a 6th month low in September amid the ongoing trade war. They are also continuing the use of their new petro yuan to circumvent the dollar.

As the final cherry on top, Russia has started full de-dollarization as of October, taking another large economy off of the federal reserves tit.

All of these factors seem to indicate a turbulent time for both confidence in the US markets, government and petrodollar.

What could replace it? Let's check out what the fintech sector has been up to.

Technology: Space Secrets/Satoshi Suppression

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While I've got you here, I might as well tell you about the upcoming November 15th release of the results of the Pentagon's first EVER audit, which some estimates indicate somewhere in the range of 10 to 20 Trillion dollars may be missing.

Those with a long memory may recall that this isn't the first time the Pentagon has misplaced a few trillion dollars.

On the day before 9/11 (Sept. 10th 2001), Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced to the world that over 2.3 trillion dollars of transactions could not be accounted for.

The next day, the Pentagon's accounting department where this situation was being investigated was conveniently "crashed into by a plane."

So where on God's green earth could all this money be going to??

Well, simply put, not on earth at all.

You may have seen a recent Harvard paper arguing that a large oddly shaped interstellar object could be an alien probe offers a hint.

big alien rock cock.PNG

Complimented by this NYT times article on a video showing what appears to be a UFO and a secret 22 million dollar government program paints an interesting picture as far as our contact with extraterrestrials.


For those interested in learning more about these black budget government projects, I would highly recommend the documentary "Unacknowledged" by Dr. Steven Greer, where he describes his long running "Disclosure Project" where he attempts to bring information on these projects to the light.

All of this data certainly makes Donald Trump's 6th branch of the military the "Space Force" make more sense.


Could there be a breakaway civilization with advanced technology traveling the stars in secret and funding itself through black budget Pentagon projects? And if so, does Trump intend to use this first ever audit to expose it?

Well, given that Trump's uncle John Trump was the one who the FBI sent first to prolific inventor Nikola Tesla's (father of AC power, remote control, induction motor, even rumored to have experimented with free energy, death rays and time travel) hotel room after his death to retrieve his research, and this interesting excerpt from his inauguration speech, if any president was gonna do it, it's him.

(First 20 seconds has the good-stuff)

(Oh, and Trump might have pulled all of this crazy shit off because he's a time traveler playing 4d chess, read my article on it here)

Ok, so here's the part that the majority of my viewers have been waiting on:

"Where's that death of the petrodollar/Bitcoin revolution at dude wtf?!?!"

Alright, alright, I may have over promised on this one, haha.


Let's take a look at what's developed over the last month:

Most importantly the NYSE's parent company's (ICE) physically delivered Bitcoin futures Bakkt has announced that actually trading will start on December 12th, a month later than initially thought.


So for the first time Bitcoin will be just as accessible as any other commodity on the market (such as gold and oil.)

This will be the first time billions of dollars will have a secure and convenient way to get in and out of this previously bottle necked market.

As Bitcoin's current 112 Billion marketcap is barely a fraction of it's old school competitor gold's 7.8 trillion, the implications are huge.

Ok, so if it's such a big deal, why hasn't the price skyrocketed?

We now know that manipulation of metal market prices are rampant thanks to this JP Morgan employees admission

jp got caught.PNG

This was suspected for as long as gold's been traded on the broader market, but more importantly it shows that Wall Street institutions actively manipulate commodity prices, especially those that compete with the petrodollar's dominance as a store of value (like gold).

Given that Bitcoin also threatens the dollar's hegemony it's obvious that these same firms have incentive to do the same to it's comparatively TINY marketcap. In fact, in comparison to the metals market, they wouldn't even break a sweat.

So how would they do that and what would it look like?

The tools at their disposal are

  • Cash (non scarcity/physically delivered) BTC futures on the CBOE

  • Bitcoin's 1800 new coins that are mined daily at a average cost of roughly 6k in power cost

  • Bitcoins global peer to peer transfer network, allowing for an over the counter (OTC) market that allows for huge orders to be completed off the market, and therefore not affect the price.

Now, let's consider what those manipulating financial institutions that hold the lion's share of the world's liquid investment capital (dwarfing all cumulative retail capital by far) would be incentivized to do in this new market.

Well to make the most money possible, they would want to accumulate as much Bitcoin as possible at the lowest price possible for as long as they could.

So let's take a look at what's happened over the last year price action wise:


Last year at this time, BTC took one final dip to $5,700 on November 12th, before shooting up to 19k by December 18th.

This was after a full year of steady growth from 1k upwards.

So what caused the huge rapid rise? Mind you at the time there was very few fiat gateways into crypto, Coinbase was basically the only non OTC option and it would crash multiple times a day. Even non-fiat gateway exchanges froze registrations for months.

Nowadays we have Coinbase, Cash app, Robinhood, Abra and even Bittrex with direct fiat purchases enabled.

Well, given that the CBOE cash settled futures launched days after BTC hit it's all time high, and then the price went back to 6k by February 6th, it's not a stretch to assume that institutional whales simply accumulated for a few months, then used the new cash back futures to profit as they dumped on all the winter 2017 noobs.

Again, these futures being cash back as opposed to being backed by actual physical Bitcoin meant that institutions were free to bet against the price, then dump their accumulated BTC and make money on both sides.

From there, BTC price followed normal volatility patterns fluctuated between 12k and 6k for the rest of the year.

While the price continued to crash, all the institutions were hard at work positioning themselves to take advantage of the new asset class. While their CEOs trashed the crypto scene, Goldman Sachs, Fidelity, and even J.P. Morganhave been investigating and creating new divisions/products to take advantage of this market.

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Ok, but if Bitcoin is the future and all the big players know it, why haven't they been buying like crazy and running the price up?

Well first of all, no institution would try to directly dip their toes into the Bitcoin market. If they were to put in a modest order of a billion dollars they would have to buy roughly 1% of the ENTIRE market, and because that limited supply of roughly 12 million bitcoin in circulation is spread across exchanges, they would have to buy across all exchanges simultaneously to prevent the price from going up 30%.


Not to say there isn't evidence of them doing that, it is clearly evident, causing these natural sharp price movements all at once, causing a phenomena known in the community as "Bart heads"

So how ARE they accumulating the majority of their positions. Simple, over the counter markets.

Because of Bitcoin's unique ability to safely and nearly instantly transfer billions of dollars safely across the world peer to peer, it allows institutions to buy HUGE amounts directly from private sellers. Usually at some kind of discount, they then can use that discount % to dump on the market, and using the cash futures, they can again profit coming and going.


Ok, so if they can make money by just buying OTC and dumping on the market, why haven't they dumped bitcoin to 10 bucks and really accumulate cheap.

Well, that's where another unique asset attribute comes into play: the Bitcoin network creates 1800 new coins a day that it distributes to the miners that run it's network and thus provides it's security.

Currently it costs around 6k in energy costs to mine a single Bitcoin, and miners have to pay their electricity bills, meaning that they sell immediately if they can do so at a profit. This cost has risen recently as competition/hash power went up by 35% in August.

hash rate.PNG

If these market manipulators were to crash the price below mining cost, they may save a couple % points in fiat, but the miners would stop selling the 1800 BTC a day, meaning they would take a net lose as their goal is Bitcoin accumulation, not fiat gain.

Perhaps this is why Bitcoin has had record setting stability right above 6k for the last 6 weeks and has only dipped below that point a few short times this year.

Ok, where's the evidence for this you crazy crypto fan boy??

Well luckily the blockchain makes it hard to hide these large volumes, which is why this articlewas able to identify 5 wallets that have accumulated over 133,000 BTC over the month of October.


That's nearly a billion dollars of BTC at current value.

Alright well if Bitcoin is really gonna take over the Petrodollar's spot as the global reserve, what is gonna trigger it?

My guess would be all of the above. All of these events are too game changing to happen individually.

So basically, all I'm trying to say is that the US economy, Petrodollar are on the verge of collapse, at the same time we are seemingly primed for a wave of mass arrests of our country's most powerful, while aliens and secret space programs are about to be exposed, all while Bitcoin finally becomes a true commodity after a year of institutional accumulation and has a real shot of becoming the new world reserve.

So uh..... yeah, just thought I should let y'all know.

If you're looking for advice, I'd recommend sticking to the 3 B's

  • Bullets
  • Bullion
  • Bitcoin

And you should just be just fine ;)

Peace, Love, Anarchy,

yo bb is back.gif

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