Time Travelers Here to Save the World? Indisputable Proof Trump and Satoshi Are from the Future

in #trump6 years ago (edited)

Time travel seems to only be possible in sci-fi and history buffs dreams, but could it be real and affecting our very reality? Two of the most influential figures in our time seem to be very far ahead of their time, seemingly playing 4d chess and radically altering the core principles of our civilization.

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Donald Trump and Satoshi Nakamoto are transforming our government and monetary systems respectively as we speak. Could these simply be lucky men somehow coming up with the exact cures for what ails our society? Or could they possible could have knowledge from beyond our current position in space and time?

To answer this question we'll have to examine the scientific and historic basis for time travel.

Nikola Tesla, while not widely covered in highschool history classes, is infact the man behind basically all of the inventions claimed by the fraud known as Thomas Edison. You can thank Tesla for such inventions as AC power, radio, and remote control. Essentially anything associated with modern technology was first envisioned by Nikola, including smart phones:

While this may seem far fetched, this is one of his more mild accomplishments. Among his more far out inventions are a death ray, a earthquake machine, and a wireless free energy system (this was quickly defunded by JP Morgan when he realized it would destroy the oil energy monopoly).


At this point you can probably already guess the invention I'm most excited about sharing. Yes, Tesla also claimed to have perfected time travel, saying he was able to see into the immediate past and future.

Ok, so what? What does this have to do with Trump you might ask.

Well, who do you think the FBI sent to the New Yorker hotel (where Tesla died) to retrieve the mad scientist's research?

If you somehow magically guessed Donald's Uncle John Trump, congratulations.

Yes, as unlikely as it seems, our current president's uncle was the first man to get his hand's on the most prolific inventor of all time's research.

Interesting facts about Uncle John include the fact that he was both a brilliant scientist, and bore a striking resemblance to another important figure in the trump saga:


Yes, that is none other than Julian Assange, the leader of the prolific Wikileaks organization. Yes, that is the same organization that published the leaked DNC and John Podesta emails that revealed without a doubt that Hillary had rigged the primary against her opponent Bernie Sanders.

These very leaks are what many account for splitting the democratic party vote and giving Donald the edge he needed to clinch the election.

Ok, so Wikileaks won Trump the election and happens to be run by a man who looks exactly like Uncle John who possibly got first dibs on a time machine, so what?

Well, luckily things get much weirder from here.


Around the turn of the 20th century, a New York based author known as Ingersoll Lockwood penned two pieces with the titles "Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey" and "The Last President"

Among other things, these books contain a character that goes by Don, and describes an election day riot on Fifth Avenue, the location of the Trump Tower.

Ok, getting more interesting right? Well just when you thought the rabbit hole couldn't get any deeper, let's tie in Pizzagate.

For those not familiar, Pizzagate refers to an interesting code language found in the Wikileak-ed Podesta emails. This scandal was first brought to light by independent anonymous researchers on message board sites like Reddit and 4 Chan in 2016.

So how did Trump know about it in 2011?

In this CNN interview, you can hear Trump "stumble" on his words and "accidentally" mention Pizzagate. At the time, Anthony Weiner, (husband of Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's right hand woman, and closely associated with John Podesta) was exposed for sexual misconduct, similar to what Pizzagate researchers believe Podesta is guilty of.

Another interesting factoid is that John Trump isn't the only prolific possible John T. time traveler. In 2001 a poster going by the name John Titon appeared on the fledging world wide web. He claimed to be from the year 2036 and among other claims, said he was here to obtain an IBM 5100 computer, which he said contained hidden features that he needed to debug legacy programs in the future.


IBM wouldn't publicly acknowledge that the computer contained those hidden feature until years after.

If Donald is indeed a time traveler, it could explain how he was able to win the presidency on his try at politics. Using information from the future Donald could've been able to anticipate his opponents moves, allowing him to manipulate the media into giving him 2 billion dollars of free coverage, ultimately defeating not only the Clinton dynasty, but the Bush one as well.


Ok, so Donny has a pretty strong case, how about Satoshi?

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Well as some of you may know, Satoshi was another anonymous message board user. He emerged on the scene publishing his prolific Bitcoin whitepaper on October, 31, 2008, shortly after the collapse of Lehman Brothers and other institutions that forced the Federal Reserve to print 19 trillion to prevent a total meltdown. This is what lead him to include a link to the article below in the genesis block.


Certainly interesting timing to release plans for a global sound money system, seemingly the perfect cure for the faults of our central bank controlled, fiat money system that hasn't been backed by gold since 1971.

While Bitcoin's opensource code, transparent ledger and inflation rates certainly seem like the "crypto"-nite to our debt based centrally controlled system, is there any specific evidence that our mystery monetary man is from the future?

Well, after a certain anomaly appeared this summer, it seems as if someone in the Bitcoin mining network has access to a quantum computer, which as of now, supposedly only exists in the semi-distant future.


The 21e8 that comes after those 0s. According to a Medium post by user coop__soup: “21e8 is important because it signifies an exceptionally simple theory of everything. Often referred to as E8 Theory, it’s a physics preprint proposing a basis for a unified field theory, which attempts to describe all known fundamental interactions in physics and to stand as a possible theory of everything.”

If this hash was indeed created by someone on purpose it would be known as a vanity hash. In order to create a vanity hash of 22 specific digits, the individual would've had to beat everyone else in the mining network to solving each digit. According to some experts, that would take nearly 2500 years with our current computer tech.

Unless, of course, the person in question was a time traveler with access to a quantum computer.


The number of 0s at the beginning of the code brought users startlingly close to the block hash for the first block ever created, 000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f, otherwise known as the “genesis block.”

If you read my previous article , I detail why I fully expect Bitcoin and the Trump administration to radically transform our civilization in the very near future.

Is time travel possible? Has it been done successfully already?

Well, if it has, it would go to reason that those with infinite time on their hands would choose to solve our world's largest problems: our corrupt central banking economy, and our blood thirsty, perpetual war inducing ruling class. Whether or not Trump and Satoshi end up being the largest change agents of this millennia remains to be seen, but looking at the evidence it looks like they're on their way.

Peace, Love, Anarchy,

yo bb is back.gif

Vote for our friend Luke Stokes for witness!

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