EmmaSofia: Helps Legalize Psychedelics

in #norway7 years ago (edited)


I recently got this T-shirt from EmmaSofia for supporting their Indiegogo-campaign some two years ago. I am also a member.

EmmaSofia is a political member organization, working to transfer Norway into a knowledge-based drug policy. Emma means "universal" and Sofia means “wisdom” emmasofia.no

One of the goals of EmmaSofia is to ensure access to quality-controlled MDMA and psychedelics for therapeutic and other legal uses.

There is really a dire need to promote evidence-based drug policies founded on a respect for human rights in both Norway and abroad.

Although going into the specifics of the effects of psychedelics and the exact mechanisms of action is beyond the scope of this post, as a (former) neuroscientist I find the effect of psychedelics interesting in that the increased neuroplasticity after use has the ability to rewire certain pathways in the brain, also in those associated with anxiety, depression and addiction.

Hence, both psilocybin (mushrooms) and LSD (acid) increase BDNF production and neurogenesis. [ 1-3]

Thus, psychedelics have been shown to have promising effects in the treatment of clinical depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, alcohol addiction, and the pain and anxiety associated with terminal cancer. [4]

However, much more research is needed the elucidate the exact effects of psychedelics and hence the therapeutic potential and potential side effects.

"Neural correlates of the LSD experience revealed by multimodal neuroimaging," by Robin L. Carhart-Harris et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 11 April 2016


This image shows how, much more of the
brain contributes to the visual experience under LSD
than under placebo. The magnitude of this
effect correlated with participants reports of
complex and dreamlike visions. [5]

Only certain parts of the brain is normally responsible for visual processing (occipital cortex), but under the LSD trip the separateness breaks down and the brain becomes more integrated or unified.

Whereas modern antidepressants and psychiatry easily trap people in a viscous circle of dependence, users of psychedelics become more self aware and have to confront their problems, and thus psychedelics can promote growth and empower people.

Albeit metaphysical (certainly not scientific yet), perhaps psychedelics also can be used to increase our consciousness.

Inspiringly, there is a lot of progress being made on the field of psychedelics now, both in research, education (EmmaSofia as one example) and the legal framework.

As one example, recently, in August 17 the Supreme Court of Norway reduced the sentence for a 36-year-old man that introduced 125 user doses of LSD from 120 days to 45 days imprisonment (implemented as social penalty).

The Supreme Court made the adjustment based on modern research which concludes that LSD is not a fatal drug, and that it is significantly less dangerous than previously thought, and the risk of dying from an overdose with alcohol is 100 times higher than dying from an overdose with LSD*. The verdict is found here source

*I must add the risk of dying from intake of pure LSD is probably extremely slim.

The verdict is also a victory for scientific reasoning concerning drug penalties in the court system.

For English speaking readers the verdict was featured in Vice.

The biggest risk with taking psychedelics such as LSD is that your are not given pure LSD and perhaps a totally different potentially very toxic compound.

Legalizing psychedelics and produce quality-controlled psychedelics is in my opinion the only correct move, and I also believe that a legalization is inevitable in the not so distant future.

In the meantime, it is very important to give out evidence-backed information to the public, politicians and legislators to push this process forward.

On 23 og 24 november the Nordic Reform Conference will take place in Oslo.
Among the participants are politicians, researcher on drugs, health workers and different user associations, and the speakers are well know researchers in the field of psychedelics, such as David Nutt.

I am certainly going to attend.


  1. Classical hallucinogens as antidepressants? A review of pharmacodynamics and putative clinical roles.
  2. Effects of psilocybin on hippocampal neurogenesis and extinction of trace fear conditioning.
  3. Activation of the prefrontal network and glutamate release by psychedelics.
  4. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) for alcoholism: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  5. Neural correlates of the LSD experience revealed by multimodal neuroimaging

Recommended reading

Drugs and the Meaning of Life:Sam Harris


Hi @janusface!

I'm happy to include this post in the CTR Crossword Puzzle No.-7. This post will be linked in all related CTR Crossword posts . All participants for this puzzle will land on this post to find their answers to it

Thank you for creating awesome content which is just perfect for our participants!


Readers of this post, if they want to participate in this contest, they have a slight edge over others as they have already read this post. All are welcome to participate and have fun.

I have not read all the comments here I'm sure they're all positive what a wonderful commentary and write up on this subject I love quantum physics and anything to do with neurology having grown up in the 70s as a teenager I experienced many things I am glad the work that's being done over there is being presented here I plan to follow you and thank you please continue your writing

Nice. Good luck with your puzzle project:)

Psychedelics are illegal because a sizable part of the population are afraid of them. In the realm of drug policy the science about their effects does not come into it, it’s just about the votes. It does not matter if the police forces and medical experts say chasing drug users is a counter productive waste of resources, if people are scared of something they do not understand then politicians will not take the risk of being called soft on drugs.

Exactly, agreed:) Therefore we need to educate the population and stop the scaremongers.

Therefore we need to educate the population and stop the scaremongers.


I laugh, "ironically", as I drink my morning coffee, while reading this post. The coffee is in a D.A.R.E.(Drug Abuse Resistance "Education") Seriously. I got the mug from a local police officer as a "perk" for donating to his local affiliate.(Don't Judge me, it was a political move on my part)
I at the time of the donation did not have the intestinal fortitude(guts) or "balls" to tell him that he was probably "educating" in such a way as to encourage drug use, rather than resistance.
I remember in my teen years "seeking" the truth, rather than falling for the anti-drug propaganda, such as "Reefer Madness"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reefer_Madness
and "Go Ask Alice" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_Ask_Alice

dare mug.JPG

Yes, you are right. It is propaganda. Never heard about Reefer Madness or Go Ask Alice. But in Norway we were told that you become psychotic and schizophrenic if you took LSD. Lies, lies and more lies.

education is essential

"Legalizing psychedelics and produce quality-controlled psychedelics is in my opinion the only correct move, and I also believe that a legalization is inevitable in the not so distant future."

Exactly. People who wanna try that stuff will do it, regardless if it's legal or not. My first mushroom trip was done in one of the most strict E.U. countries and there were so many things that could wrong, since I actually grew them myself by ordering a kit from abroad. Did that stop me ? No..

Legalizing drugs (whether soft like cannabis or the more hardcore ones) has nothing but benefits.. But it's not happening anytime soon in most countries since there's too much money under the table for dirty politicians, cops and other people ;)

Cool:)I have only used mushrooms (or truffles to be exact) once in Amsterdam where it is legal. That is my only psychedelic experience. But, I hope to see it legalize soon.
The war on drugs is lost anyway, with only losers except dirty cops perhaps as you mention. I guess the problem is the government with too many rules and regulations that hamper human development and progress.

I've never been a fan of psychedelics myself, but that's just on a personal level. My mind is already a "scary" enough place without them xD On a research level I find it a very interesting topic though. Besides, I rather have them legalize all drugs so it's at least done in a regulated and safe(r) way...

Yes, the goal is perhaps not that everyone is taking acid every weekend, but empower people to learn more about drugs and promote research. Legalization will also increase the substance. I find it very unethical that the state, especially in Norway, up to 10 USD in taxes per beer, while scaremongering the public about psychedelics which is definitely safer than alcohol, according to current research. Btw, I think I read some placce INTPs prefer LSD as the drug of choice.

The only drugs I prefer are pot and booze :P Never took anything else, the whole psychedelic idea scares the hell out of me ^^

It's about time to realize the potential in psychedelics. I also think that legalizing them should happen, and it will happen sooner or later as it has started for cannabis.

It's a great thing you are doing to share knowledge about this. When people are educated they can make their own choices.

Agreed. Education is key: When you are uninformed you are not able to take rational choices.

First of all the population to know and understand what it is ;)
It's very good posting!!!

This was great. In North America there are numerous substances being passed off as LSD and all of them are dangerous. I haven't taken MDMA in years because it's pretty much S gamble that you are getting real thing. Without a mass spectrometer you can't determine what is in your pill. I support legal psychedelics one hundred percent

"On August 17, for the first time since 1999, the Norwegian Supreme Court reviewed the penalty level for import and dealings with LSD. The Court will decide whether or not today’s penalty level for dealings with LSD is in accordance with an updated scientific assessment of the risk and health profile."

Interesting article with incredible news & hope to read your next update about Nordic Reform Conference~

You find the site in English, great work:)

#realsupport @janusface!

Btw just a suggestion, as its "indigo" color challenge you should represent the colors of emmasofia:)

Stay awesome!

I'll go back to trippin lolz:)

Great idea! I will consider it next Saturday (it is almost Sunday in Norway).

Sounds great Bossman! Wish you a great chilled Sunday!

That is much elaborate post about psychedelics. Now I have got a new topic to do research and learn.

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