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RE: EmmaSofia: Helps Legalize Psychedelics

in #norway7 years ago

I've never been a fan of psychedelics myself, but that's just on a personal level. My mind is already a "scary" enough place without them xD On a research level I find it a very interesting topic though. Besides, I rather have them legalize all drugs so it's at least done in a regulated and safe(r) way...


Yes, the goal is perhaps not that everyone is taking acid every weekend, but empower people to learn more about drugs and promote research. Legalization will also increase the substance. I find it very unethical that the state, especially in Norway, up to 10 USD in taxes per beer, while scaremongering the public about psychedelics which is definitely safer than alcohol, according to current research. Btw, I think I read some placce INTPs prefer LSD as the drug of choice.

The only drugs I prefer are pot and booze :P Never took anything else, the whole psychedelic idea scares the hell out of me ^^

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